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Puppet master

Alex Rodrguez
Frances N. Vega

One night twenty teens went to a party in an abandoned house where a man supposedly committed suicide and
the body was never found. Everything seemed normal until five of the teens left. Suddenly, they heard a noise
and one of them came back. It was Bert, the nerdiest on of the group, they asked what happened back there but
he was too scared to find out, then someone else came back and didnt say anything.

Later three of them started to investigate. They were Rose, Natalie and Ian. Rose started to look for clues in a
room alone then she disappeared. Too scared to stick around, seven left and eight decided to stay for the night.
Two of the three detectives found a picture of the owner of the abandoned house on a desk. Under it there was a

The owner of the house liked to make puppets and was a carpenter for a long time, someone from the group
came down so they would stop snooping around. Back upstairs Bert found a strange book with a marked page;
it said how to bring wooden objects to life but at a cost of a soul but it was temporary. Bert went down stairs to
tell them what they found and what it could mean. As they went back up every one had disappeared.

They decided to leave as they went for the door it was locked, they felt obligated to look for the others. They
began to question Alex to what happened to the others but he kept quiet. They tied him up and started to look
for the others, they found a door to the fourth floor but it was missing a key. They had to look in the diary to see
if it said something about a key.
Bert remembered that he had seen a box next to the book shelves and the key might be there. They found the
key and went upstairs and opened the door. Inside they found a man sitting on a chair. Bert was the only one
that knew that it wasnt a man but a puppet pulling the strings. As he reveals himself as the puppet master he
starts controlling every one that disappeared.

Everyone was under the puppets spell except for the three that were investigating as one broke free he took the
strange jar that was next to the puppet and threatened to smash it. He said if he smashes it all the souls that he
has there would be lost, as he thought of what to do Bert yelled out that he was lying and the jar was only
holding the souls, as he smashed it the souls of everyone went back where they belong, and as the puppet fell to
pieces a ghost came out of it, it was the ghost of the owner of the house as he disappeared he whispered; thank

Everyone went back home with no memory of what happened and never spoke of what happened that night.

Ashley Rodrguez, Diego Nazario

It was a dark night and there was a full moon. I had been working on this case, in the Luqueti Woods,
for several hours now and still nothing. Until, I walked to the lifeless body and when I took a good look at it I
realized that the murderer could have only been *The alarm sounds, waking him up.*
-Darn it! It was just another dream.
I got ready to go to work and on my way I caught up with my partner, Roxana. We had just been called
for a murder on the Luqueti Woods. As soon as we got there we start investigating. We noticed that the victims
fingers and toes had been burned off; no finger prints. His head was shaved; no hair recognition. And his mouth
was toothless; no dental identification. Carefully, we searched the body and found his wallet, but his ID wasnt
there. Mine was. Last name: Drake. First name: Tim/ 510/ 160lb/ Blue eyes. There was only one thing
different, my eyes were closed.
This wasnt just a murder, this had a lot of planning involved said Roxana. Drake, the murderer wants you to
be here for a reason. We need to find out who and why before its too late.
Roxana and I decide to look for more clues around the woods, maybe a car, a witness, anything. We
searched for hours until, we found an empty house. We searched every inch of the house and a hunch tells me to
look under the bed. We lift it and written in blood were the words, Sleep Tight Tim. I told Roxana to take a
sample and make a DNA comparison with the victims blood. She went back to the lab and I hurried back to the
body. It was already dark and the only light I had was from the full moon. After about twenty minutes, I got
there as Roxana calls me. I picked up.
-Tim, we got a match!
-That was fast.
-We analyzed it and found someone in our data base.
-Well? Tell me!
-Its you, Drake! Thats your blood under the bed and in the body
-Thats impossible!
I hung up and got to the body, beside it was a page from a newspaper with a headline that said,
Detective dies in his sleep.
-This doesnt make any sense!
And at that moment it came together, my eyes closed in the ID, Sleep Tight Tim, Detective dies in
his sleep.
-There can only be one explanation for this madness. Im dream *the alarm sounds waking him up*
I stopped to breathe for a moment, thanking God it was just a dream. At that moment my cellphone
-Hey Tim. Its Roxana. There has been a murder in the Luqueti Woods. I need you.
-Here we go again.
Sweet dreams.

Aliens on Earth
One hundred (100) years ago there was a ship that fell from the sky into the ocean and disappeared. Then a
hundred years later something bad was approaching the earth, something like war.
In 1994 the ship was getting closer and closer day by day. One day in the dawn the sun was out and suddenly
the sky was gray. Everybody was asking to themselves what was happening. The ship appeared from the sky
and everyone was in shock when they saw the ship.
When the aliens saw the people they started to attack them and the people started to run, to scream, and be
nervous. The people were looking for a place to hide from the aliens.
Gradually people began to die and that was what alerted military wings and this was the beginning of the war.
At the beginning of the war the military knew they faced a great enemy and that was what led the military to
prepare for battle. The military sent the jet and tanks. When they reached the place they began speaking to each
missile attack but he knew the aliens would not do anything that had a shield.
The aliens started attacking and these same military were dying. Seeing dying environs the military
reinforcements were trying to knock down the ship but they didnt have any choice but to tear it down.
Sergeants Rodrguez and Ros began to analyze and came to an agreement to send a submarine to explode the
nucleus that was too deep into the ocean because that was the command ship of the aliens. So the military was
able to win that battle. This was the end of the aliens and the world was back to normal.
Luis Ros
Julio Rodrguez

