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CP American Lit
Ms. Corgan

Is Holden Wise?

It is a common belief that only older, more mature people are wise. Teens are not
usually seen as having much wisdom.

Consider these two examples pertaining to Holdens behavior:

1. When Holden visits Old Spencer in chapter two, Old Spencer tries to give Holden
some advice: Life is a game, boy. Life is a game that one plays by the rules. Though he
should be listening to the advice being given to him, Holden cant help but focus on how
depressing it is to see Old Spencer in his bathrobe.

2. Throughout the entire book, you will see that Holden makes small (yet meaningful)
remarks about what he observes. For example, he notes that Sometimes I act a lot
older than I am-- I really do-- but people never notice it. People never notice anything

Despite that, he acts in very immature ways-- like pretending to be blind and horsing
around just to annoy Ackley (22).

What do you make of this conflict in Holdens perspectives and behaviors?
Compare and contrast the two sides of Holden. Is he wise or not? Is he
immature or not? Is he somewhere in between?

Most importantly: Why do you think this?

Please answer in paragraph form and reference (at least) BOTH of the
examples I have provided.

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