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Question: - Global climate has changed.

Should transport be reduced on the roads

, ex. Cars and Lorries? Explain the advantages and disadvantages in your relevan
t location and give your opinion.
Answer:-Global warming has been a very important topic that is being discussed for
more than a decade now. Nations around the world, various organizations even co
mmon people are aware of the negative effects of global warming. More so, change
s in global climate. The climate conditions are fluctuating these days.
People are not able to enjoy any climate being it monsoon or summer to its fulle
st. We are having either early winter or late autumn. Ex: - It is too hot in sum
mer and unbearably cold in writer in the present scenario. This was not the case
There are many reasons for the unfavorable climate. They are pollution in the ai
r, deforestation, cutting down of trees, large amount of carbon dioxide released
into the atmosphere, release of smoke from industries, vehicles etc.
Vehicles on roads are too many in number. They are constantly moving and adding
pollution in the air, if vehicles are reduced. We can definitely have better qua
lity of air to breathe. Cars being personal vehicles are innumerable. Similarly
Lorries carrying goods breather materials are countless. They are indispensable.
People cannot live without moving from place to place for their studies work, pe
rsonal reasons, etc. All shops need their goods which is impossible without depe
nding on vehicles like Lorries, Matadors etc.
It could be said that invention of vehicles is indeed a great achievement. Man h
as definitely progressed because of this one good reason. Vehicles help our move
ments, quicker our work, save our time and finally make life easy.
In my own location where I live i.e. Bangalore, we cannot imagine life without d
epending on various types of vehicles. They cause sound pollution and air pollut
ion. People are adversely affected. They are getting new diseases Because of the
se children and the senior citizens are frightened to come out of their houses w
ithout some help / helpers. Accidents are common.
So, my opinion is that people should be conscious and use vehicles appropriately
. They should become more responsible. Everyone should try and reduce causing po
llution and save this planet.

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