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Name: ___________________ Ms.


Group #: ______

Connector: Make a connection between this text and another text, movie, song, etc. Why did you make this connection? How are they similar? Why is this important? Fill the page for credit and reference the text. Fill the space provided for full credit.

Name: ______________________ Ms. Corgan

Group #: _______

Summarizer: Summarize the critical aspects of this chapter. What happened? Provide an analysis of these events, answering the question why is this important? Fill the space provided for full credit.

Name: _______________________ Ms. Corgan

Group #: _______

Passage finder: Find three critical passages from this section of reading and cite them. These should be important moments or significant pieces of dialogue in which the reader learns something important about a theme or about the characters. Provide an analysis of these pieces of the text, explaining why they are important. Fill the space provided for full credit.

Name: ___________________________ _______ Ms. Corgan

Group #:

Character analyzer: Make a list of all the characters presented or discussed in this chapter. For each one, answer the following questions: What does the reader learn about them? How have they changed since we were first introduced to them? What are some important characteristics of them? Fill the space provided for full credit.

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