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Mexico and other countries. Friends and family who have died.


Pre-Columbian past.
Rituals since 2,500-3000 years. Lady of the Dead -> Catrina.


Four days before arrive to the Gods. Behavior and kind of death.
Used to be buried with some objects.

Catholicism influence.
Idea of Heaven and Hell. Veneration of saints.

Pan de muerto.

Region where is celebrated.

28 October-Violence.
30, 31 October-unbaptized children.

1 November- normal people.

2 November- lonely soul.

2 levels: heaven and hell.

7 levels: - Image of the saint. - Souls in purgatory. - Salt, meaning purity.

- Bread.
- Food and fruits. - Photos. - Cross made with flowers or fruits.

Copal and incense. Arc. Paper decorations. Candles and tapers. Water. Flowers(cempaschil). Skulls.

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