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Skupovi Izvetaji Events Reports

Projektovanje materijala i konstrukcija prema zamoru i
lomu Mec, Francuska,
Materials and Structures Design Against Fatigue and
Fracture Metz, France, Aug. 30Sept. 1, 2010
Konferencija je odrana uz uee 33 izlagaa. Kao doprinos
DIVK, na skupu su izlagali Darko Danii, Ljubica Milovi i
Zoran Radakovi, sa ukupno 4 prezentacije. Nova lokacija dela
Univerziteta Pol Verlen u Mecu, Ecole Nationale dIngnieurs de
Metz, sa modernim uslovima predavanja bila je mesto trodnevnog
skupa. Skup je odran i pod okriljem Laboratorije za mehaniku
(biomehaniku, polimere i konstrukcije) LaBPS. Godinja konfe-
rencija NT2F okupila je eksperte iz Evrope, Afrike i Azije koji
prate tekua istraivanja, industrijske teme i razvoj metoda projek-
tovanja, sa ueem u debatama aktuelnih pristupa i buduih smer-
nica u proceni loma.
Tematske celine skupa obuhvatile su inicijaciju zamora i loma
usled greaka, koji deluju kao koncentratori napona. Iz konzerva-
tivnih razloga, tradicionalni pristup mehanike loma razmatra gre-
ke (defekte) tipa prslina. Kako bi se izbegla nad-konzervativnost,
sadanji trend razmatra stvarnu geometriju greke, a posebno
njenu otrinu ili zatupljenost. Iz ovog aspekta, prslina se razma-
tra kao specijalan sluaj zareza, i stoga novi pristup, poznat kao
Mehanika loma zareza, dobija sve vei interes kod naunika u
oblasti zamora i loma.
Izloeni radovi obuhvatili su problematiku sigurnosti i pouzda-
nosti savremene opreme za transport i skladitenje vodonika;
procene sigurnosti i pouzdanosti nano-struktura, sa problematikom
vrha prsline, njene inicijacije i irenja u nano-materijalima; pitanje
transfera osobina materijala na realne konstrukcije uz definisanje
novih prenosnih parametara (na pr. T napon i A3 parametar) koji-
ma se opisuju efekti razmere, graninih uslova i oblika opteree-
nja. Eksponencijalna potranja za energijom je dovela do izgrad-
nje brojnih i vrlo dugakih naftovoda i gasovoda veeg prenika,
koji rade na veim pritiscima i koji su izraeni od nove klase
elika poviene vrstoe. Tradicionalni faktori sigurnosti i pouzda-
nosti ovih osetljivih konstrukcija zahtevaju modifikaciju radi
uvoenja novih radnih uslova.
Posebnu panju privukle su prezentacije u sekcijama Lom,
Zamor, Vodonina krtost, Zavareni spojevi i Uticaji zareza.
U dogovoru sa organizatorima konferencije, oralno prezentova-
ni radovi e se objaviti u narednim brojevima asopisa Integritet i
vek konstrukcija (
O NT2F konferencijama
Na sastanku predstavnika zemalja uesnica NT2F konferencija,
koji je odran u Mecu 31. avgusta 2010. godine, odlueno je da se
nastavi sa novim ciklusom ovih konferencija. Konferencije e se
odravati svake godine naizmenino u Evropi i u Africi. Domain
sledee NT2F11 konferencije, koja e se odrati u Italiji, u Bariju,
bie profesor Karmin Papaletere. Osniva NT2F, profesor Gi
Plivina, budui da je ove godine penzionisan, za svog naslednika
na mestu predsedavajueg na konferencijama odredio je profesora
Musu Nait Abdelaziza. Nau zemlju e od sledee godine umesto
profesora Stojana Sedmaka, predstavljati Ljubica Milovi.
The conference was held with the participation of 33 presenters.
DIVK members also participated: Darko Danii, Ljubica Milovi,
and Zoran Radakovi, with a total of 4 presentations. The new
location of the Universit Paul Verlain Metz, the Ecole Nationale
dIngnieurs de Metz with its up-to-date facilities and halls has
been the venue for the 3-day event. The event was also held under
the auspices of the Laboratoire de Mcanique (Biomcanique,
Polymre, Structures) LaBPS. The annual NT2F conference had
gathered experts from Europe, Africa, and Asia, who are familiar
with todays research, industrial topics and developments in design
methods, and had taken part in debates on current approaches and
future guidelines in fracture assessment.
Thematic sessions included the initiation of fatigue and fracture
from flaws that act as stress concentrators. For conservative reasons,
the traditional fracture mechanics approach considers all defects as
crack-like. In order to prevent any over conservatism, the trend
now is to consider the actual defect geometry and particularly its
acuity, or blunting. From this point of view, the crack is considered
as a special case of notch, and thus the new approach, known as
Notch Fracture Mechanics, receives an increasing interest from
scientists in the field of fatigue and fracture.
Exposed papers included problems of safety and reliability of
modern equipment for transport and storage of hydrogen; safety
and reliability assessments of nano-structures, that cover crack tip
problems, its initiation and propagation in nano-materials; the
question of transferring material properties onto actual structures
with a definition of new transferability parameters (i.e. T-stress or
A3 parameter), used for describing scale effects, constraint effect,
and loading mode. The exponential demand for energy has led to
the construction of numerous and long oil and gas pipelines of
larger diameter, operating at higher service pressure, that are made
of new class high strength steels. Traditional safety factors for
safety and reliability of such sensitive equipment need to be
modified to take into account new working conditions.
Special attention attracted presentations in sessions Fracture,
Fatigue, Hydrogen embrittlement, Welded joints and Notch effects.
Upon agreement with the organisers, all oral presentations shall
be published as papers in the up-coming issues of our journal
Structural Integrity and Life (
On NT2F conferences
A meeting of the representatives from the participating coun-
tries at NT2F conferences was also held in Metz on August 31,
2010. They decided to continue with the new cycle of conferences.
These conferences are to be held every year alternately in Europe
and in Africa. The host for the next NT2F11 conference, to be
held in Italy, in Bari, will be Professor Carmine Papallettere. The
founder of NT2F, Professor Guy Pluvinage, hereafter being retired,
has chosen Professor Moussa Nat Abdelaziz to be his successor
as conference president. Our country member will be represented
by Ljubica Milovi, who shall supersede Prof. Stojan Sedmak.
Vol. 10, br. 3 (2010), str. 255264
Vol. 10, No 3 (2010), pp. 255264


