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By Bintu Kamara

Here are examples of audience profiles we created for our product. Some of the profiles fit the type of audience we are looking for however I felt like we needed to have a more wider rang of target audience for our media product for examples boy age 16+ might also be interested in watching our opening sequence.

Name: Rose Maxson Age: 17 Social class: working class Ethnicity: African/caribbean Religion: Christian Occupation: student Reason for choosing: she fits the target audience we are looking for because of her age. She might also be interested in finding out more about the film due to her religious background.
Name: Michelle Richards Age:15 Social class: working class Ethnicity: black -African Religion: (born-again) Christian Occupation: student Reason for choosing: I choose her as our target audience due to the fact that her ethnicity fits the profile we created for our opening sequence. Her religion and age are also factors we considered before choosing her profile.

Name: Najma Adan Age: 17 Social class: middle class Ethnicity: Arab Religion: Muslim Occupation: student Reason for choosing: I choose her profile due to the fact that she might be interested in finding out about other religious therefor will decide to watch our opening sequence. Her age and occupation is also a factor because students are more likely to watch films instead of older people who are busy working. Name: Chloe Morgan Age: 19 Social class: working class Ethnicity: white British Religion: Atheist Occupation: student Reason for choosing: Her age and occupation fits the target audience we are aiming for. Her lack of belief in religion might also attract her to watching our sequence.

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