Horror Before Halloween
Orlando Coln
Brbara Gutirrez

Its October 30
! Today is Jacobs birthday and we are planning a surprise party. I had invited five of our
classmates. We decided to dress up as monsters to make the party more interesting. Bryan, who is Jacobs
best friend, bought a cake that looks like an arm, balloons with form of eyes and some drinks. Also we rented
a horror movie and brought popcorn.
Late in the afternoon the party started, Jacob was fascinated with the surprise! But I noticed that theres a
guy I did not know. I asked him for his invitation; he told me that he was Jacobs best friend too. I believed
him. I thought Jacob would get happier if he saw his old best friend Matt. The party started, everyone was
disguised. Matt was alone, it looks strange, but I dont give him importance. We started to drink and eat a lot.
Then we put the movie on. When the movie finished we decided to play stash. Lorie and Laura didnt want to
play but Jacob begged them, and they accepted.
I started counting, 54321 lets go! The place was big, it will be difficult to find them- I thought. First, I
found Laura and Lorie, they were under the table. Second, I found Bryan and Jacob, they were behind some
trees in the backyard. It was easy, they are best friends, and best friends never are separated. But Wheres
Matt? I began searching for him, Jacob came to me and asked, What are you looking for? and I responded
Im looking for Matt, your best friend. Jacob opens his eyes and said I dont know anyone with that name.
I have to accept that I got a little scared. I felt the wind blowing hard, I maybe have imagined him. I was so
drunk. We went to the local and started commenting about Matt, for our surprise nobody knows him. The
lights started flashing and from the darkest place of the local Matt appears. We asked him where he came
from and he responded I dont know where I come from; the only thing I know is that Satan is my best
It gave us the goose bumps but then he said Im just kidding and he began to talk about his past. At twelve
oclock he was gone. Before leaving he left a newspaper, and the headline talked about the death of Matt

Echo House
Yariliz Miranda, Nicole Vzquez and Miliangie Santiago

In the darkest and most weird night of Halloween, Amanda, a young woman who looked insane, with creepy
and devilish eyes, invited all the university to have the most interesting night of their life on Halloween. The
thing that no one knew was the party that Amanda organized is in an abandoned castle and it was so mysterious
that the doors had locks on the outside.
Arriving the night, the popular girl, Ashley, organized to arrive to the party by bus. It was already nine p.m. The
bus driver and the people arrived at the fearful castle. Contemplating this dark and terrified place, desolate of
the entire city, everyone was frightened.
In this group were Scott and Ethan, best friends who arrived and only thought of making that night a very
interesting and full of adventure, and evil things. They didnt know what was going to happen. The hours passed
at the party full of Halloween costumes. Ethan realizes that there are several people who have disappeared and
they look at Peter, a young guy totally isolated from the group, nervous and lonely. Scott and Ethan were
intrigued by the question: Why people disappear if the doors cannot even open?
Ethan, like always, used his intelligence to look for a reason but Scott forced to get into the castle. This big
castle full of darkness, dirty and with a large echo in every place, they found the entrance of the basement.
Some voices and loud screams were calling for help and to get out of that place. Scott and Ethan made the
brave decision to enter to the basement. When they entered something took them by surprise. In the basement
there were many rooms locked with a key.
Quickly Ethan looks for a way to get the keys to open the doors and help the people. Scott searched all the place
and he didnt found nothing that could help them. Ethan, having an impression of Amanda, thinks in what place
a woman would hide the keys in a castle. They two run fast in this labyrinth of doors and no keys appear.
Frightened and scared the first thing that they think of is to go to the kitchen.
They finally found the kitchen and move everything to look for the keys. While theyre investigating Amanda
appears with a necklace full of different keys. For Ethan this was more than weird because she organized the
party and shes the owner of the castle. While Ethan and Scott were panning in their minds how to get the keys
form Amanda, she told them to go back to the party.
In that moment the atmosphere was desperate a noise came like an echo about the people in the basement
screaming: Amanda!!!! Open the doors; youre not going to kills us! When they got near this, they didnt think
no more just to take the keys from Amanda. They decided to make a trap. The trap worked. They left her
unconscious and they took the keys from her neck. Scott put her in a closet and then he ran with Ethan directly
to the basement to save the people that were down there.

