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Team foundation server - its a common platfrom for all team members, developers,

testers, Pm...
there is a process template - CMM level/Agile
VS only with test professional/ other packages are ultimate..
how VS is packaged?
ultimate(/professional(web developemnt/share point)/Premium(test agent/test cont
roller/test impact analysis - changes in theh build only the impacted test cases
- only the impacted test cases are displayed - less no of test need to be gone
over during a regression)
Ultrimate - can perform n no of test/load testing/.... all
intelltrace - ?
its a mechanism - the developer can go to the code where the defect is t
ultimate consists teh feature of prof and premium...
pltformm supported - on Ie7 and above
what is a team project...?
- work times are artifacts- SRS,
process template in TFS?
MTM has four options..
- Testing centre
- test plan
new work item - bug/test case
Different types of test suites - requirement based/query based/...
test suite - contains no of test cases..
hwo to create a manual test case - (tick mark indicates that there is a expected
how to execute the test case - we are in test tab - there are options - right cl
ick - run/run with an option(means wiht diff as IE/win server..)..../...
when clicked on run - we get a test runner window... once a test case failes - r
eset it and run it again..
there are diff states for test cases...
active(not executed yet)/passed/blocked/failed
Start test with option (create action recording..)
play(one step)/play all(all steps)
during run time - we can enter bugs - i.e. action bugs..
when finished - endtest - we can select pass/fail manually by right click..
create a new bugs from steps ...
under the details - teh steps are getting recorded.. al the things get recorded.
static test suite - stays permanent ..
test suite can be of 3 types - static/query based/ ---based on requirements..
what si the diff between query based test suite and static test suite or require
ment based
under regression - run all tests
but in test impact ananlysis - only teh impacted test cases need to be run.

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