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Senior Project Proposal

Name: Cacey Simons

Date: 9-10-13

Project Topic and Description
My topic for this project is making candy. For my product I will be working with Clay Simons,
also known as my dad producing lollipops.

My, completed product will candy such as lollipops that I prepare in the lab based on my
knowledge of the science component as well as the food science portion of the project, such as
the technical aspects of food. My learning would be shown through iMovie. The project might
have some money involved as well, the cost for the elements needed when experimenting. Such
as the ingredients, for instance sugar, corn syrup, flavored oils, and food coloring.

New Learning
In order to do this project I need to learn how the elements in the lab work together in order to
produce the specific candy. I also need to know the background of how candy is produced
during manufacturing compared to homemade candy. Another subject I would like to learn is
the overall section from certain sources of candy in food science. Finding all of this information
will help me make a better product for my project.

Possible Research Questions
1. What is the difference between homemade and manufactured products?
2. How will the product be different ingredients are used?
3. How is making candy related to food science?
4. Is making candy really science?
5. Is food science an integral part of making candy?
6. What are the processes and procedures to making hard candy?

Communication Skills
I plan on communicating with Ms. Klenda about the Food Science aspect of my project as well
as discussing with Mr. Deurksen about the scientific part of my project. I also plan on collecting
photos for my notes, connecting the trial and errors when experimenting. In addition I would
also like to record when experimenting along with making an iMovie.

Community Service
My community service will be going to the Marion or Herington Nursing Homes and helping in
the kitchen serving food. I also plan to help build the workout trail in the Lincolnville Park.

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