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PASADO SIMPLE Completa estas frases con un verbo de la tabla.

Recuerda que debe estar en Past Simple y que slo puedes usar cada verbo una vez. visit work play drive send take arrive win

0 I ________________tennis at the club yesterday evening. 1 She _________________________ very hard for her exams. 2 Paul ____________________me a postcard from Morocco. 3 She ____________________her new car from London to Southampton. 4 I _________________________my brother in Madrid last month. 5 The train ________________________at the station at ten oclock yesterday evening. Selecciona las formas correctas del Past Simple de estos verbos, y tacha las

incorrectas. writed sended met stopped taked buyed stoped ate wrote gave sent saw gived meeted eated did spent took bought nded left brought asked found leaved

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