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The OzBoy File

The Truth About Barrack Obama
USA President

No, No, No Mr. Obama We The People Of The FREE World
Are Not Falling For Your Lies About Iran and Nuclear



Lloyd T Vance & Steve Johnson

The Truth About Barrack Obama
USA President

Everything that comes out of this
mans mouth is a LIE!

He is completely owned, brought and paid for by AIPAC The
Jewish Lobby on behalf of Israel, The Military Industrial Complex,
Big Pharma Companies, Health Care Insurance, Big Corporations,
Right Wing Nazi Think Tanks like Council On Foreign Relations,
Trilateral Commission, Wall Street Banks, The Federal Reserve

This man Barrack Obama has SOLD his soul to evil
entities that now control the USA

The Freedom Collective Is a group of like-minded people dedicated to
seeking peace and truth in a world of lies and deceit. Freedom
Collective The OZBOY FILE and associated logos and certain images
listed are copyright Trademarks and are not to be copied or reproduced
without express permission.

The images contained within this publication are shown and used for
illustrative purposes, have been found on public domain and have used for
educational use only and no ownership is implied or intended unless stated

The Truth About Barrack Obama
USA President


Chapter 1 Obama's Sodomite Past Comes Back To Haunt

Chapter 2 Hospitals in Hawaii to Obama: You Were Not
Born Here!

Chapter 3 Doubts Persist About Obama Birth Certificate

What Hope & Change Did Obama Bring To USA?

Nothing but another 4 years of George Bush ZioNazi
Republican Party Policies

But as the people know there are NO difference between
Democrat and Republican Parties the same people who control
Obama and the White House control both parties.

The Truth About Barrack Obama
USA President


Chapter 5 Jewrys Scheme For World Domination


Chapter 7 The Mossads Infiltration Of America

Barrack Obama speaks with a Fork Tongue


Chapter 9 The Rise of the Jewish Empire: The Jewish
Conquest of America

The Truth About Barrack Obama
USA President

Chapter 10 The Zionist Trap of the American President

Chapter 11 Fanatic Rabbi Who Teaches Goyim Slavery
Comes to US

Chapter 12 The Christmas Bomber and the Fraudulent
War on Terror

Chapter 13 DC nuclear summit was a smokescreen


How much has your life improved under this man since
taking over Americans?

The Truth About Barrack Obama
USA President


Welcomed everybody to The Ozboy File The Truth
About Barrack Obama USA President, as you can see
by the Chapter listed above the book is full of great
information, stories, articles, behind the scenes news
about Mr. Barrack Obama.

Those readers who are not brainwashed to the two party
system, will appreciate reading this book with what we
expose, those that are (Brainwashed Under MK Ultra
Mind Control) to the system wont see the truth and just
jump to his defence and the Democrat Party Defence
starting with using the Race Card and saying we hate
blacks Blah, Blah, Blah.

Our other friends the Zionist Nazis will cry Oh You Hate
Jews, and call us Nazis, Anti Semitic and all the names
under the sun as usual when you expose the Zionist
Jewish Mafia.

The purpose of this book is to expose the truth, if you
cannot stand to hear the truth and want to deny, and live
in a land of denial more fool you when your country
United States of America collapses.

In this book we will expose: -

A) Barrack Obama as a Liar, dishonest, sleaze bag, sold
out and controlled by other entities.

B) Not picking on Obama alone we will expose a few of
these treasonous, treacherous creatures running your
country United States of America.

C) We will expose the Zionist Jewish Mafia control over
the Mainstream Media for not exposing any of the
within, you will read soon.

D) Finally we will expose and wake people up from their
brainwashed state, so when they hear Trumpets
Playing God Bless America, and Politicians saying God
Bless America, America is a Christian based God
fearing country, that its all a Big Steaming Load Of
Bull Shit.

And I will go to the 10 Commandments here now, if
America was a God Fearing Christian Nation with your
Politicians God Fearing God Obeying people.

Then read Chapter 1 very carefully because two of the 10
Commandments are: -

Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery

Thou Shall NOT Kill

If America is such a Christian country and God Fearing
Obeying country is not elected representatives getting
their Rocks Off At Gay Sauna Bath Houses Committing

The Secret Service job is to provide Security for The
President and other politicians, It is NOT the Secret
Service Job to go into the same Bath Houses purge all
records of the above activities for these politicians.

