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ESOL 30 Professor Grace

Kelly- Pousson
SubjectVerb Agreement
Choose the appropri at e completion
1. Potatoes___________an important part of many ris! meals.
a. are
". is

#. $any ris! ancient castles still ______________to%ay.
a. stan%
". stan%s
3. &!e !arp ____________ t!e national musical instrument of relan%.
a. are
". is
'. &!is !oli%ay _________________a"out St. Patric(.
a. is
". are
). *ll of t!e +irls ___________s!amroc(s on St. Patric(,s -ay.
a. .ear
". .ears

/. ris! Soccer teams _________________e0ery .ee(en%.
a. plays
". play
1. One of my cousins _______comin+ to 0isit me from -u"lin.
a. are
". is
2. Pierce 3rosnan is an ris! actor .!o _______________4ames 3on%
in t!e mo0ies.
a. play
". plays
5. E0ery "oy in relan% ____________!is o.n soccer "all.
a. !as
". !a0e
10. 3ecause relan% ___________an islan% country6 fis!in+ is a "i+
a. is
". are

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