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Crystal McDaniels Dr. Teresa Mika Biology 1010 30 March 2014 Article Review: lo!

al "ar#ing$ a Di%%erent &ook A constant s'!(ect 'n)er scienti%ic an) social )e!ate is that o% glo!al war#ing. *or years now we have hear) #any concl'sions an) o+inions on the e%%ects glo!al war#ing has on o'r +lanet. "e also hear a!o't the e%%ect we have on glo!al war#ing ('st living o'r )ay to )ay lives. ,n -ohn An)erson.s article /The 0olar ,ce Ca+s are Melting. ,s That a Ba) Thing12 he covers a )i%%erent set o% o'tco#es that are act'ally !ene%icial in nat're. 3e 4'otes %ro# a st')y )one !y a tea# o% scientists %ro# 5#ea 5niversity o't o% 6we)en. The scientists were st')ying the in%l'ence o% cli#ate change on arctic an) s'!arctic ani#als !eca'se it is !elieve) that they are +artic'larly s'sce+ti!le. This )ata was +'!lishe) on 0&76 7ne title) /*'t're Cli#ate Change will *avo'r 8on96+ecialist Ma##als in the :6'!;Arctics.2 The a'thor )isc'sses several st')ies in his article< all relate) to glo!al war#ing having a !ene%icial e%%ect on ani#als an) +lants. , chose to o'tline the section a!o't arctic an) s'!arctic ani#als in +artic'lar. 3e has a !rie% an) acc'rate 'n)erstan)ing o% the research article #aking several 4'otes %ro# it that s'++orts how the #elting +olar ice ca+s !ene%it these northern ecosyste#s. "hile his article in whole shows 's a )i%%erent o'tlook on the #atter his closing state#ent )etracts %ro# it as he in%ers /The s#all +ositive e%%ects cannot o%%set the greater cala#ities an) +ro!le#s !ro'ght !y glo!al war#ing.2 :An)erson$ 2014; 3e is giving 's !ene%its o% glo!al war#ing !'t then )etracts acknowle)ging the #ore well known har# o% it.

The 0&76 7ne article is researching the !elie% that arctic an) s'!arctic ani#als will have the highest a#o'nt o% stress +'t on the# !y cli#ate change. The )ata they gathere) shows #'ch )i%%erent e%%ects on these ecosyste#s. The scientists know that s+ecies res+on) to cli#ate change !y #oving to areas that they can !etter a)('st to. Beca'se the arctic an) s'!arctic regions have 'n)ergone so #any )ra#atic cli#ate changes over history they !elieve these ani#als are act'ally !etter s'ite) to a)('st to changes as long as they are not /s+eciali=e)2 to their environ#ent. Their )ata shows that as long as the s+ecies are a!le to coloni=e the !etter s'ite) areas :which are act'ally increase) !y glo!al war#ing; not only will they s'rvive !'t the ecosyste# will !e a!le to s'stain 10 #ore s+ecies. These s+ecies will have #ore areas to )is+erse to that are liva!le. ,n co#+aring the two articles$ they are very si#ilar is +resenting the +ositive e%%ects o% glo!al war#ing on arctic an) s'!arctic s+ecies !'t they have two very )i%%erent reasons %or o'tlining the#. -ohn An)erson is 'sing the scienti%ic article si#+ly to )is+lay another view +oint on glo!al war#ing an) to show that there are #ore than horri%ic$ negative e%%ects. The 0&76 7ne article has shown that instea) o% glo!al war#ing creating stress on the arctic an) s'!arctic s+ecies it has act'ally given the# #ore +laces to thrive. Their st')y wante) to veri%y i% glo!al war#ing was in %act going to threaten these s+ecies. The two articles are very e)'cational an) well written. ,n An)erson.s article$ it.s +resente) e>actly how an every)ay rea)er ('st !rowsing the internet wo'l) want to see it. ,% the rea)er so )esire) to look '+ the )ata his to+ics co#e %ro# then re%erences are locate) in links at the !otto# o% the +age. Des+ite An)erson kin) o% !acking o't o% his /glo!al war#ing can !e a goo) thing2 the#e in the s'##ary o% his article$ he )i) a great (o! taking so#e co#+licate) res'lts an) s'##ari=ing the# acc'rately.

Researching these articles %or this +a+er gave #e #ore insight on glo!al war#ing. , learne) that scientists are not ('st looking at car!on %oot+rints an) te#+erat're rising$ !'t where li%e will !e #oving to an) the !ene%its?losses to that. , ty+ically ten) to stay o't o% the #atter !eca'se there has !een con%licting an) o%ten con%'sing in%or#ation o't there an) , have not ha) the ti#e to check into so'rces #ysel%. Recogni=ing a goo) +iece o% in%or#ation %ro# !a) is so#ething this has hel+e) #e learn to )o. , %eel #ore willing to look into the s'!(ect %'rther instea) o% %eeling overwhel#e) an) close) o%% to it.

Re%erences An)erson$ -ohn. 2014. /The 0olar ,ceca+s are Melting. ,s That a Ba) Thing12. The 8ake) 6cientists. 3o%$ Ano'schka. -ansson$ Rolan). 8ilsson Christer. 2012. /*'t're Cli#ate Change "ill *avo'r 8on96ecialist Ma##als in the :6'!;Arctics. 0&76 7ne.

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