Wrong side of heaven
My master was woken by the ringing of his phone for the third time that night. His vision was blurry and he
has only fallen asleep about one hour ago. He turns over towards his nightstand and answer. His older sister
was calling him once again. He hesitated, but answered after several seconds Hello? he groaned.
Michael his sister said. I really need you to come over here, I think someone is in my house, I mean it!
His sister, Isabell, has suffered from hallucinations since their parents died. Always hearing and seeing
things that werent there, always crying for my masters help.
Did you take your medicine yet? He asked.
No I didnt, Isabell replied, I havent taken it in a few days.
Well then take your medicine He said angered. Look this is the third time you call me already. Its 3:00
You already said that you search the house and you didnt find anyone so what makes you think that is not
a hallucination now?
Well, I dont know, Isabell said, But Im scared!
Take your medicine, Isabell! He shouted just before hanging up. He putted the phone back on the
nightstand and fell back asleep.
Riiiing.. riiiing (Phone ringing)
He didnt even put his head up this time. He grabbed the phone, flipped it open, and put it up to his ear.
What is it now, Isabell?!
You were right, Michael, there is nobody here, She said very calmly.
Did you take your medicine, Isabell? He asked.
Yes, She said.
Good, He said, Now go to sleep.
Good Bye Michael.
Good Night.
He hung up the phone and laid his head onto his pillow. Then it hit him, did she just say good bye? He sat up
in his bed and picked up the phone. Why would she say good bye he asked himself once more before dialing
her number.
The phone ringed a few times but she didnt answer. Goose bumps were running all over his body. What the
hell? he muttered. He got out of bed and put on his shoes. He ran down the stairs and grabbed his cars
After he arrived and opened the door he saw the scariest scene ever. Everything was a mess. Things were all
over the floor and thats when he saw Isabel covered in blood. He was in shock. Tears were falling down his
face. She was dead. Someone killed her.
Why? he said crying.
After his sister died he became insane always telling everybody it was his fault. I let her die, maybe I
should join her he said to himself. Help me get my revenge on does that kill my sister but promise me you
shall never betray me, you shall never leave my side no matter what He said to me. Yes my lord. I will
help you but when this is over I have to leave. A normal human and a demon butler named Sebastian
made a contract.
Shall we begin? This is an order show me the responsible of assassinating my sister
Yes my lord, I will show you something first. He was paralyzed as I show his sisters last memory. The
tears in my master Michael became hate then darkness. I can feel his soul getting more evil every single
At last. After a long investigation we found the criminal who did it. I brought the criminal to my masters
presence. He glares at him with a deadly look.
Why did you take her away from me? Why?! Tell Me!
Why are you mad? You never believed her, she needed you, The culprit said.
Stop it you are a liar!
Her soul was so full of fear, sadness, despair, loneliness and confusion that no one loved her, not even her
brother (Evil laugh)
Sebastian, kill this man!
Yes master. (Slashes head)
Blood were running all over the place. His head rolls all over the floor. It was a total mess. Finally, the
nightmare was over. Now was time for them to end the contract they made before. Thank you Sebastian.
Can you do me one last favor before you go? Can you kill me? Can you take my soul? I want to reunite with
my sister. I would be happy that way
Yes master, please close your eyes (Closes eyes)
Good Bye lord Michael
Good Bye Sebastian
Joelie Delgado
Emmanuel Fontanez
Allanis Rulln
Nancy Drew and the dogs of Moon Lake
Joshua Snchez and Shakira Rodrguez

In a forest there is a house made of wood. Its very old but the view in front of the house is pretty good. In the
house lives a girl named Sally. She loves the house and she would like to live in it forever. But in one gloomy night out of
nowhere Sally heard some howling. She thought there were wolfs until she went to the window and saw four
Rottweilers. She thought they were ordinary dogs until she saw they glow surrounding their bodies and big yellow eyes.
The dogs bark and scratch the walls, doors and windows. They continue doing the same thing until midnight. In the
morning she talked to a bird watcher named John Robin. She told him about last night and he told her the legend. Sally
didnt know what he was talking about so he explained.
The legend about a man living there called Nick Whitmore. He was a feared gangster by the 1980s. He was
imprisoned for a long time until he died. He had four dogs when he died and his dogs went to the forest hoping the day
that his owner would come back and they were never seen again.
The legend says that each people try to live in the house the dogs come back to life to hunt the one in the house
each and every time they barking and scratching the doors and windows. Sally still was not convinced by the legend.
That night the dogs did the same thing when she got there the first night. They did that every time for two nights. Sally
got very scared and she called a friend of hers. Her name was Nancy Drew.
When Nancy received the call from Sally she got there as fast as she could in the first night Nancy receive a call
from Sally sounded very scared Nancy asked why she sound scared and Sally starts explaining until the phone call was
interfered Nancy got nervous and start hearing some smooth spooky noise coming from outside she got outside and
John came out of nowhere he scared Nancy and John asked her what was she doing in the house so Nancy explained.
John told Nancy about the legend but she was not convinced so she went inside the house when she started hearing
some strange howling. She went to the window and saw the dogs running for the house. Nancy quickly closed the doors
and window but they still were trying to enter and one of them left a big scratch at the window. They stayed around the
house until midnight then the dogs returned to the forest.
In the morning Nancy started investigating inside the house she found a map in the map there was a graveyard
pass the forest Nancy went to the graveyard and found some tombstones the names were normal but in five tombstone
Nancy saw a name that caught her attention Waldo Mathias in his tombstone there were a lot of key holes forming a
circle in one of the key holes it look that a real key could open it in the other four there were four names of dogs Xander,
Vitus, Iggy and Lucy. Nancy went to the house and started looking in the walls in a wall besides the stair it looked like a
door Nancy opened it there were stairs that lead beneath the house at the end of the stair there was a door she went in
and it looked like an empty room Nancy started searching she found some interesting clues like old newspaper, a
standard size vault and a key Nancy looked at the key and thought that the key would fit in the tombstone of Waldo she
went upstairs and saw a picture of Nick and Waldo but in the picture the name was wrong written in the bottom of the
frame the name was Baldo. Nancy thought that was a nickname that Nick gave him.
Nancy went to the ranger station and talked to a young ranger called Jeff Akers. Nancy asked him about the
dogs of Nick Whitmore but he didnt believe in ghost stories that they were just normal dogs scaring people. Nancy told
him about the glowing and still he didnt believe. Nancy thought he could be a suspect Nancy went to a store located in
the other side of the lake named Emporium. Nancy talked to the owner called Alexandra Stone.

