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Carissa Stamm Calculus 28 October 2013 Leonhard Euler Leonhard, a Swiss Mathematician, was born on April 15, 1707

in Basel Switzerland ( Eulers father, Paul Euler, had a considerable attainments as a mathematician, and with that; he majorly supported Leonhard with mathematics. His father sent him to The University of Basel (about 1722). Where Geometry became his favorite study. By 1725, he changed his study to physiology, which led him to become a professor at The University of St. Petersburg in 1730. Euler worked at Petersburg Academy and Berlin Academy of Science, and loved it ( During the time period of 1735-1766; Eulers perspective of things became more difficult, but did not change. Euler lost his right eye-sight in 1735, and in 1766; he lost his left eye-sight. But did that stop him? No, he continued to publish his works by dictating them ( Euler had many great accomplishments! He had over 800 publications in his lifetime! But one of his most important creations was Euler's number. Which is base e of a Natural Logarithms: 2.71828. But another creation we use today is Function Notation: f(x). Eulers subjects he contributed to: Geometry, Calculus, Mechanics, and Number Theory ( Although e and f(x) are important, he also showed that any complex number to a complex power can be written as a complex number. The equation for a complex number is ( Lastly, but certainly not least Euler investigated the Beta function;

, and the Gamma function:

. Euler was the

first to introduce both of these functions, but mathematicians such as: Christoph Gudermann,

Karl Weierstrass, and Charles Hermite, continued on the study. Euler was a very smart man with many accomplishments! The contributions of Leonhard Euler have played part in the things we have learned in Math, and the ways we do things. But they are not as important as some may think. The mathematical problems, can be solved without his contribution. Such as f(x): you could always just put y=. But regardless if they are used or not, Big thanks to Euler!

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