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Math Lesson Plan Numbers in Nature Grade Level: 9th-12th Teacher: Grant Goodman Overview This project will

help students learn of a use for numbers and operations in algebra that apply to Nature. By applying the algebra to nature, students will be more engaged and more encouraged to enjoy the math that they are doing without complaints. The learners are in high school, anywhere from the 9th to the 12th grade. Most students will be able to do all of the activities without adaptations to the procedure. But if students do struggle, working on the Take-Home Activity Sheet as a class will help to make the assignment more doable for students that do need adaptations. The Learning Goals of this lesson are that students would understand what the Fibonacci Sequence is and how it is expressed in nature. The first part of the lesson will be a classroom discussion in which the teacher leads the classroom and teaches them about the Fibonacci Sequence. Next the class will get The Classroom Activity Sheet: Finding Fibonacci Numbers in Nature and they will work on it in groups of three or four. Finally, students will receive a Take-Home activity to do for homework and turn in on the assigned date. The Learning Objectives for this lesson are that students would begin to find a use for the math that they learn and apply it to the real world. Our hope is that this will encourage them to develop more 21 Century skills when it comes to the way that they study and care about Mathematics. Not only Math, but also this activity will help to develop real-world skills like problem solving, and creativity, which will be useful for any job or major that they choose to study. This lesson plan may be used to address the academic standards listed below. These standards are drawn from Content Knowledge: A Compendium of Standards and Benchmarks for K-12 Education. Subject area: Mathematics Standard: Understands and applies basic and advanced properties of the concepts of numbers. Benchmarks: Uses discrete structures (e.g., finite graphs, matrices, or sequences) to represent and to solve problems. Grade level: 9-12

Description of Learners

Intended Learning Goals

Lesson Content

Learning Objectives


EDCI 270

Math Lesson Plan Subject area: Mathematics Standard: Uses basic and advanced procedures while performing the processes of computation. Benchmarks: Uses recurrence relations (i.e., formulas that express each term as a function of one or more of the previous terms, such as the Fibonacci sequence and the compound interest equation) to model and to solve real-world problems (e.g., home mortgages or annuities). Grade level: 9-12 Subject area: Mathematics Standard: Uses basic and advanced procedures while performing the processes of computation. Benchmarks: Uses a variety of operations (e.g., finding a reciprocal, raising to a power, taking a root, and taking a logarithm) on expressions containing real numbers. The class will need computers with internet access (not required but very helpful), pencils, paper, rulers, a compass, copies of the Classroom Activity Sheet, and the Take-Home activity sheet. 1. Begin the lesson by discussion the Fibonacci Sequence and how it was first discovered. 2. Next lead a class wide discussion, encouraging students to try and see if they can develop the sequence themselves. 3. After figuring out the Fibonacci Sequence as a class, discuss how it has inspired mathematicians for years because its often recurrence in Nature. Begin discussing different spots in nature that are examples of the Fibonacci Sequence at work. 4. Divide students into groups of three or four and pass out the Classroom Activity Sheet. Explain to students the basics of the sheet and how they are to begin work on it this class, but they will also have next class to finish it. To keep students motivated to continue to work that period, have each student show you their work at the end of the period for that day. 5. Next class, when students have finished the assignment, lead a discussion on what sequences the students found most interesting and where else in nature you find the spiral sequence. If some students finish earlier than other students, have them begin

Required Materials


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Math Lesson Plan work on the Take-Home Activity. 6. Assign the Take-Home Activity Sheet and have students share their own spiral drawings at the beginning of the next period. You can evaluate students using the following three-point rubric: Three points: active participation in classroom discussions; ability to work cooperatively to complete the Classroom Activity Sheet; ability to solve all the problems on the sheet Two points: some degree of participation in classroom discussions; ability to work somewhat cooperatively to complete the Classroom Activity Sheet; ability to solve three out of five problems on the sheet One point: small amount of participation in classroom discussions; attempt to work cooperatively to complete the Classroom Activity Sheet; ability to solve one problem on the sheet Recources Chuch Crabtree, freelance curriculum writer


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