Nancy asked her about sally and she answer she was a nice woman also Nancy asked her about the dogs and
Alex answered that she believe in that ghost stories Nancy went to the house to the secret basement and she found a
vault standard size Nancy thought the combination was in Waldos tombstone she went to the graveyard and inserted
the key the tombstone open it show some stairs Nancy went in with a flashlight Nancy walked throw the labyrinth but
she dint know where to go she looked in the map and saw the backwards and found a route she followed it and it got to
the basement of the house Nancy saw the map again and saw some numbers she put those numbers in the combination
of the vault there were some 20 gold bars.
Nancy said to herself that Sally was driven out of the house for the gold. You are right said Alexandra surprising
Nancy with a knife. Why asked Nancy is isnt obvious for the gold Nancy surprised Alexandra taking the knife off her
hand Alexandra started running Nancy followed her to the graveyard were Nancy trapped her in a shelter Nancy called
the police to take her into custody after a few days Nancy found in Alexandras house the four dogs of nick Whitmore at
first she was scared but Iggy the most calmed dog approach to Nancy. Nancy pet Iggy and so the other dogs went
running to Nancy liking her face Nancy said you guys are happy arent you. Nancy took the dogs to her house and called
sally that she could live in the house one more.

The abandoned cabin
Yadiangeli M. Torres Rangel 11-2
Daryen S. Vargas Ruiz

In a dark night of summer, a group of six people went in search for adventure. They move away from the city on
the highway and go into the forest. They see an old and bone chilling cabin. It got their attention and they
stop on the cabin. Everyone decided to go in and stay for a while. It was old and had spider webs. They
started drinking and have fun but one of the guys named Richard gets out of the cabin to look for more drinks
that were in the car. When he gets near the car, he starts to hear footsteps behind him. He thought it was his
girlfriend Ashley, he said her name but no one responds, he just hears strange noises, like a lullaby. Richard
looks back but he doesnt see anything and ignores it. He keeps walking to the car and hears a woman far away
saying with an intimidating voice, no one enters my cabin!.
As soon as he heard that, Richard started running away but it starts to rain really hard and there was a lot of
thunder too. Richard was pretty far from the cabin and when a thunder fell, he saw a shadow move really fast in
front of him. He screamed and ran away. Couple of minutes later, he calmed down, he didnt see anything so he
started walking but a horrible woman pops out of nowhere and laughed really creepy and grabs him. With her
powerful strength, she doesnt let him run and started to laugh again and then stabs him with a knife. Richard
died. His girlfriend Ashley got scared because Richard hasnt come back yet and it was raining.
It was 4:00 a.m. and everyone went to the beds and Ashley wanted to go to search for Richard. She stayed
alone in the living room and starts to hear footsteps and a woman singing. She started to get scared and tries to
get out of the cabin but she cant because it was locked. The lights start to flicker and she hears a lot of strange
noises, but she still cant get out. Then everything was silent, and something fell behind Ashley. She looks back
and saw a shadow; she looks forward again and sees the woman. Ashley started to scream and the woman stabs her
The next day, Monica gets up and sees Ashley on the floor near the door with a lot of blood. She starts to
scream and cry and everyone quickly get out of the beds. They started packing to get out of there as fast as
possible. John and Amaryllis finish packing and they go to the living room but they dont see Monica or his
boyfriend. The look for them and Amaryllis finds them near the car both dead. She starts to scream quickly enters
the car and hears the womans laugh. When she looks back, Amaryllis sees the corpse of her boyfriend and starts
to cry.
She starts the car and gets back to her home and search on the internet for an abandoned cabin. She finds out
that in that exact cabin, a woman was murdered. That woman loved her cabin more than anything else and since
that day, her ghost haunts that cabin.