Spisak prezentacija List of presentations
Autori Authors Title Naslov
Yu.G. Matvienko Some models and criteria of notch fracture mechanics Neki modeli i kriterijumi mehanike loma zareza
I. Dlouh, H. Hadraba,
Z. Chlup, T. mida
Prediction of fracture toughness temperature dependence applying
neural network
Procena temperaturske zavisnosti ilavosti loma primenom
neuronske mree
A. Belalia, A. Rahmani,
A.C. Nyoungue, Z. Azari,
G. Pluvinage
Application of Orynyak's model to calculate the API 5l X52 steel
Primena Orinjakovog modela za proraun ilavosti elika API
D. Danii, T. Maneski,
D. Ignjatovi
Diagnostic approach to steel structure maintenance to prevent
mining machine fractures
Dijagnostiki pristup u odravanju elinih konstrukcija radi
prevencije loma rudarskih maina
Ph. Jodin
Application of numerical methods to mixed modes fracture
mechanics experiments
Primena numerikih metoda u eksperimentima mehanike loma sa
meovitim tipom loma
E.Q. Lin, L.S. Niu,
H.J. Shi
Molecular dynamics study of microstructure evolution of
crystalline material during sliding contact
Molekularna dinamika evolucije mikrostrukture kristalnog
materijala tokom kontakta klizanjem
B. utari, P. Borkovi
W. Eichlseder, G. Gerst-
mayr, A. Javidi, B. Senci
Fatigue strength and microstructural features of spring steel Zamorna vrstoa i osobine mikrostrukture elika za opruge
E. Sami, D. Lot, D. Ahmed,
H.T. Ezzeddine
Thermo mechanical fatigue analysis of molecular sieve gas dryer
Termomehanika analiza zamora molekularnog sita isuivaa
L. Tth Notch sensitivity of materials and crack sensitivity of structures Osetljivost zareza materijala i osetljivost prslina u konstrukcijama
G. Ayoub, M.Nait-Abdelaziz,
F. Zari, J.M. Gloaguen
Fatigue of rubbers: a multiaxial criterion based upon damage
Zamor gume: vieosni kriterijum na bazi mehanike oteenja
D. Angelova,
R. Yordanova
Short-crack growth and its modelling at rotation-bending fatigue
in a low carbon steel
Rast kratke prsline i njeno modeliranje pri zamoru rotacijom-
savijanjem niskougljeninog elika
L. Nikolova, Z. Angelova,
D. Angelova, R. Yordanova
Methods for fatigue analyses. An additional study to Master
course project on fatigue, based on the experience gained in the
Laboratory LETAM, Metz
Metode analize zamora. Dopunska studija za projekt Master kursa
o zamoru, zasnovana na iskustvu steenom u Laboratoriji
Y. Menail, A. El Mahi,
B. Redjel, R. Barbaoui
Fatigue avec suivi acoustique de trois composites bres de verre
UD et serg et bres d'aramide matrice poxyde
Akustino praenje zamora tri kompozita sa staklom UD kepera i
delom aramidne epoksi matrice
S. Hamza
Comportement mcanique des biomatriaux (le corail et de la
nacre) exploits en tant que substitut osseux
Mehaniko ponaanje biomaterijala (korala i sedefa) koji se
koriste kao zamena za kosti
J. Jeong, P. Mounanga,
H. Ramzani, M. Bouasker
Multi scale modelling based on the Hygro-Cosserat theory for self
desiccation deformation of cement mortars at early age
Viedimenzijsko modeliranje na bazi teorije Higro-Cosserat za
deformacije kod samoisuivanja cementnog maltera u ranoj fazi
H. Ramzani, J. Jeong
Infinitesimal non-linear Cosserat theory based on the grain size
length scale
Infinitezimalna nelinearna Cosserat teorija na bazi dimenzija reda
veliine zrna
J. Capelle, J.Gilgert,
G. Pluvinage
A fatigue initiation parameter for gas pipe steel submitted to
hydrogen absorption
