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1. I believe that supportive parents are very important factors for a child to have behind them when they are going through school. Parents should be there for their children by being involved, encouraging them, and supporting them in every way they can.

2. I believe in reflection in two different ways. I will reflect upon my lessons with what went well and what needs improvement, and I will also get feedback from my students so I can continually try to improve upon myself as an educator.

3. I believe in cooperative learning. Students will learn best in an environment where learning is supported by other individuals.

4. I believe in increasing the amount of schema for each child. The more file folders a student has in their mental filing cabinet, the more they will be able to understand the new material being added to it.

5. I believe students need to have options. When they are able to choose what books they want to read and what topics about which they want to write, there will be more involvement from all students.

6. I believe in collaborating with my colleagues. This team approach will help me to deliver instruction in the best way possible.

7. I believe in presenting information in a multi-modal way to keep the material fun and to be able to reach more students based on their individual strengths.

8. I believe in using technology every day to enhance and support learning.

9. I believe in providing a safe environment for students. Bullying will not be tolerated in my classroom because each student needs to feel comfortable in my classroom in order to be able to learn.

10. I believe that teaching students with special needs a variety of skills to give them independence is one of the best parts about being in this field. There is no greater feeling than when you can see the light bulb go on and a student finally understands how to do something.

11. I believe that greeting each child every morning with a smile will help to start off each day in a positive way.

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