Your Worst Mistake
Nicole Coln
Jostin Rodrguez

This was a story of five young people who were going to stay at a cottage summer. The cottage was a
very dark and strange place at night because of strange noises flooded. Young arrived and settled immediately.
They were feeling comfortable and doing three years they had been there. Alice was one of the girls to the
bathroom when the lights went out and returned quickly. Looking in the mirror he saw a woman in a long
white robe and bloodied but blink and I was not to take the bloody towel woman grabbed by the neck so hard
that he shortened breathing. Alice was choking and woman possessed. Alice strange current and I returned to
the room with the other Began Laura and Jimena wondered what happened to Alice and he was acting
strange. After a while they went to sleep. In the evening Alice heard someone in the hallway of the house to go
Realized it was Peter saw him enter the bathroom and hope to come out. When Alice left the bathroom told
him to accompany him outside and followed her. She walked very fast into the woods and was telling me to
wait. Already in the forest loses sight yells but she does not answer. She was behind him and whispers to the
ear looking for me, he killed it and hid under some leaves in the forest and went to the house to sleep.
The next morning everyone awake and searched for but did not find Peter thought he had gone to walk
around. Just past the hour all concerned that did not appear and was getting dark. Were divided into two
groups Jimena and Albert were on the lake and Laura and Alice went through the woods. They were exposed
for hours looking and did not find it .Until Laura stumbles upon the body screams full of leaves and goes to find
Alice this gives you with a stick on his head. Dizzy Laura Alice tries to escape but is hitting it with the stick until
it kills. Alice becomes engorged itself and realizes what he did, going into the house screaming for help. She
designed her so scared that there's a woman in the forest that had persecuted and killed Laura and Peter. They
went running scared for the house tried to call police but had no signal. They were completely out of reach.
Everyone came out to the car, Albert accelerated very scared. Suddenly the dark street woman with a child
appeared in the middle of the street. From posters Albert lost control of the car leaving the edge of a precipice.
Jimena looked back and saw the woman with the child approaching. They tried crying out but if the hill moved
would fall. She asks them if they acknowledged that they do three years ago she was with her son on the same
road and drunk and drugged them the trampled and went on the run. Very upset woman told him that they
had to pay for what they did and let them die if they cried for forgiveness. The car fell and exploded.

Two Sides
Isaas Manuel Zayas
Ricci Prez Flores

They live in a big house; upstairs slept their daughter Rose, the mother Julian, the father
James and the Uncle Samuel. Rose is 10 years old, Julian is 29 years old, James is 32 years old
and Samuel is older than his brother James; he is 38. The reason why Samuel lives with them is
because he doesnt have his own family. He was in a mad house so James decided to take him
to his home because, of course, he is his brother. Samuel slept down stairs and James always
watched over his brother.
Until one day that James saw something different about Samuel .The told James that
Charlie wants to murder him and James said who is Charlie and why he wants to murder
you...he didnt answer James didnt give it much thought because of the fact that he was in a
mad house. But he still was worried. He told his wife about the situation and she said and he
responded Yeah your right maybe its just nonsense. The next day Samuel said the same
thing again but this time he was more scared. James told him to relax but noticed that Samuel
was acting differently. Later that evening Julian took Rose to her aunts house so she could
spend the night then Julian came back to her house. The next morning James screamed
Nooo!! Brother...and Julian got up and went downstairs as fast as she can and they saw that
Samuel was dead. They called the police and they arrived and they said it was a suicide.
James was really sad. When Roses aunt heard the news se got so sad because she the
older sister she is 41 years old. So Julian Picked up Rose and took back to her house 2 days
later it was night time and Rose was sleeping and so was James Julian went to take a shower
because she was so hot she was talking a shower and a mysterious person came up to her and
murdered her. When it was sunrise James noticed that Julian wasnt in the bed but he felt like
if there was something wrong so he looked for her and when went to the bathroom he open
the shower curtain and he saw his wife murdered .He screamed full of anger went down stairs
to look for his daughter because he saw that she wasnt upstairs. When he checked on her she
was scared sitting next to a corner wall .He said are you ok she doesnt answer looking
strangely into his eyes he called the police to come, he hangs up the phone and tells her who
was her? She answers Charlie he Responded she says I cant tell you he told me not to tell
you he says Why you wont tell me!! Tell me now why is it so hard for you tell me she looked
down when she looked at him again she was in tears and she responded Because Charlieis
you He was shock frustrated he had Flash backs and he realized that every time he went to
sleep he wakes up at that moment with a different personality and realized he murdered his
wife and he murdered his brother suddenly the caps arrived and James didnt know what to do
or say. Suddenly he snaps and Charlie and Charlie tell her hide in a creepy voice and a police
came in and Charlie murders him and the other cops came inn and it took 8 police officers to
murder Charlie and they find his daughter scared crying for the loss of her uncle her mother
her father and of course Charlie.
They took Rose to a Safe place they took her to live with her aunt. Days and weeks have
past and Rose sitting in her bedroom sad hopping that one day Charlie would come and play
with her again. Suddenly she he a strange hears a strange voice coming from the closet saying
Rose come to me lets play hide and seek she responded in tears Charlie is that really you
He laughs and says common and see she laughs and goes into the closet. Later that night she is
not home and since that day she was never to be found.