Parametar inicijacije zamora kod elika za gasovod izloen
apsorpciji vodonika
N. Gubeljak, G. Pluvinage,
J. Predan, J. Capelle,
Ph. Jodin
Effect of hydrogen on structure integrity assessment of pipe with
longitudinal notch
Uticaj vodonika na procenu integriteta konstrukcije cevi sa
podunom prslinom
E. Sami, H.T. Ezzeddine
Analysis of resonance phenomenon of hydrogen- natural gas
mixtures flows in pipelines
Analiza fenomena rezonance meavina protoka vodonik-prirodni
gas u cevovodima
C. Casavola, V. Giordano,
C. Pappalettere
Comparison of the mechanical behaviour between hybrid welded
titanium joints with cord and with smooth cord
Poreenje mehanikog ponaanja hibridnog zavarenog spoja
titana sa icom i glatkom icom
B. Younise, M. Rakin,
N. Gubeljak, B. Medjo,
A. Sedmak
Numerical simulation of constraint effect on fracture initiation in
welded specimens using a local damage model
Numerika simulacija uticaja veze na inicijaciju loma kod
zavarenih spojeva upotrebom modela lokalnog oteenja
C. Pruncu, K. Casavola,
C. Pappalettere,
G. Pluvinage
Identification of some factors for determination of fatigue crack
initiation life in titanium alloy
Identifikacija nekih faktora za odreivanje veka inicijacije
zamorne prsline kod legure titana
C. Casavola, C. Pappalettere,
G. Pluvinage
Safety factors associated with fatigue resistance of titanium
hybrid welded joints
Stepeni sigurnosti sa otpornou prema zamoru kod hibridnih
zavarenih spojeva titana
A. Alhussein, J. Capelle,
J. Gilgert, S. Hariri, Z. Azari
Damage of pipelines by sandblasting and hydrogen Oteenje cevovoda peskiranjem i vodonikom
H. Filipescu, L. Marsavina,
C. Caplescu, L. Culea, R. Negru
Stress concentration effect on fracture behaviour of polyurethane
Uticaj ponaanja koncentracije napona kod poliuretanskog
M. Shehu
The assessment of fracture toughness for ferritic steels by Charpy
energy in the condition of room, very low, and transition temperature
Procena ilavosti loma za feritne elike arpi energijom u
uslovima sobne, vrlo niske i prelazne temperature
Lj. Milovi, S. Sedmak
Mechanical properties and J-integral characterization for type IV
region of HAZ simulated specimens
Mehanike osobine i ocena J-integrala kod HAZ tipa IV oblasti
simulacije uzoraka
S. Sedmak, Z. Radakovi,
A. Sedmak
Significance, possibilities and limitations of structural integrity
Znaaj, mogunosti i ogranienja procene integriteta konstrukcija
Z. Radakovi, S. Sedmak
Applied dynamics fracture mechanics integrity assessment by
magnetic emission technique to a cylindrical pressure vessel
Primena dinamike mehanike loma na procenu integriteta upotre-
bom tehnike magnetne emisije na cilindrinu posudu pod pritiskom
M. Allouti, C. Schmitt,
G. Pluvinage, M. Lebienvenu
Evaluation of the nocivity of dent and combination of dent and
gouge on burst pressure of steel pipe
Procena opasnosti tipa ulubljenja i izdubljenja preko pritiska
razaranja eline cevi
C. Besleaga, R.M. Negriu,
I. Popescu, S.G. Badea
Case study regarding the tamping tool type BNRI 85 Studija o alatu za pripremu podloge tipa BNRI 85
Prezentacije veine radova su dostupne na CD. Radovi e biti
objavljeni u asopisu Integritet i vek konstrukcija, tokom 2011.
Most of the paper presentations are available on CD. Papers
shall be published in Structural Integrity and Life, during 2011.
Vol. 10, br. 3 (2010), str. 255264
Vol. 10, No 3 (2010), pp. 255264