Also Murder Assassinate Gay Lovers the President have
got his Rocks Off With isnt the President then guilty of
Killing People thus breaking that commandment?

Chapter 1

Obama's Sodomite Past Comes Back To Haunt Him.

President Obama and his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel are lifetime
members of the same gay bathhouse in uptown Chicago,
according to informed sources in Chicagos gay community, as
well as veteran political sources in the city.

The bathhouse, Mans Country, caters to older white men and it
has been in business for some 30 years and is known as one of
uptown Chicagos grand old bathhouses.

WMR was told by sources who are familiar with the bathhouse
that it provides one-year lifetime memberships to paying
customers and that the clubs computerized files and pre-
computer paper files, include membership information for both
Obama and Emanuel.

The data is as anonymized as possible for confidentiality

However, sources close to Mans Country believe the U.S.
Secret Service has purged the computer and filing cabinet files of
the membership data on Obama and Emanuel.

Members of Mans Country are also issued club identification
cards. WMR learned that Obama and Emanuel possessed the ID
cards, which were required for entry.

Obama began frequenting Mans Country in the mid-1990s,
during the time he transitioned from a lecturer at the University
of Chicago Law School to his election as an Illinois State Senator
in 1996.

Emanuel, reportedly joined Mans Country after he left the Clinton
White Hosue and moved back to Chicago in 1998, joining the
investment firm of Wasserstein Perella and maintaining his
membership during his 2002 campaign for the U.S. 5th District
House seat vacated by Rod Blagojevich, who was elected

Mans Country appears to be a one stop shopping center for gay

The clubs website advertises steam rooms, fantasy rooms, bed
rooms, male strippers, adult movies, and lockers.

However, Mans Country was not the only location for Obamas
predatory gay sex activities.

The Chicago gay community is aware that Obama often made
contacts with younger men at his famous pick-up basketball

It was at these pick up matches where Obama first met
Emanuel and a young Democratic campaign worker and senior
bank vice president named Alexi Giannoulias.

Currently running for Obamas old U.S. Senate seat now occupied
by Roland Burris, Giannoulias successfully ran for Illinois
Treasurer in 2006 after being drafted for the run by Chicagos
Democratic machine.

The Blagojevich Trial Sex, Lies, and Audio Tapes

Fitzgeralds US Attorneys Office part of White House cover-up of
gay sex in the Second City

Giannoulias was a vice president and senior loan officer for his
fathers bank, Broadway Bank, from 2002 to 2006.

Broadway Bank made real estate loans to Antoin Tony Rezko,
the chief of Rezmar Corporation.

On May 13, 2008, Rezko was found guilty, after being indicted by
a grand jury at the behest of the U.S. Attorney for Northern
Illinois Patrick J. Fitzgerald, of six counts of wire fraud, six counts
of mail fraud, two counts of corrupt solicitation, and two counts
of money laundering.

Rezko has been in solitary confinement at the Metropolitan
Detention Center at Van Buren and Clark in Chicago since June

However, Rezko has not yet been officially sentenced to a federal

A Syrian-American, Rezko is considered to be a flight risk, even
though his one-time fortune of $50 million has been reduced to

One Republican politician in Chicago told WMR that Rezko will be
a prime witness for Blagojevichs defense.

Figure it this way, Rezkos been in solitary confinement in the
city jail since June 0f 2008 . . . if he is released to appear at
Blagojevichs trial as the primary witness, everyone expects him
to squeal like a pig, said the Republican politico.

In 2005, Rezko reportedly engaged in a complicated real estate
flip through which his wife Rita and Obama agreed to split an
empty lot adjoining a home that Obama bought in Chicagos
Kenwood district.

The deal saw Obama buy the home for $1.65 million, which was
$300,00 below market value.

Obama then bought a strip of the adjoining property from Mrs.
Rezko, a speculative deal that stood to make Obama a handsome
profit. Since Rezkos conviction, the property has has reportedly
gone into bankruptcy.

Giannouliass Broadway Bank was seized by the Illinois
Department of Financial and Professional Regulation on April 23,
2010, reportedly as Secretary of Treasury Tim Geithner was on
his way to Chicago to present the bank with a bailout check.
Geithner quickly changed his plans.

Giannoulias, Broadways then-senior loan officer, has denied
being involved in the decision to loan money to Rezko.

