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Lundeberg, Tarr, Webb, Winger 4/26/14

PSA Rhetorical Analysis

We are reaching out to find help for the children of Sudan. These children are in constant struggle and are facing sickness and starvation everyday. They have become orphaned or separated from their parents as well, and no one is there to provide needed food or resources to them- even medicine is scarce. The background of this situation is the war in South Sudan. It is leading to this chaos of children becoming orphaned and basically driven away from parental help or structure. The war has caused turmoil on the lives of these children and has limited them from having much of a future. The counter argument is if the children of South Sudan already had plenty of help from the existing organizations that make donations to them. They would then not need additional assistance or donations- and our efforts would be useless. We are proving that our claim is strong because we know for a matter of fact that these children need more help, even on top of the help they already have. They are struggling every single day and continue to starve and face illness that isnt backed with enough medical assistance to completely avoid. They need our help as well as anyone elses that has sufficient funds or resources.

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