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May 2, 2014

How Some Rocks Get Made

Warm Up (First pa e o! t"e packet# as t"e st$de%ts e%ter a%d sett&e' (%trod$ctio% ) (%tro to sedime%tatio%*&it"i!icatio%' (+m Mr' ,a%e, etc' Goi% to ta&k today a-o$t eo&o y a%d time' We+&& $se .ario$s rocks t"at "a.e -ee% at"ered i% t"e !ie&d, a%d ta&k most&y a-o$t sedime%tary rock' /%sweri% 0$estio%s !rom t"e Warm Up' 1ideo 1 So yo$ ca% see t"at sea &e.e&s c"a% e, or t"e &a%d itse&! rises a%d !a&&s' W"y do we %ot "a.e a &ot o! sedime%tary rocks i% 2ew Hamps"ire3 G&aciers' 1ideo 2 4$estio%s so !ar3 (%tro to 5 Rocks e6ercise From 7oasta& R( 8 S"ow map, e6p&ai% w"y R( (sedime%ts are t"ere# 8 s"ow time&i%e, e6p&ai% ear&y 7ar-o%i!ero$s, e%era& pict$re o! w"at t"e co%ti%e%t &ooked &ike t"e%, w"at was "appe%i% i% 2H 96p&ai% sketc"i% 8 s"ow e6amp&e o% -oard, poi%t o$t proper pa e i% works"eet Gi.e e6ercises (6: or w" t"e market wi&& -ear# 8 ood p&ace !or iro% se0$estratio% &esso% 8 e6p&ai% p$rp&e rocks R$% s&ides"ow i% -ack ro$%d d$ri% e6ercise 7irc$&ate ) c"eck i% t"ro$ " e6ercise (write se0$e%ces o% -oard3# 96ercise wrap $p S"ow eo&o ic map o! R( ;asi% 96p&ai% /.a&o%, /!rica, Fa$&ted %eiss ) sc"ists o! coasta& 2H Map o! 2ewmarket marked !or sea &e.e& rise, < c&ay Rock s"ow a%d te&& St$de%ts circ$&ate, c"eck o$t specime% rocks 96it /ssessme%t (i% packet#'

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