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Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educacin Universitaria Colegio Universitario Francisco de Miranda Aldea

Universitaria os! "regorio #ern$ndez%

Texto para corregir De Ingls

Pro&esor' )*ar Blanco

(ntegrante' +oli*erci ,orta

Caracas- Febrero de ./012

SOLUCINAR EL TEXTO Y COLOCAR LA RESPUESTA ( 3as a brot3er and a sister2 M4 brot3er are 05 and are in 3is last 4ear o& #ig3 6c3ool2 #e love sports and going to parties2 #e never ta7e *e to an4 parties but so*eti*es 3e ta7e *4 sister and *e to t3e beac32 M4 sister8s na*e are ane2 63e are 002 63e love reading and pla4ing soccer2 63e read one or t9o boo7 ever4 9ee7 and 9atc3es ever4 soccer ga*e on :V2 63e get into trouble at sc3ool all t3e ti*e because s3e don;t do 3er 3o*e9or72 63e pretend to pa4 attention in class but reads 3er boo7s under t3e des72 M4 parents so*eti*es *a7es *4 brot3er 3elp 3er 9it3 3er 3o*e9or72 Ver4 o&ten 3e <ust do 3er 3o*e9or7 &or 3er so t3at 3e can go out 9it3 3is girl&riend2 #i= (8 s Peter2 ( is 0/ 4ears old and live 9it3 *4 parents in 6an Francisco2 ( are in t3e &i&t3 grade2 (n t3e United 6tates 9e calls t3at ele*entar4 sc3ool2 ( loves pla4ing sports- 9atc3ing cartoons and pla4ing video ga*es2 Pla4ing sports is &un and ver4 good &or 4ou2

( 3ave a brot3er and a sister2 M4 brot3er are 05 and are in 3is last 4ear o& #ig3 6c3ool2 #e love sports and going to parties2 #e never ta7e *e to an4 parties but so*eti*es 3e ta7e *4 sister and *e to t3e beac32 M4 sister>s na*e are ane2 63e are 002 63e love reading and pla4ing soccer2 63e read one boo7 ever4 9ee7 or t9o and 9atc3es ever4 soccer ga*e on :V2 63e got into trouble at sc3ool all t3e ti*e because 63e don ;t do 3er 3o*e9or72 63e pretend to pa4 attention in class but reads 3er boo7s under t3e des72 M4 brot3er *a7es *4 parents so*eti*es 3elp 3er 9it3 3er 3o*e9or72 Ver4 )&ten 3e <ust do 3er 3o*e9or7 &or 3er so t3at 3e can go out 9it3 3is girl&riend2 #i= ( >s Peter2 ( is 0/ 4ears old and live 9it3 *4 parents in 6an Francisco2 ( are in t3e &i&t3 grade2 (n t3e United 6tates 9e :3at calls ele*entar4 sc3ool2 ( loves pla4ing sports9atc3ing cartoons and pla4ing video ga*es2 Pla4ing sports is &un and ver4 good &or 4ou2

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