Prof. Guy Pluvinage opens the conference

Prof. Lszl Tth with Zitouni Azari and Moussa Nat Abdelazziz

Darko Danii presenting

Ljubica Milovi presenting

Ljubica Milovi, Guy Pluvinage, Katia Casavola

Taoufik Boukharouba, Hui-Ji Shi, Nenad Gubeljak, Phillipe Jodin

Conference participants at the Gala dinner
Z. Radakovi, Lj. Milovi

Vol. 10, br. 3 (2010), str. 255264
Vol. 10, No 3 (2010), pp. 255264


Vol. 10, br. 3 (2010), str. 255264
Vol. 10, No 3 (2010), pp. 255264


Fracture of Materials and Structures from Micro to
Macro Scale Dresden, Germany, Aug. 30Sept. 3, 2010
Lom materijala i konstrukcija od mikro do makro nivoa
Drezden, Nemaka,
Osamnaesta evropska konferencija o lomu ECF18, odnosno,
Meunarodni kongres o lomu, odran je u Drezdenu, od 30.08. do
3.9.2010. godine. Ovaj nauni skup je odran pod okriljem Evrop-
skog udruenje za integritet konstrukcija ESIS, a organizovalo ga
je Nemako drutvo za materijale DVM u ime Nemake nacional-
ne grupe za lom.
The Eighteenth European Conference on Fracture ECF18, or
the International Congress on Fracture, was held in Dresden from
Aug. 30 to Sept. 03, 2010. This scientific meeting was held under
the auspices of the European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS)
and organised by the German Society for Materials DVM on
behalf of the German National Group of Fracture.
Kako se i pretpostavljalo, konferencija je i ove godine pruila
prostor za naunu i strunu komunikaciju i razmatranje iroke
oblasti integriteta konstrukcija, mehanike loma i zamora materijala
i to na razliitom nivou razmera: od nano veliina atomske struk-
ture do mikro veliina konstrukcijskih komponenti. Zato se radilo
u velikom broju sekcija, kao to su:
As expected, the Conference this year also provided space for
scientific and technical communication and consideration of the
broad field of structural integrity, fracture mechanics and fatigue
at different scale levels: from nano-size atomic structure to micro
sizes of structural components. So a number of sections were
dedicated to these fields, such as:
Atomistiki aspekt loma Atomistic aspects of fracture
Mikromehanizmi zamora i loma Micromechanisms of fatigue and fracture
Lom puzanjem, zamor puzanjem, istovremeno dejstvo Creep fracture, creep fatigue interaction
Uticaji sredine Environmentally enhanced effects
Koncepti i kriterijumi mehanike loma Concepts and criteria in fracture mechanics
Rast prsline pri visokociklinom zamoru High-cycle fatigue crack growth
Rast prsline pri niskociklinom zamoru Low-cycle fatigue crack growth
Kompjuterske metode analize loma Computational methods for fracture analysis
Mehanika oteenja Damage mechanics
Ispitivanje mehanike loma Fracture mechanics testing
Lom keramike i stakla Fracture of ceramics and glass
Mehanika loma polimera i elastomera Fracture mechanics of polymer and elastomers
Lom inteligentnih materijala Fracture of smart materials
Lom i oteenja napredno cementiranih materijala Fracture and damage of advanced cementitious materials
Lom biomaterijala Fracture of biomaterials
Trajnost komponenata i konstrukcija Structural durability of components and structures
Integritet konstrukcija, primer analiza otkaza Structural integrity, failure analysis case studies
Otkaz i pouzdanost mikro i nano elektronskih komponenti Failure and reliability of micro-and nano-electronic components
Lom zavarenih i zalepljenih spojeva Fracture of weldments, joints and adhesives
Oteenje i zamor vazduhoplovnih materijala i komponenti Damage and fatigue in aerospace materials and components
Lom i oteenje u geotehnici, stena i tla Fracture and damage in geotechnique, rock and soil
Tanki filmovi i premazi Thin films and coatings
Ispitivanja bez razaranja i praenje stanja.
Tako su teme razmatrane na konferenciji pokrile skoro sve
znaajnije fundamentalne aspekte i praktinu primenu znanja u
oblasti loma materijala, tj. analize oteenja i procene integriteta
razliitih materijala i konstrukcija od mikro do makro nivoa.
U okviru sekcije Lom zavarenih i zalepljenih spojeva, izloen
je rad pod nazivom Lokalni prilaz analizi duktilnosti loma kod
zavarenih spojeva faktori uticaja. Autori su B. Meo, M. Rakin,
N. Gubeljak, M. Arsi, A. Sedmak, i aktivni su lanovi Drutva za
integritet i vek konstrukcija (DIVK), kao svojevrsne Srpske nacio-
nalne grupe za lom.
U okviru konferencije je odran vei broj sastanaka radnih tela
Evropskog drutva za integritet konstrukcija, iji je lan i DIVK
skoro od samog osnivanja ove evropske asocijacije. Prof. Aleksan-
dar Sedmak je, kao predsednik DIVK, odnosno, predstavnik Srbije
u ovom udruenju, aktivno uestvovao u radu Saveta ESIS, na
kome je izabrano novo rukovodstvo, u sastavu: prof. Leslie
Banks-Sills (predsednik), prof. Jaroslav Pokluda (potpredsednik),
prof. Stefano Beretta (potpredsednik), prof. Wolfgang Brocks
(ESIS izdavatvo), i prof. Giuseppe Ferro (sekretar).
Ove godine je Komisija ESIS dodelila priznanja ESIS za izuze-
tan doprinos u oblasti razvoja i primene mehanike loma u oceni
Non-destructive examination and health monitoring.
The topics discussed cover almost all important fundamental
aspects and practical applications of knowledge in the field of
fracture and damage analysis and assessment of the integrity of
various materials and structures, from micro to macro level.
In the section Fracture of weldments, joints and adhesives a
paper titled Local approach to analysis of ductile fracture in
welded joints - influence factors is presented. The authors: B.
Medjo, M. Rakin, N. Gubeljak, M. Arsic, and A. Sedmak, are
active members of the Society for Structural Integrity (DIVK), as
the Serbian national group for fracture.
A number of working body meetings of the European Struc-
tural Integrity Society were held at the conference, where DIVK is
a member almost from the very beginning of this European asso-
ciation. Prof. Aleksandar Sedmak, as DIVK president and repre-
sentative of Serbia to this association, actively participated in the
ESIS Council, where a new leadership is selected, consisting of:
Prof. L. Banks-Sills (chairman), Prof. J. Pokluda (vice-president),
Prof. Stefano Beretta (vice-president), Prof. Wolfgang Brocks
(ESIS publishing), and Prof. Giuseppe Ferro (secretary).
This year the ESIS Committee awarded two prominent DIVK
and ESIS members, Prof. Stojan Sedmak and Prof. Dragoslav