Cabin in the Woods
Cristal M. Coln Rentas
Steven M. Pacheco Martnez

In the summer of July 19, 1949 in Canada two couples are going to stay in a cabin in the
woods. The woods were known as "The Dark Woods of Canada". John, Jennifer, Michael and
Nicole got to the woods and talked with Mr. Charles, the owner of the cabin. They rented the
cabin and then they put all their bags and all their stuff away. And spent their first day on the
lake near their cabin; in that moment Jeffrey was watching them. On their first night in the
cabin, they were watching T.V. they were watching a scary movie, and on a very suspense
moment somebody knocked at the door, it was Bernie the forest ranger of the "Dark Woods
Of Canada", he got there to warn the couples of some mysterious thing that were happening
in the woods.
The next morning they were planning to take a walk around the woods and on their way they
saw a strange looking door and tried to open it. Mr. Charles saw them and told them to go
away and they said "Ok". Walking down to the cabin Mr. Johnson (the detective) stopped
them and had a little talk with them. He asked them some questions and then Mr. Johnson
told them the story about the cabin and the kind of person that Mr. Charles was. They got to
the cabin and the sun went down and the light disappeared bringing the dark night.
Jennifer was taking a bath, but all of a sudden when the others went to the bathroom Jennifer
was gone and there was some blood on the bathroom walls. Mr. Charles took out a gun and
shot at John because he got very aggressive, his girlfriend was gone. Mr. Charles kidnapped
Michael and Nicole and took them to the room were Jennifer was and Jeffrey (the killer) killed
Jennifer by taking eyeballs out. Michael and Nicole were frapped in the room; wondering how
to escape. They were very scared, noises came from outside and Nicole said "look a car", it
was Bernie and Michael.
Nicole stared screaming hoping Bernie would hear her screaming coming down from the
room. Finally the police man heard them and tried to break the window but in that moment
Jeffrey got Bernie from behind and killed him with a knife, Michael and Nicole were extremely
scared and then Mr. Charles entered the room to kill both of them with his gun. All of a
sudden Mike knock him down from behind with a hammer and Mike, Michael and Nicole got
to mines car to escape but the car didn't want to start. Jeffrey appeared with Charles gun and
shot at Mike; Michael and Nicole ran into the woods. There they found one of Michael's feet
that got cut by a trap. Michael told Nicole to run and get help. Nicole on her way found Mr.
Johnson and told him to help her and when they got to the woods Mr. Charles head was gone.
They planned to kill Jeffrey; they made him some traps and that same night when they got to
the cabin they saw Jeffrey. They began running and Johnson fell and Jeffrey got him and Nicole
hid behind a bush, she heard some steps, in her hands he had an axe and when the steps were
closer Nicole attacked and killed Mr. Charles. Mr. Charles had a gun is his hand and with the
reaction of instinct shot and hurt Nicole's arm. She got to the cabin and got some tape for his
hand, when through the windows and saw Jeffrey with Michael's dead body. When the killer
entered the cabin Nicole shot at him with the gun that Charles had and she thought that she
had killed him. At the end the cabin was full of people: new reporters, detective, police and
some other people searching and finding clues of the mystery. Jeffrey was burned out but still
olive because Nicole had turned him on fire, but the mystery will continue later. We will soon
know what happened with Jeffrey and what he will do to revenge his father's death.
Finally Nicole got to his neighborhood and everything was back to normal but in her room
there was a note from Jeffrey saying well played Nicole, but this isn't over. I will see you later.
Sincerely, Jeffrey and beside the note there was a present and when she opened it there was a
finger that belonged to Michael and Nicole was horrified.

Night Nurse
Ambar Y. Franceschi Rivera
Mariangely Reyes 11-2

Alice spent her first night in the hospital. The baby slept beside her. It had been a difficult birth but in the end
everything went well. And at about ten in the evening, after mourn all day, the baby fell asleep. Alice thought
about in the dark, occasionally rocking the cradle. Alice woke with a start at midnight. There was a noise from
the other side of the door. He heard a noise like someone walking in the hallway Tun Tun Tun! The footsteps
came and went. Heavy breathing was also heard. Alice got up from the bed to the door, looked slowly and saw a
quick shadow through the hallways. She closed the door and scared slept with his baby. The next day Alice
goes to where asking nurse about what had happened in the night. Very nervous nurse replied that it most likely
had been one of the sick. At about midnight Alice gets up and he heard a whisper saying that's my baby. Alice
took her baby scared and called nursing.
-Yes? Replied the nurse.
-Hi I'm Alice Room 122, she whispered scared. There's something knocking on my door while I was asleep and
someone whispered me'' that's my baby. Ahhhhh! Is that shadow again.
- Oh God! said to the nurse, Miss for God's sake do not leave the room.
-It is a joke?
-It's not a joke, it's something dangerous out there we figured we would but we were wrong.
-Then call the police, come help me! Alice said.

