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Hierarchic: 4 Main Ideas


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2008 Edwin Ellis, All Rights Reserved Published by Makes Sense Strategies, LLC,


William Goldsmith


April 2, 2014

!rth"!rt, AL www#MakesSenseStrategies#$!%

Direct Instruction Model

Main idea Main idea

Is about

Direct Instruction Model-is an approach to teaching. It is skills-oriented, and the teaching practices it implies are teacher-directed. It emphasizes the use of small-group, face-to-face
instruction by teachers and aides using carefully articulated lessons in which cognitive skills are broken down into small units, sequenced deliberately, and taught explicitly.

Main idea

Main idea





The model should have a formal way to plan the lesson. What is it? What do you, as the teacher, do BEFORE the lesson?
1. tate the main points of the lecture. !. "ntroduce a main or#ani$in# idea or theme. %. &se e'amples to illustrate each idea. (. &se repetition to reinforce the main points.

How does it flow in class? What does it look like in class?

Esta*lishin# learnin# o*,ectives for lessons, activities, and pro,ects, and then ma+in# sure that students have understood the #oals. or#ani$in# and se-uencin# a series of lessons, pro,ects, and assi#nments that move students toward stron#er understandin# and the achievement of specific academic #oals. Reviewin# instructions for an activity or modelin# a process. such as a scientific e' that students +now what they are e'pected to do.

How does assessment take place (both formative and summative ?

What is used to motivate the

student? posin !uestions to the tota" roup# a""o$in them time to thin%# and then ca""in on c"ass members representative of the abi"ity strata of the roup &most ab"e# avera e# "east ab"e'. This process focuses everyone on the eneration of an ans$er and deve"ops student readiness to hear an affirmation or cha""en e of his(her ans$er.

Teachers use forms of student centered or activity-based assessment for a direct instruction.

). ummari$e and refer *ac+ to the main or#ani$in# idea. This form of teaching seems to be the based on the Teachers tenique I getting the information across to the students also this type of instruction seems to be a more personal one meaning the student and teacher are one on one.

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