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How to Train Your Dragon

Eric Ruiz
Kailey Gladden
Adonis Rodriguez
Lawrence Flores

Table of Contents
Fly Page Chapter 1 1
Chapter 1: Pros and Cons of Owning a Dragon 2
Fly Page Chapter 2 3
Chapter 2: Selecting a Dragon 4-7
Fly Page Chapter 3 8
Chapter 3: Materials Needed to Train Your Dragon 9-10
Fly Page Chapter 4 11
Chapter 4: How to Train Your Dragon 12-13
Fly Page Chapter 5 14
Chapter 5: Maintaining a Healthy Relationship with Your 15
Glossary & Index 16
Works Cited 17
This manual will discuss basic knowledge you should know before owning a dragon, the
four different types of trainable dragons and their personalities, the materials needed to
train a dragon, the steps to train your dragon, and how to maintain a bond between you
and your dragon for overall success. After reading this manual the reader should have a
good understanding of all of the requirements and knowledge it takes to train and
maintain a dragon. Training your dragon will help sustain the bond between you and your
dragon, allow it to live harmoniously among humans, and will overall enhance your life.
However, you should decide if owning a dragon is right for you. Chapter one will discuss
the positive aspects and negative aspects of taking care of a dragon. The next step is
choosing the right dragon for you. This is critical for successful training, establishing a
bond, and maintaining that bond. Choosing the right dragon depends on how your
personality as well as your lifestyle correlates to the dragons requirements and
characteristics. Chapter two will discuss each dragons special abilities and their different
natures. Once you pick a dragon that is best suited for you, you must obtain the right
materials to train your dragon. This will be discussed in chapter three. From there,
chapter four will take you step by step on how to train your dragon. All dragons can be
trained the same way, however, each dragon may require different time requirements
depending on their attitude and obedience. Finally, chapter five will give you information
on how to maintain a healthy relationship with your dragon. This is significant to how
well you and your dragon live and cope with one another. Training your dragon takes
time and patience. You must be willing to dedicate a lot of work and effort into these
animals as it is not an easy task. Although it is a time consuming and difficult process,
training your dragon is a great way to have a better relationship between the both of you.
If you are dedicated and want the best for your dragon, it is worth every obstacle.

Dragons are wild and unpredictable animals. Take precaution when handling
these creatures as they are dangerous and potentially life threatening.


Chapter 1: Pros and Cons of a Dragon

Pros and Cons of Owning a Dragon
Although dragons are a lot of fun, they also require a great deal of dedication and
attention. Before owning and training a dragon, you should consider the benefits and
disadvantages that come with the responsibility. This chapter will provide you with basic
knowledge of the positive and negative attributes of having a dragon. When it comes to
owning a dragon there are various pros and cons. But depending on what kind of dragon
you need and the reason to have it will determine the pros and cons. What this chapter
will include will be just the general pros and cons to training and owning a dragon.

Pros Cons

Having a dragon is with caring
training it can become a gentle giant
similar to a puppy.
Proper training can make a dragon
They offer better protection than dogs
or any other animal.
Similar to house pets they require a
lot of attention.
Dragons can provide transportation
Dragons lifespan is determined by
how its maintained.
Is in excellent health especially
Instincts are superior
Are as loyal as any other animal.
Dragons can vary in special abilities
from water, fire, or strength.
They can be unpredictable, as to where
humans like predictability.
Since theyre not yet domesticated they
are not the best family pets.
Since dragons are deathly allergic to
flowers, gardens are out of the question.
Need a spacious environment to keep
Need to have large meals in order to
maintain health.
Needs for a dragon can be costly.
Other dragons can pose as a hazardous
Can be vicious unexpectedly.
Bodies alone can be hazardous.
Toiletry needs vary by size of dragon.
Overall, need to have large area for

Chapter 2: Selecting a Dragon

Selecting a Dragon
Every dragon has its own personality and special abilities. To choose the dragon best
suited for you, you should pick one that goes well with your own personality and
lifestyle. Picking the right dragon is key to successfully training it as well as maintaining
a special bond. This chapter will describe the four different types of trainable dragons and
each of their personalities.

Dragon Type: Night
Color: Bluish black with
slightly lighter markings
around body
Size: Medium
Weaknesses: Dragon nip, eel,
blue oleander, screaming
death scream, and dragon root
Special Abilities: Dive bomb
Venom: None
Dragon Tip: Earn its trust

The Night Fury is the rarest and most intelligent of the known species of dragon. They
are known to be quite aggressive if threatened. However, when they are not in danger,
Night Furies are very curious creatures. They are great at observing and mimicking
actions. They are very capable of communicating and understanding human speech as
well. Night Furies tend to keep to themselves and are very protective. They are also very
swift, agile, and strong. This makes it extremely difficult training this type of dragon.

