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Corinne Cleverly Cris Longhurst English 1010 4-23-14 Reflective Response Over the course of taking English 1010

I have been able to overcome my fears of writing. Anytime I had a teacher tell me I needed to write a paper, I was nervous. I haven't always enjoyed it. Having a teacher who really seemed to care for her students' success has helped me a lot. I've learned how to do MLA citations, Annotated Bibliographies and Rhetorical Analyses. My favorite assignment was our Research Proposal. Knowing the techniques to research has already helped me with other classes. I'm taking a Dance and Culture class which involves doing research on different types of dances. Learning how to research information on a particular person or topic has made it much easier. I also liked the Summary assignment because it taught me how to read through an article and revise it properly to my audience by getting straight to the point. This class was great for me and helped me build a better understanding of how to correctly write papers, interpret readings, and research papers. Overall it was a great experience and I would recommend it to others who want to become a more skilled writer.

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