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ALADDIN Good evening to the honourable principle, teachers, parents and friends.

Today im going to tell u a story about ALADDIN & A MAGIC LAMP Aladdin was poor but happy. He lived with his mother after his father died. One day, a man came up to Aladdin. The man was an evil sorcerer. But he introduced himself as Aladdins uncle. The man went to Aladdins house. He said that he would reward Aladdin if he would help him. Aladdin agreed. The next day, the man took Aladdin to the desert. He asked Aladdin to enter a cave and bring him an old lamp. He then gave Aladdin a magic ring. Inside the cave, Aladdin found all kinds of treasure and the lamp. Aladdin did not hand the man the lamp. The man became angry and made the cave close. Aladdin was trapped. Aladdin unknowingly rubbed his magic ring. POOF! Out came a genie! The genie took him home. Aladdin told his mother what had happened. While his mother was cleaning the lamp, another genie appeared!. The genie made Aladdin and his mother very rich. Aladdin grew into a handsome young man. He wanted to marry the Sultans daughter. The Sultan liked Aladdin. Soon, Aladdin and the Princess were married. They then lived in a beautiful palace. The sorcerer wanted to get back the lamp. So he dressed himself up as a lamp seller. New lamp for old! the sorcerer shouted. The Princess exchanged the old lamp for a new one. The sorcerer commended the genie to take Aladdins palace and the Princess to him. Aladdin was shocked to find his palace and the Princess missing. Aladdin asked the genie of the magic ring to take him to his wife. The Princess was happy to see Aladdin. Together, they went to the sorcerers bedroom and took back the magic lamp. The genie of the lamp took Aladdin and his wife home, along with the palace. As for the sorcerer, the genie had sent him to a faraway land he was never seen again. The moral of the story is dont try to be someone else,always be yourself and be careful on what u wish for THANK YOU

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