You must be willing to dedicate a lot of time and effort to successfully train a Night Fury.
However, Night Furies are a great companion once trained and bonded with.
Dragon Type: Gronckle
Color: Beige with
yellowish green tint
Size: Medium
Weaknesses: Eel,
dragon nip, blue
oleander, and
screaming death
Special abilities:
Lava blast
Venom: None
Dragon Tip: Earn
its trust

The Gronckle is a slow, lazy and cranky bull-dog type of dragon. They spend the
majority of their day sleeping. Even though they are a moody dragon, they are very
sweet natured when trained. Gronckles are slow and quite heavy, but they have great
maneuverability. They are able to fly backwards, sideways, and can hover. They are
faster on the ground than they are in the air and prefer to run when they need to move
quickly. Gronckles launch devastating fire attacks which makes them difficult to train.
They chew on rocks and then melt them in their stomach to spit out hot lava as a defense
mechanism. Once trained, Gronckles make a great companion and are quite easy to take
care of.

Dragon Type: Deadly Nadder
Color: blue with cream
colored belly and brown
and yellow highlights
Size: Medium
Weaknesses: Eel, dragon
root, screaming death
scream, blue oleander, and
dragon nip
Special abilities: Spine
Venom: Tail spines
Dragon Tip: Stay in
blind spot

The Deadly Nadder is said to be one of the most beautiful species of dragons. It is a bird-
like dragon known for the poisonous and painful spines on their tails. When relaxed their
spines lay flat, but when they are alarmed their spines stand upwards. Before they attack,
Deadly Nadders use their spikes to make a rattling noise similar to that of a rattle snake.
The Deadly Nadder is known for its vanity. They are a clean and well-kept dragon,
always grooming themselves to maintain their lustful scales. They are very agile and have
a keen sense of smell and hearing. They have small yet sharp eyes with binocular vision
used to stalk prey. Along with their deadly spines, they can blow magnesium fueled
flames which can easily melt metal. Deadly Nadders have the hottest fire in the dragon
world. This makes training them very dangerous. However, once trained, the Deadly
Nadder is a very laid back and easy to maintain.
Dragon Type: Hideous Zippleback

Color: Green with
cream colored belly
and red highlights
Size: Large
Weaknesses: Eel,
dragon root, and
dragon nip
Special Abilities: Gas
and spark
Venom: None
Dragon Tip: Feed both
heads at once

The Hideous Zippleback is the most unusual of all dragon species. They have two heads,
each with its own personality and mind. Each head attains its own special ability. The
head on the right side breathes a green, flammable gas while the head on the left side uses
an electrical spark to ignite it, creating lethal explosions. The gas, by itself, can make a
human disorientated if inhaled. The hideous Zippleback have small wings and spend
most of their time on the ground. They are a solitary and devious-like dragon. Along with
two separate personalities, this makes it very difficult to train these types of dragons. One
must have a lot of patience to train a Zippleback. Get to know both of its personalities
and always keep an eye on these sly creatures.


Chapter 3: Materials to Train a Dragon

Materials Needed to Train Your Dragon
Before training your dragon, you will need to procure a few key pieces of equipment to
insure not only your success but your safety as well. Every piece of equipment listed in
this chapter is integral to the process of training a dragon, and has its own unique
purpose. Equipment for training a Dragon can be separated into two separate categories:
Gear and aides.
Gear: The Hardware of training dragons
Dragon training requires specified pieces of hardware that allow for a human to mount,
ride and command a dragon while airborne or grounded. This equipment includes a
harness and safety cord. These items can all be purchased at or made to order by your
local blacksmith
The harness is a mechanism that attaches to your dragons torso and provides a means to
attach your saddle and safety cord. A harness should fit snuggly (but comfortably) around
your dragons midsection, and not interfere with leg or wing movement. The harness will
also attach your saddle to your dragon, so making sure it fits properly is essential.

Safety Cord
The safety cord is a piece of equipment that attaches a rider to his dragon via the harness.
When performing intense aerial maneuvers, it is not uncommon for riders to be thrown
from their dragons, so a safety cord is a major safety component for any potential dragon
rider. Be sure that your safety cord is attached securely both to your dragons harness and
Aides: Keeping your Dragon in line
In addition to the gear needed to ensure your own safety, there are several aides that can
make the training of your dragon easier. This includes treats, garlic grass and smoked eel.
Like any animal, dragons learn through positive and negative reinforcement. Treats are
essential for rewarding a dragon for good behavior. Many dragons prefer raw fish, but
others are partial to sheep or even chickens. The best method for determining which treat
your dragon prefers is experimentation.


Garlic Grass
Garlic grass is a common plant that has a remarkable calming effect on dragons. When
presented to a dragon, the scent of garlic grass will cause the dragon to become docile
and euphoric. This can be extremely helpful to potential dragon trainers, especially when
first assessing the temperament of your dragon.
Smoked Eel
For some unknown reason, dragons have a universal revulsion towards eels, and will
retreat away from their very presence. This can be a helpful tool for getting your dragon
back into its habitat or preventing it from entering other locations.