integriteta konstrukcija za dva istaknuta lana DIVK i ESIS, prof.
Stojana Sedmaka i prof. Dragoslava umarca.
Pored aktivnog uea u radu strunog dela konferencije i
aktivnosti ESIS, uspostavljeni su brojni kontakti i voeni razgo-
vori o daljim zajednikim aktivnostima, a posebno sa direktorom i
saradnicima Instituta za istraivanja u energetici (Kazanj, Rusija)
Ruske akademije nauka, organizatorom naredne Evropske konfe-
rencije o lomu ECF19, 2012. godine.
Posle kontakata sa predstavnicima zemalja iz naeg neposred-
nog okruenja na konferenciji u Drezdenu, na poziv predstavnika
iz Hrvatske, ubrzo nakon konferencije, obavljena je prva poseta
grupi na Strojarskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Zagrebu i uspostav-
ljena je saradnja sa grupom prof. Tonkovia.
umarac, for outstanding contribution in the development and appli-
cation of fracture mechanics in structural integrity assessment.
Apart from active participation in professional activities of the
conference and ESIS, numerous contacts are established and dis-
cussions are made on further joint activities, especially with the
director and associates of the Research Institute for Energy (Kazan,
Russia), Russian Academy of Sciences, as the organiser of the
next European Conference on Fracture ECF19, in 2012.
Owing to contacts made with representatives of countries in
our near proximity, upon an invitation of the representatives from
Croatia, the first visit was made to the Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, University of Zagreb, and cooperation with the group
of Prof. Tonkovi is established shortly after the conference in

Profs. Aleksandar Sedmak and Dragoslav umarac (holding awards) with Profs. Dietmar Klingbeil and Emmanuel E. Gdoutos (by side)

Awarded ESIS members

Profs. D. umarac, A. Sedmak and E.E. Gdoutos
M. Rakin, A. Sedmak
Vol. 10, br. 3 (2010), str. 255264
Vol. 10, No 3 (2010), pp. 255264


ESIS nagrada prof. Stojanu Sedmaku za doprinos u vetini, nauci, poduavanju i praksi mehanike loma i za zasluge u Udruenju
ESIS award to Prof. Stojan Sedmak for contributions to the art, science, teaching and practice of fracture mechanics and service to the Society

Vol. 10, br. 3 (2010), str. 255264
Vol. 10, No 3 (2010), pp. 255264


Vol. 10, br. 3 (2010), str. 255264
Vol. 10, No 3 (2010), pp. 255264

ESIS lanovi 2010 registrovani kroz DIVK ESIS members 2010 registered through DIVK

