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Eric Brooks

HUMA 1100
Critical Thinking Demo
Millennials Invent New Religion: No Hell, No Priests, No Punishment is a piece on a study in a
college classroom setting. It is based on the thought of what would happen if the younger generation of
today could develop their own religion, what would the standards be. Would it be a strict one train of
thought like religions of today, or would it be a simple idea. Candace Chellew-Hodge found out it was
quite simple, her students were broken up into groups of four and given a set of standards and then left
to their own accord. When the students were asked to present their ideas it was quite different than the
ideals of today's beliefs. The historical context was applied to all great religions ever created. like every
religion or doctorin created there was a combining of minds of what they felt society needed to value
and to live a good respectable life in the eyes of their creator. the context of the piece affects the
interpretation when you realize every religion has started with a teacher posing questions about what
society values and how we can better it. The intended audience I think is for organized religion who's
ideals are stuck in the past and not moving forward with the current times. the millennials of today have
and open attitude towards forward thinking some examples would be homosexuality, mixed races,
abortion, pre marital sex and other social normality's of today. older generations are stuck on their
unachievable expectations that today's fast paced world does not accept. The works main argument
shows us that the new generation with or without the support of traditional doctrine will develop a new
form of thought. If mainstream religions of today are unwilling to change or accept today's social values
they will fade away with the older generations.

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