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Russia denies involvement but has massed troops on the border and threatened to

intervene to protect the Russian-speaking majority in eastern Ukraine from what

it calls an illegitimate, Western-backed government in Kiev. Alarmed Western po
wers believe President Vladimir Putin is set on asserting Moscow's influence ove
r its former Soviet neighbours.
Armed groups seeking union with Russia have seized a number of government buildi
ngs in towns in eastern Ukraine. The action in Slaviansk appeared to mark the he
aviest military response by Kiev since it tightened a cordon around the city a w
eek ago.
"They wanted to carry out some small-scale tactical operations just to scare the
people," said a militant manning a checkpoint leading to the army-held airfield
. "But so far things have not worked out the way they wanted."
On his Facebook page, Interior Minister Arsen Avakov posted: "The goal of our an
ti-terrorist operation and, at the same time, our demands to the terrorists are
"Free the hostages, lay down weapons, vacate administrative buildings and get mu
nicipal infrastructure back to normal."
He added: "We are ready to negotiate with the protesters and their representativ
es. But terrorists and armed separatists (will get) only inevitable retribution.
He urged local people to stay indoors and said Ukrainian forces, from the Interi
or Ministry, National Guard and the armed forces, had orders not to fire on resi
dential buildings.
Support for the separatist movement is patchier in eastern Ukraine than it was a
mong the majority ethnic Russian population of Crimea, which Moscow seized and a
nnexed in March. However, many are fearful of the new authorities in Kiev and ha
ve little faith in Ukraine after 23 years of post-Soviet independence marked by
rampant corruption and poor living standards.
"Shells came into my garden," said one local man, Gennady. "They say that they h
ave come to defend us. But who from?" he said of the Ukrainian forces. "Civilian
s must stop them."
On the town's southern outskirts, eight Ukrainian armoured personnel carriers cu
t off the road but faced a cordon two deep of local residents shouting at them t
o go home.

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