Prezime i ime
Last and first name

Prezime i ime
Last and first name

Prezime i ime
Last and first name
1 Adiev Gorgi 23 Ismar Hajro 45 Sedmak Aleksandar
2 Aneli Biljana 24 Jakovljevi Aleksandar 46 Sedmak Stojan
3 Aneli Nina 25 Jankovi Ksenija 47 ijaki-eravi Vera
4 Angelova Donka 26 Jovii Gordana 48 Smiljani Marija
5 Arsi Miodrag 27 Kurai Jano 49 Staevi Milenko
6 Baura Vjlaislav 28 Kutin Marina 50 trbaki Svetlana
7 Baki Gordana 29 Maksimovi Stevan 51 trbaki ivko
8 Bobi Ilija 30 Maneski Tako 52 umarac Dragoslav
9 Burzi Meri 31 Manjgo Mersida 53 Tomi Radoljub
10 Burzi Zijah 32 Miloevi-Miti Vesna 54 Toi Milica
11 Cvetkovski Sveto 33 Milovi Ljubica 55 Triovi Nataa
12 Cvijovi Zorica 34 Milutinovi Zlatan 56 Veg Aleksandar
13 Danii Darko 35 Mladenovi Mladen 57 Veg Emil
14 eki Slobodan 36 Momilovi Dejan 58 Vidojkovi Sonja
15 orevi Predrag 37 Nikoli Ruica 59 Volkov-Husovi Tatjana
16 uki Milo 38 Pavii Miodrag 60 Vratnica Maja
17 Filipovi Nadeda 39 Petrovski Blagoj 61 Vujovi Vera
18 Gao Denana 40 Proki-Cvetkovi Radica 62 Vukojevi Nedeljko
19 Geri Katarina 41 Radakovi Zoran 63 Yordanova Rozina
20 Grabulov Vencislav 42 Radovi Nenad 64 ivkovi Aleksandar
21 Gubelajk Nenad 43 Rajii Bratislav 65 Zrili Milorad
22 Islamovi Fadil 44 Rakin Marko

Sistem DC90, Beograd, je organizovao Drugu letnju koloniju
za zemljotresno inenjerstvo, 611. septembra 2010, u Inovacio-
nom centru DC90 u Beogradu (Bole) i u Dobri na obali Dunava,
uz podrku Inkubatorskog centra tehnikih fakulteta, Razvojnog
centra Graevinskog fakulteta, Akademije izumitelja i naunika
Srbije (SAIN) i Drutva za integritet i vek konstrukcija (DIVK).
Rad kolonije je pratilo 23 uesnika, a domain je bio Zoran Petra-
kovi, autor Sistema DC90.
System DC90, Belgrade, has organised the Second summer
colony for earthquake engineering, September 611, 2010, at the
Innovation Centre DC90 in Belgrade (Bole) and Dobra on the
Danube coast, supported by Incubation Centre of Technical Faculties,
Development Centre of Civil Engineering Faculty, the Serbian Academy
of Inventors and Scientists (SAIN) and Society for Structural
Integrity and Life (DIVK). The colony attracted 23 participants,
and the host was Zoran Petrakovi, author of DC90 system.
1. Na sl. 1 su prikazana tri nova tipa dampera, koje je za paten-
tiranje prijavio Inovacioni centar za zemljotresno inenjerstvo
sistema DC90.
1. Three new types of dampers, filed as patent by The innovation
centre for earthquake engineering of system DC90 are presented
in Fig. 1.
Viestepeni damper funkcionie tako da posle korienja prvog
stepena kontrole deluje jo jedan ili vie stepena kontrole histere-
zisnog rada dampera.
Multistep damper operates in a way that after the first control
step, one or more control steps of hysteretic damper operation
Konstrukcija dampera sa kontrolom pomeranja mase je kombi-
nacija histerezisnog dampera DC90 i elastinog elementa za
kontrolu pomeranja mase pri dejstvu vetra, a histerezisni deo se
aktivira samo za vreme zemljotresnog udara. Opseg kontrole
pomeranja je 18 mm za sile od 15 do +15 kN. Prilagoavanjem
elastinog i histerezisnog dela i zadavanjem deformacije pomou
prstenova moe se projektovati damper eljenih karakteristika,
posebno za visoke poslovne zgrade i tornjeve.
The damper with weight displacement control is designed as a
combination of the hysteresis damper system DC90 and an elastic
element for weight displacement control under wind action, whereas
the hysteresis component is activated only at earthquake impact.
The range of displacement control is 18 mm for forces between 5
to +5 kN. Adjusting elastic and hysteresis parts and limiting the
deformation by rings it is possible to design a damper of required
properties, especially for high business buildings and towers.
Srpasti damper radi na principu kontrolisanog pomeranja i
stabilnosti u histerezisnom naprezanju srpastog elementa.
The arc damper operates based on displacement and stability
control at hysteresis stress of an arc (sickle) element.
Dijagram sila-pomeranje sa pokaznog ispitivanja uzorka metal-
nog histerezisnog dampera sa kontrolom pomeranja mase u
Boleu je dat na sl. 2.
The diagram force vs. displacement obtained in demonstration
testing in Bole of metal hysteresis damper with weight displace-
ment control is presented in Fig. 2.