The nurse replies, we also cannot run danger. Then he cut the call. Suddenly something began to heavily hit the
door like a superhuman strength. Breathing had become a sort of cry Agrrrrh! Alice took her baby and the door
opened a strong thump. It was a woman dressed as a nurse, she came crawling like a snake, his uniform was
completely stained with blood, dripping all over the floor. Then he began to climb the crib and Alice quickly
took her baby and climbed on the table. Then with her baby Alice jumped over the thing. Alice immediately
started running and it was going after her, until Alice stepped forward and managed to leave the hospital. Then
he stopped at a stop to rest and at that moment Alice received a call from the nurse.
-Yes? Alice said.
-Where rays has asked? Nurse tucked.
-I'm fine do not worry, but I can explain what the hell was that thing?
-That thing as you say is a spirit that bears obsession for babies born in this hospital. Five years ago it did not
look, now pay attention to me. That spirit will not leave you alone, when you choose a baby does not rest until
it's in his arms.
-Alice said-But where is it? Has she come?
-It happened twelve years ago. Her name was Mary, was one of the nurses working in the night shift. Mary was
eight months pregnant when one day fall down some stairs at the hospital, lost her baby. She was not working
for a month after that she returned. Returning and finding her babies upset by what had happened to him
believed that every baby was in that hospital was his. The other nurses to see the obsession she had for the
babies decided to commit her to a hospital to help her overcome the loss of her baby. Then to Mary not
overcome the loss of her baby was left hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital until he died. But do I have to say is
very important, as your baby is in danger.
- What, talk and tell me please? Alice said.
- The spirit of this thing, I mean do not let Mary live in peace until your baby and why should care for and
protect more than your life, because Mary is not to take for losing going until your child is at least one year old
said the nurse.
-All I have to do is give my life for my baby. I'll do it, thank you very much for the info, see you soon. Bye
Alice replied.
- Take care of you and your baby. Good bye and luck. said the nurse.

