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Question:-Some people prefer an independent house and others prefer apartment an

d state the advantages and disadvantages of each. Give your opinion.

Answer:- Mass migration to cities and metros has severely stressed the available
resources in these places, the highest being on the availability of land and a
ccommodation. One of the solutions is creating multi flat system based buildings
Apartments are the most popular accommodation option in todays metros. Over the p
ast few years multi storied buildings for flats have sprung up all around the ci
ties. They come in various sizes and amenities, primarily based on available bud
get and requirements. These apartments are for more affordable as compared to in
dividual housing. This is one of the key reasons why most people prefer these. T
here are many other benefits of staying in apartments. These include security, o
ut sourcing of maintenance activity, increased socializing, and having shared am
enities like gymnasium parks, community centre etc. There is also more interacti
on and socializing among the apartment dwellers. Children enjoy the most as they
make many friends of same age bracket residing in same apartment complex.
However, individual houses have their own advantages which cannot be over looked
. There is far greater privacy and flexibility in independent houses. There is a
lways scope for expansion of house or adding extra blocks. If rented out, these
extra rooms could become decent revenue generators. Also there is little disturb
ance in independent house. One is the master of his own wish and there are no as
sociation rules to abide with.
All said and done, its not easy to own an individual house in todays world. Apartm
ents stand out as affordable solution and with very beneficial features. They ar
e indeed more preferred over independent houses.

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