Slika 1. Vieslojni damper (levo), damper sa kontrolom pomeranja mase (u
sredini) i srpasti damper (desno)
Figure 1. Multi-layer damper (left), damper with mass displacement
control (centre), and sickle-damper (right).

Slika 2. Dijagram silapomeranje sa pokaznog ispitivanja dampera
Figure 2. Diagram forcedisplacement from the sample damper test.
2. Prikazan je i novi model dampera na bazi savijanja i/ili izvijanja
metalnog elementa u kvarcnom pesku po ideji Novice Jania,
Noveko-Vranje. Dogovorena je izrada novih uzoraka ovog modela
za dalja ispitivanja, u skladu sa diskusijom u toku rada kolonije.
3. Laki modularni oplatni sistem DC90 se sastoji od:
prostornog virendel stuba sa padajuom glavom;
nosaa R25 sa lepljenim lameliranim drvetom; i
meuspratne lake oplate od vodootporne ploe (sl. 3).
Nosa R254000 je sainjen od lameliranog drveta sa ispunom
od Al ili elinih cevi. Postavlja se preko stubova (podupiraa), a
preko njega se polau lake oplatne ploe.
Sutradan posle betoniranja nosa i oplata se skidaju, a glava i
stub su jedini elementi sistema koji ostaju.
Tri obuena radnika mogu za osam sati da montiraju 500 m

oplatnih meuspratnih ploa. Nakon toga treba poploati povrine
koje ne pokriva modularna konstrukcija.
4. Profesor V. Gocevski je razvio sistem R nosaa za industrijsku
proizvodnju objekata sa vijanim spojem poda, zasnovan na
numerikim analizama i modelima sistema.
Sistem omoguava da se pomou ureaja i apsorbera izbegne
rezonancija pri dinamikom optereenju i vibraciji meuspratnih
greda. Razmatra se osvajanje i izgradnja pilot postrojenja, i kasni-
je velikoserijska proizvodnja.
On je takoe razvio i softver za nelinearnu dinamiku analizu
konstrukcija od razliitih materijala, sa segmentima za mikro,
mezo i makro modeliranje metodom konanih elemenata. Analiza
ve na mikro nivou uzima razliite reoloke modele i karakteristike
materijala koje se dobijene ispitivanjem modela i uzoraka iz
postojeih konstrukcija. Razmatra se uvoenje akumulacije zamo-
ra u podruju malog broja ciklusa preko krive zamora (veze
akumulirane deformacije i broja ciklusa). Kod zidanih konstruk-
cija, slaganje numerikog modela i eksperimentalnih rezultata je
na visokom nivou, od inicijacije prsline preko njenog rasta u toku
dinamikog ciklinog naprezanja.
5. Numerika i modelska istraivanja revitalizacije zidanih zgrada
ukruenih sistemom DC90 ukazuju na velike mogunosti sistema
u seizmikim uslovima. Analizirano je da li kosnikom i damperom
ojaani zidani sistemi mogu odgovarati zajednikom radu mekog
betonskog skeleta i ojaanog zida (sl. 4).

2. A new damper model, according to the idea of Novica Jani,
Noveko Vranje, based on bending and/or torsion of metallic
element in quartz sand was also presented. The new model samples
shall be produced, as to be tested based on discussions at the colony.
3. Light modular lining system DC90 consists of:
space virendel column with drop head;
girder R25 with attached lamellar wood plates; and
inters tore light lining of waterproof plate (Fig. 3).
Girder R254000 is produced of lamellar wood filled by tubes
of Al or steel. It is installed above columns (pillars), and above it
light lining plates are set.
The following day, after the concrete has set, the girder and
lining are removed, head and column are the only remaining elements.
Three skilled workers can assemble 500 m2 of inters tore lining
plates in eight hours. Afterwards, the remaining areas not covered
by modular structure are to be plated.
4. Professor V. Gocevski has developed the system of R girders
for industrial production of objects with floor bolted joints based
on numerical analysis and system modelling.
By using devices and dampers the system enables to avoid
resonance under dynamic loading and interstory girder vibrations.
The implementation and production of the pilot system, and later
on manufacturing in series, are considered.
He has also developed software for non-linear analysis of
structures made of different materials, with segments for micro-,
mezzo-, and macro- modelling by finite element method. Already
at macro level, different rheological models are involved, as well
as material properties obtained by testing of models and samples
from existing structures. The introduction of fatigue accumulation
in the area of low number of cycles via fatigue curve (relationship
of accumulated deformation vs. cycle number). For masonry struc-
tures the agreement of numerical model and experimental results
is of high level, from crack initiation during its growth at dynamic
cyclic loading.
5. Numerical and model research of recovered masonry building
strengthened by system DC90 revealed high capacity of the
system in seismic conditions. It is analysed whether the masonry
systems strengthened by bowsprit and damper may replace joint
effect of mild concrete skeleton and reinforced wall (Fig. 4).

