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NAME: Courtney Willger SITE: Faith Lutheran Child Care Age Group: 3-5 Number in Group: 10 Concepts/Skills: Children should be able to recall events in the story. Children should be able to identify their heart match.

Settler: The missing heart- Have the children that are coming to the circle after they are done cleaning up give them a heart and then when they are on the carpet they find their heart match.

Story/Book: Happy Valentines Day Little


Games: Reach the heart- Have different heart shapes on the carpet and have them try to toss bean bags at the hearts.

Other Activities: Candy Card Pattern

Music/Songs/Creative Movement: Open Shut Them Hello Song Helping Friends Dance- have circles an on floor and then play music and then pause the music and they have find a circle, then play the music again and they start dancing and then take a circle away and the children have to help their friends stay in the circle each time until there is one circle left. Transition: A tip for a tap- Have the children put their heads down and close eyes and when they feel a tap they are excused.

Performance Standards: Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge Sub-Domain: Exploration, Discovery, and Problem Solving.

Potential Guidance Techniques Needed: Some children may need help recalling the story. Some may need help with the candy card pattern.

Performance Standard: A.EL. 2 Understands new meaning as memory increases. Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge Sub-Domain: Mathematical Thinking Performance Standard: B.EL. 4 Use the Attributes of Objects for Comparison and Patterning.

WITC INSTRUCTOR USE ONLY: /3 All components thought through/well organized /2 Professional presentation/spelling, grammar correct

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