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Carissa Stamm The University of Cincinnati- Application Essay

During my four years of high school I have strived to be the best I can be, both academically and athletically. When it comes to academics I did all I could to fit in as many classes as possible. For example, my sophomore year I doubled up in Geometry and Algebra II, so I would be in Calculus my senior year. I also doubled up in Chemistry and Anatomy my junior year to receive the basic information that I will soon learn in depth during a Pre-Medical program in college. Although my studies were my main focus, I participated in Varsity cheerleading for football and basketball, as well as competing on the competition squads, which includes: Mount, Non-Mounting, and Hip Hop. The decision to be involved in so many extracurricular activities along with stacking core classes has taught me time management, responsibility, and promising work ethic; which has enabled me to succeed thus far. Not only did the classes I took prepare me for the rigorous schedule I will endure for college but also were very self-rewarding; since they demanded so much effort and time, like my future occupation will require.

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