Vol. 10, br. 3 (2010), str. 255264
Vol. 10, No 3 (2010), pp. 255264


Slika 3. Elementi lakog modularnog oplatnog sistema DC90
Figure 3. Elements of the light modular plate system DC90.

Slika 4. Ispitivanje objekta MDS-Poarevac, april 2010
Figure 4. Testing of object MDS-Poarevac, April 2010.
6. Vera Vujovi je izloila dva saoptenja:
Bazna izolacija i ureaji za disipaciju energije
Seizmika izolacija mostova
Prezentacija i obilje prikupljenih i sistematizovanih podataka
su omoguili uesnicima kolonije da se detaljno upoznaju sa
stanjem razvoja ureaja i opreme za zatitu objekata od potresa.
To je uraeno na analitian nain, uz komentare i poreenje osobina
7. Promocija knjige autora T. Paskalova Zemljotresi, u izdanju
Sistema DC90 je bio poseban dogaaj u radu kolonije. Recenzent
M. Ai je u prikazu istakao veliki doprinos knjige literaturi iz
oblasti seizmikog inenjerstva na srpskom jeziku, namenjene
studentima i inenjerima prilikom reavanja svakodnevnih tehni-
kih problema. Posebno treba istai da je prof. T. Paskalov darovao
autorsko pravo i celokupnu naknadu Fondu za zbrinjavanje izbeg-
lica. Zainteresovani mogu da stupe u kontakt sa prof. Paskalovim
preko e-mail: ili preko
8. DIGITEXX sistem za praenje u realnom vremenu (Angel
Mark Sereci, Saso Atanasovski, Tino Mihajlovik) je predstavljen i
demonstriran direktnim ukljuivanjem preko interneta u praenje
objekata u SAD. Razvijena oprema uz paljivo odabrana merna
mesta dosta pouzdano prikazuje stanje objekta tokom vremena, pa
se moe koristiti za bolje razumevanje ponaanja objekta u eksplo-
6. Vera Vujovi presented two contributions:
Basic insulation and devices for energy dissipation
Seismic insulation of bridges
The presentation and plenty of gathered and systemized infor-
mation enabled colony participants to be acquainted with state of
art in development of devices and equipment for object quake
protection. It is done analytically, with comments and by comparing
systems properties.
7. Promotion of a book Earthquakes written by T. Paskalov,
published by System DC90, is a distinct event of the colony
activity. Reviewer M. Ai in its promotion has emphasized great
contribution of this book to literature in seismic engineering in the
Serbian language, devoted to students and engineers in everyday
problem solving. It is to underline that Prof. T. Paskalov donated
the authors rights and complete bonification to the Fund for
refugee care. All interested may contact Prof. Paskalov via e-mail: or
8. DIGITEXX real time monitoring system (Angel Mark Sereci,
Saso Atanasovski, Tino Mihajlovik) is presented and demon-
strated by direct inclusion via internet in monitoring of objects in
the USA. The developed equipment with carefully selected meas-
uring locations reliably indicates the object state in real time, and
can be applied for better understanding of object behaviour in
Vol. 10, br. 3 (2010), str. 255264
Vol. 10, No 3 (2010), pp. 255264


U naelu se moe govoriti o dva pravca uvoenja novih inova-
cija i reenja:
1. Obuka strunjaka za projektovanje i korienje specijalnih
ureaja, opreme i tehnologije za poveanje sigurnosti objekata,
posebno u Sistemu DC90.
2. Izrada postrojenja za industrijsku proizvodnju, posle uspenog
rada pilot postrojenja proizvoda, konkurentnih za plasman na
globalnom tritu.
Principally, two directions of introducing new innovations and
solutions can be recognised:
1. Training of experts for the design and application of special
devices, equipment and technologies for increasing object safety,
especially in the System DC90.
2. Manufacture of equipment for industrial production, after
successful operation of pilot installation products, competitive for
placing on the global market.

Otvaranje Druge letnje kolonije Inovacionog centra za zemljotresno inenjerstvo sistema DC 9
Opening of the Second Summer Colony of the Innovation centre for earthquake engineering system DC 90.
S. Sedmak, M. Toi

Vol. 10, br. 3 (2010), str. 255264
Vol. 10, No 3 (2010), pp. 255264


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