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Ashley McAdam

English 1010
Carol Sieverts
17April 2014
This semester in my English 1010 class I have learned a lot. It has really helped
me improve as a person when it comes to writing and working in a group, etc. In this
class I learned what Logos, Pathos, and Ethos are. (Logos- deals with the message,
Pathos- deals with the audience, and Ethos- deals with the writers credibility.) I also
learned what an Annotated Bibliography is and how to write one. (Annotated
bibliography- is a list of citation for books, articles, and documents. After the citation it is
followed by a brief descriptive and evaluative paragraph the annotation. The annotation is
to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.)
I learned how to effectively work with a group. I worked with three other
gentlemen and I was the only woman in the group. I like working in a group because
theres not only one kind of opinion, there is multiple. Also everyone has a different point
of view on things, which helped us see everything for our project. Our groups signature
assignment was to write about whether vitamins are good or bad for you, and how much
should you take.
I personally think our group did an amazing job. We hit all the points such as a
list of why they are good and why they are bad, and then we further went into detail
explaining the science of things of why they are good and bad. I loved working with my
group they were very helpful.
What I have learned in my English 1010 class will help me in my other gen-ed
classes because now I know how to write papers the correct way and also I learned how
you have to cite everything and how to cite different things such as books, websites,
magazines, etc. My value of my gen-ed courses is very high. I have learned to take only
positive things from my classes and to attempt to view things that I might have thought of
as negatives in a positive light. Everything I have and will learn will only help me further
progress in life and make me a better student, and person. Before taking my English-1010
course I didnt know a lot about writing and all the different ways and techniques you
could use, and now that I have learned them I am going to be a much more confident
writer, speaker, person.

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