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NAME: Courtney Willger SITE: Faith Lutheran Child Care Age Group: 3-5 Number in Group: 10 Concepts/Skills: Children should be able to recall the animals they saw in the story.

Settler: Flash the lights to clean up and then Sing Come and find a place to sit.


Are You My Mother


Are you my mother, it is played like doggy doggy wheres your bone, expect have a stuff animal or any other object and mother mother where are you, and the child has to guess what child has the stuff animal or object.

Music/Songs/Creative Movement: Hello Song 7 days of the week What is the Weather

Other Activities: Hand Print with Poem

Transition: Call them by what they are wearing

Performance Standards: Domain: Language development and Communication Sub-Domain: Early Literacy Performance Standard: C.EL. 1 shows an appreciation of books and understands how print works.

Potential Guidance Techniques Needed: Some might have a hard time recalling the animals they saw in the story.

WITC INSTRUCTOR USE ONLY: /3 All components thought through/well organized /2 Professional presentation/spelling, grammar correct

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