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The Sphinx, an enigmatic monument usually associated with king Khafre, stands w

atch near his valley temple. In addition, tombs sprawling to the east and west o
f Khufus pyramid contain the remains of officials, royal relatives and others who
had the privilege to be buried there.
To the south of the Sphinx is the Wall of the Crow, which is a 656 feet (200 meter
s) long and 32 feet (10 m) thick. South of it is a place known, in the words of
the excavators, as the lost city that housed at least some of the pyramid builders
Khufus Pyramid
When it was completed by Khufu, the Great Pyramid rose 481 feet (146 m). Today,
with the loss of the some of the stone, it is slightly shorter, measuring 455 fe
et (138 m). It was the tallest building in the world until the 14th century, whe
n the Lincoln Cathedral was completed in England.
Three smaller pyramids, often referred to as queens pyramids, are located adjacent
to Khufus pyramid. Its difficult to say for sure whom they belonged to but one of
them may have been for Khufus mother, Hetepheres. In addition, a smaller satellite
pyramid, located between the queens pyramids and Khufus, was discovered in the 199

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