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1. Describe an adventurous person that you know or read about.

Please say
- Who is this person?
- Why do you find him/her an adventurer?
- What can you learn from him/her? - What do you consider adventurous/challengin
Dos and Dont s
- Do use active voice
- Do include transitions between paragraphs (transition words like: Therefore, B
efore, However, Consequently, For the reason, It follows that, As a result, etc)
-Do discuss in the present tense, in case you are writing on literature.
- Do quote, summarize, or paraphrase material from the literary work that you ar
e discussing in order to support your ideas.
- Do discuss the overall theme of the essay--- the conclusion is a good place f
or this.
- Do write precisely. Try not to be repetitive.
- Don't rely on cliches to make your point, for example, It goes without saying..
- Don't use verb phrases when you can use a single verb; for example, say sees rat
her than is seeing.
- Don't use mechanical thesis statements, such as In this essay, I will discuss ..
or this essay will discuss.
- Don't say, It has been said...
- Don't qualify your ideas with phrases like I think, I believe, It seems to me.
- Don't use the words things or a lot.
- Don't use abbreviations

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