Chapter 4: How to Train Your Dragon


How to Train Your Dragon
Now that you have background knowledge of each dragon and the materials needed to
train your dragon, you are ready to get started. Training your dragon requires patience
and understanding. Keep in mind that each dragon has a different personality, so the
amount of time needed to successfully train your dragon may vary. This chapter will
provide details for each step needed to train your dragon.

Before beginning make sure you have all your materials ready.
Train in an open field.
Plan out a training schedule
Dragons may get unexpectedly ferocious and may attack when felt threatened or

Training Step 1: House training your dragon
1. Place the back on your hand on nose, let him smell you
2. Gently make a swift move to pet him on the side of the face
3. Keep petting gently if you see him wag his long tail
4. Give it a treat to let it know you do not mean any harm
At this moment the dragon should feel conferrable with you
Then you should make him walk towards you and be around you
1. Slowly take a few steps backward
2. The dragon should come towards you, if dragon comes towards you reward
the dragon and pet
3. If the doesnt comes towards try calling it in a gentle voice, then reward it
and pet him
4. Attempt to saddle on
5. If dragon does not let itself to be saddle it is not comfortable around you
6. Redo the training until it can be saddled.
After mastering you are ready to bring it to the public
Training Step 2: Dragon socializing
Have a couple of you friends come over for this training. Make sure they have an
eel close to them in case of emergency
1. Saddle up
2. Bring out the dragon to meet one person other then you and let him/her
smell your friend.
3. Then slowly bring out anther of your friends out one by one
4. Make sure it does not try to bite any of them
5. If it attempts to nip or bite one of them stare into its eyes and firmly say
6. Make sure the dragon does not get uncomfortable so it will not feel
7. Make your friends form a circle
8. Walk along the circle with the dragon following you calmly with out and
9. Reward him for every lap it does without a bad reaction

Training Step 3: Controlling its fire breathing
Bucket and water will be needed
1. Whenever your dragon attempts to breath fire, you must dump a large bucket
of water into their mouth or onto their face
2. Firmly say NO to the fire breathing
3. The dragon will most likely be angered try to quickly pet it and give it a treat
to distract it from its anger


Chapter 5: Maintaining a Healthy
Relationship with Your Dragon

Maintaining a Healthy Relationship with Your Dragon
After training your dragon, it is important that you maintain the bond you have forged
with it. This will make sure your dragon stays obedient and is well behaved under any
circumstances. A healthy relationship will also help your dragon perform when flying.
This chapter will discuss the key points to sustaining a connection and prolonging the
Dont ignore your Dragons Signals
Despite their animalistic nature, Dragons are vastly intelligent creatures capable of very
sophisticated though processes. Your dragon will use any means at his disposal to
communicate with you. Learn to recognize these clues in order to better understand your
companion. Look for body language, unusual aggression or abnormal behavior as signs
that your dragon is trying to tell you something.

Establish a Routine
Dragons are in many ways creatures of habit, and flourish when they have regimented
schedules to adhere to. Establish a schedule with your dragon, and stick to it. This will
not only give a framework for your dragon to recognize, but it will also teach your
dragon that it can rely on you as a stable fixture in its life.

Reward Good behavior
Training a dragon requires a system of positive and negative reinforcement, and these
practices should continue beyond the initial stages of training. As your dragon learns to
identify the signs that it is doing behavior you reward, it will rely on that system for
future behaviors. The use of treats especially can help to teach a dragon new concepts

Find time for Your Dragon
Dragons become very attached to their trainers. When training, you will likely spend a lot
of alone time with your dragon. This may lead to dragons becoming non-complacent or
aggressive if they do not receive more alone time with their trainer. Be cautious when
introducing new people to your dragon, as they may perceive them as threats to the
dynamic you have established as a trainer.

Glossary & Index

Abilities {ii, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7} - The power or capacity to do or act physically.
Dragon {ii, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15} - A mythological monster generally
represented as a huge, winged reptile with crested head and enormous claws and teeth
and often spouting fire.
Eel {ii, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15} The aquatic eel that every dragon
fears. Similar to a dog whistle.
Saddle {9, 12, 13} - A harness that is used for the rider of the dragon.
Trainer {10} - Those willing to train a dragon for the need of humans.
Works Cited
"Dragons." How to Train Your Dragon Wiki. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.
"Night Fury." How to Train Your Dragon Wiki. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.
"Gronckle." How to Train Your Dragon Wiki. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.
"Hideous Zippleback." How to Train Your Dragon Wiki. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr.
2014. <>.
"Deadly Nadder." How to Train Your Dragon Wiki. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.

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