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To: Mine Dearly Beloved Oh Juliet Thou art the blood that run through mine veins Thou

art the light of mine day Oh how I only wish thou could stay Thee take mine breath away Thine eyes are like stars The waq they glimmer can be seen from afar Oh Juliet I wilt be your savior ngel of Mine Thou wilt be blessed withal mine certain behavior Juliet will thou be mine forever !or let the light guide us together "#en though we art divided by chaos $e shalt kee% this secret anon to %ay off nd then we neeeddth of this to rise above this to see better in very day Mine love for thee is eternally bound "#en if we art sto%%ed& it wilt never break the sound 'our music is harmony and heaven s I say I write this I ask of you wilt you do be wedded Our %aths are intertwined (as fate guided us to our very lives )lease acce%t my %ro%osal !or if not then let it be to see myself off at the end of the road !or let Divine Judgement set us to our %art !or love wilt guide us to set each others %art !rom: 'our love &*omeo

*onald *eid

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