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Q: Write easy on how young people behavior is influenced by their peers.

What ar
e the advantages and disadvantages of this?
Ans: Overall character and behavior of young people is shaped by multiple factor
s. Parents, friends, teachers, colleagues have their own roles in _________ peop
le. Young people are in particular influenced by friends more than anyone else.
They carry this behavior later towards adulthood. Hence it is important to see t
hat young people group up in a good circle.
Youngsters are in the learning phase of their life. They are often fasci
nated by various things their peers do. It is very common that habits and behavi
or are common to people in the same group. If a young person gets into a group o
f young smokers, it is highly likely that he also becomes a smoker. The matters
may get worse if someone joins a group of drug-addicts.
Good schools encourage healthy group activities in the campus so that children l
earn good things by practice. The outcome is that those children become good cit
izens of the future and build a good nation.
Good schools encourage healthy group activities in the campus so that children l
earn good things by practice. The outcome is that these children become good cit
izens of the future and build a good nation.
Parents have an important role in shaping the future of children. Due to
the busy work schedules. The attention given to children has decreased. It is u
nlikely that busy parents know who are the friends of their kids and what are th
ey up to. It is true that too much restrictions and constant policing of childre
n impairs the overall development of children. At the same time, a watch should
be kept on the network of the children.
In conclusion, peer-pressure is an important influence on behavior of yo
ungsters. Parents and teachers alike have the responsibility to see that childre
n are grown up in a good company.

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