The Twins
By: Ileany Torres & Jonathan Lpez

The youngest Winchesters were gone out for the summer at summer camp leaving Elizabeth and Gabriel Winchester
alone for the summer. They said that alone time could have been useful for couple quality time. They loved their
daughters so soon after their daughters goodbye they were left feeling alone and empty. Having kids was a full-time job
so they were busy 24/7. Now, it was just boring with them. They had turned monotone and everyday life became a
routine. Sometimes, they went grocery shopping or just on a simple walk but no matter what they did it all felt boring.
They were anxious for their daughters and could not wait until they got to see them again. One day, there was a knock
on the door and the mothers eyes seemed to light up. She ran hurriedly to the door and opened it. There were girls
alright, but not their girls.
They were twins. They were brown-haired beautiful girls. They have blue eyes and round, chubby cute faces that
belonged to ten-year-olds that never seemed to separate their hands. They were at the Winchesters family doorstep
and for some reason they seemed happy and somehow relieved.
-Mom! The younger one screamed happily.
Mom? Why would these weird but cute none-the-less little strangers call Elizabeth Mom?
-Ummexcuse me? Elizabeth, said feeling confused.
The little girls looked one another and raised their eyebrows in unison feeling just as confused as the woman was.
-Mom, dont you remember us? The oldest seemed like she was about to cry now. Your daughters? Bommie-? the
girl pointed towards herself. Hyde? She pointed to her sister by her side currently holding her hand.
-I-Im sorry but Elizabeth stuttered not really wanting to make them cry. D-Dont you guys want to come in? said
the woman stuttering with a nervous smile.
Elizabeth was confused but interested in these little girls that seemed so very happy to see her. When she asked
the girls who they thought she was, they looked at each other like they could not believe what they were hearing. They
told her that she was, as a matter of a fact, their mother and that her name was Skyler Whitlock and that she got lost
looking for gas for their car. Elizabeth still didnt understand why these girls thought she was their mother or why they
were alone.After a little bit more of talking, Elizabeth asked:
-Are you girls hungry? I made some soup The girls smiled, probably thinking that their mother was finally starting to
remember them.
They had dinner. But Elizabeth couldnt help but feel slightly scared and worried. Though, she did not know who was
she worrying for, her or the girls. Bommie and Hyde, as the girls called themselves, did not eat. They just sat there with
their hands joined looking at Elizabeth with wide eyes and crooked smiles, which if Elizabeth was honest, was getting her
scared. There was a knock on the door once again and Elizabeth though that it was Gabriel just coming home from work.
She put a fake smile over her face, as at the time she was feeling terrified, and excused herself from the table and got up
to answer the door. To her surprise, it was not Gabriel but her girls Ashely and Coraline. Elizabeth was extremely happy
to see them and hugged them until they could barely breathe.
- UhHi mom we missed you too Ashely said looking genuinely happy.
-UmMom we are kind of stinky and tired so were off to our room ok? Coraline said really wanting to go and take a
Elizabeth kissed their foreheads and nodded as sign that she dismissed them so they could go and take a bath. When
Ashely and Coraline stepped in the house, the twins were standing in the hallway with their hands still joined glaring at
Elizabeths daughters.
-who are they?! Hyde exclaimed looking offended.
Elizabeth didnt appreciate their tone. My daughters she replied, also looking offended.
-umm Mom? Coraline asked looking scared and confused as why were these two unknown little girls inside their
house glaring at them.
-Ashely, Coraline go and take a shower the woman sternly ordered.
-But mom- Ashely couldnt finish her sentence, as her mother glared at them and said seriously, Shower, now!
Elizabeth didnt mean to glare at her girls or even talk to them that way, but she knew something bad was going to
happen with the twins still in the house and she wanted to investigate from where these girls seemed to come from. The
girls complied without another word and Elizabeth turned to the twins sisters who were still glaring at her.
-Come on, finish your dinner girls you dont want it to turn cold do you? Elizabeth said with a fake smile over her lips
as she was feeling terrified at the girls who never seemed to separate their hands.
-Ok mom, well finish our dinner but just because you made it specially for us said Bommie emphasizing the word
specially while grinning from ear to ear, an action that sent chills through Elizabeths body. Elizabeth sighed and nodded
before she went to fetch her laptop from her bedroom, going back to the dinner table to keep an eye on the girls. She
opened her laptop and turned it on and when it finally did she tried to remember the twins names. One of them was
Myde? Lyde?...Hyde? She shook her head, this wouldnt do. She couldnt think of anything so she typed in The twins
and she got a news report that seemed a little fishy. The article said that there were two little girls who were twins and
only seemed to have 10 years old. It also said that these two little girls were found dead on a little pond inside the
forest. The article also came with a picture. In the pictured there were two little girls with their hands joined, they had
brownish hair, their skin was blue but most importantly they looked exactly like the two little girls that were now seated
in front Elizabeth also, with their hands joined. The realization downed on her, Elizabeth panicked on the inside she
didnt know what to do. These little girls were dead and now thought she was their mom.
Mom! Im hungry! Ashley came running in and hugged her like she always did when she asked for food. Jealousy
sparked inside the twins. The twins stood up with a murderous look on their faces as they separated their hands for the
first time. Elizabeth got scared and hugged her daughter stronger, afraid of what might happen next.
Dont touch her, shes our mother The twins said in unison.
Mom, Im scared Ashely said, bringing her mother closer.
Hyde stepped close to Ashley and whispered creepily As you should be Then stroked her hair with a wide smile on
her lips.
Youre a pretty girl Ashely, Ashley shuddered at the fake tone on Hydes voice. Its certainly a shame, its going to end
like this Hyde mockingly whispered as she snapped Ashleys neck ad her body fell lifeless on the floor in front of her
mother. Elizabeth screamed and kneeled in front of her daughters lifeless body and cried.
What did you do?! She asked, seriously hoping that everything was just a bad joke.
Do you not understand mother? Bommie said We are just one step away from it being just us. No annoying girls, just
us. Cant you see you are our mother? We dont want to lose you again
Again? whispered Elizabeth as more tears ran down her cheek.
Yes, do you not recall everything? Hyde said before turning her head to look at Bommie.
The gas station? The car broke down on the middle of the road and you told us to stay in the car, when you werent
back for hours we went to look for you. We never saw you and got lost. We tried going back to the car but never made
it, last thing we remember is going into the lake to drink some water Bommie explained as tears started to form in her
Its ok now, because now we have you! Hyde said with certain innocence in her eyes. They must had drowned or been
poisoned by de dirty water of the lake Elizabeth thought.
Mom?! Why are you screaming and crying?! Asked Coraline entering the room, widening her eyes as she saw Ashelys
lifeless body covered in blood on the floor.
Coraline, no! screamed Elizabeth in fear of losing her last child. Hyde got closer to Coraline while Bommie held
Elizabeth. Elizabeth trying to get away from Bommies hold and Bommie whispering in the womans ear: why are you
trying to get away? Dont you love your daughters? Dont you want a hug from your daughters? Please dont go away
again Hyde caressed Coralines hair and said My mom was right you two were beautiful girls Were? Coraline
whispered, tears rolling down her cheeks. yes, Hyde answered. Bommie is right also, its a shame youre going to end
like this Hyde said as she smiled while snapping Coralines neck backwards. Elizabeth kept screaming. She felt so much
now. She felt anger, rage, depression and she also felt lightheaded as she felt she was going to pass out. Hyde stared at
Coralines neck for a minute, staring at the blood flowing out. Then, she turned to Elizabeth.
Cant you see mother? Now its just us. Were never going to lose you again. Now we have you for ourselves. Forever
The twins said in unison while Elizabeth cried silently.
Gabriel Winchester (Elizabeths husband) was also killed by the girls when he came back home that night. Twenty
years later, Elizabeth is still living frightened with the twins as her daughters still are mourning the loss of her daughters
and everyday attempting suicide. She has never achieved doing so. Like the twins once said she was stuck with them

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