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Socratic Seminar Rules and Rubric

Criteria Contributes to discussion Cites references to the text 4 Frequently (4+ comments) Specific, appropriate, and frequent Thoroughly with direct references Explains clearly 3 Occasionally (3 comments) General, appropriate, and frequent Occasionally with vague references Attempts to explain Pays attention when others speak 2 Rarely (2 comments) Weak, inappropriate and/or infrequent Sporadically 1 Little to none (1 comment) No evidence

Builds on others ideas/references others ideas Explains/initiates new ideas Pays attention to others and includes others in discussion

Off topic

Gives full attention to seminar. Includes others through verbal exchange or invitation into conversation

Presents unexplained ideas Rarely pays attention when others speak. Makes divergent remarks

No new ideas

Uninvolved, interrupting, dominating, criticizing, disrespecting, and/or obstructing the seminar.

Discussion rules:

Be prepared. Think before speaking. One person speaks at a timeno interrupting. No personal dissing, and keep it clean. Paraphrase what others say and build on their comments. Speak audibly and clearly. Cite specific evidence and reasons for your views. Respectfully disagree. Support one another. Stay on topic. Dont monopolize the discussion. No side conversations. Invite those who are participating less. Look at each other when talking.

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