Blagojevichs trial judge, U.S. District Court judge James Zagel, a
crony of former Illinois Republican Governor Jim Thompson.

Ruled that all 500 hours of phone calls intercepted and taped by
Fitzgerald could not be played during Blagojevichs trial as
demanded by Blagojevich and his defense lawyers.

Blagojevich demanded that Fitzgerald show up in court and
explain to everybody . . . why you dont want those tapes that
you made played in court.

WMR has learned that the tapes may contain salty references
Obamas and Emanuels private lives.

WMR attempted to interview Blagojevichs senior defense lawyer
Sam Adam to no avail but other informed sources told us that the
tapes, if played, would highlight the corruption of not only
Obama, Emanuel, and other member of Obamas Chicago brain
trust but also Fitzgerald himself.

WMR was told that Fitzgeralds tactics have included providing
sex and drugs to imprisoned felons to get them to provide
perjured testimony at federal trials.

It is exactly the type of federal prosecutorial misconduct by
Fitzgerald that former Republican Governor said was used by
state prosecutors when he commuted the death sentences of
Illinoiss death row population.

Ryan was indicted by Fitzgerald for fraud and he is currently
serving out a federal prison sentence.

Blagojevichs trial was scheduled to begin on June 3 and
Fitzgeralds main interest was to keep the trial focused on
Blagojevich, especially after he managed to flip Blagojevichs
former chief of staff John Harris to testify against the impeached
and ousted governor.

WMR learned from informed sources that one lawyer on Harriss
defense team is involved in a gay partner scandal that was
discovered by the attorneys wife.

Some of the wiretaps may reveal that it was not Valerie Jarrett,
Obamas longtime friend and current White House policy adviser
who was Obamas top candidate to fill his U.S. Senate seat, but
the young 32-year old pick up basketball friend of Obama,
Giannoulias, then serving his second year as state Treasurer.

However, Obama had avoided campaigning for Giannoulias in
Illinois and there were initial indications that the president had
thrown Giannoulias under the bus, according to some
Democratic political circles in Chicago.

However, Obama has since had a change of heart and began to
campaign for him.

Mutiple Chicago sources report that Republicans who see
Giannouliass Obama connections as providing an edge in his
Senate race this year should not celebrate prematurely.

Giannouliass GOP opponent, U.S. Representative Mark Kirk, a
Naval Reserve intelligence officer, has also been identified as a
closeted gay man.

Kirk divorced his wife last year after an eight-year marriage.

They had no children.

In addition, U.S. Representative Aaron Shock, who took over the
House seat vacated by Obamas Republican Transportation
Secretary Ray LaHood, is, according to Chicago Boys Town
sources, a habitu of Minibar, a noted gay bar in Chicagos gay

For an extremely young first term member of the House,
observers were surprised when GOP Minority Whip Eric Cantor of
Virginia named Shock as a Deputy Minority Whip.

Mans Country, one of Chicagos grand old bathhouses and
located at 5015 North Clark Street in Chicagos Boystown, was a
frequent hangout for State Senator Obama and Rahm Emanuel

Sources in Chicagos gay community report that Obama was
attracted to Mans Countrys older white clientele because he
generally enjoys being fellated by older white men.

Obama would regularly be seen at Mans Country on

Obama reportedly has never engaged in reciprocal activity.

The sources also confirm the allegations made during the 2008
campaign by Larry Sinclair, a Chicago visitor who revealed that in
1999 he engaged in such oral sex activity and crack cocaine use
with then-State senator Obama on two occasions, once in the
back of a Chicago limousine operated by Five Star Limousine
Service, and the other at a Chicago area motel, the Comfort
Suites in Gurnee, Illinois.

After revealing details of the encounter at a press conference at
the National Press Club in Washington, Sinclair was arrested by
Washington Metropolitan Police on a fugitive warrant issued by
Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, the son of Obamas vice
presidential running mate, Senator Joe Biden.

Sinclair was charged with a misdemeanor count of theft of money
orders, however, the state of Delaware declined prosecution.

Beau Biden later declined to run for his fathers old Senate seat
because of his duties to prosecute a major pedophilia case
involving Lewes, Delaware pediatrician Dr. Earl Bradley.

There are reports that Bidens office helped to cover up Bradleys
activities, including failing to authorize search warants for
Bradleys office and computer.

WMR spoke to several well-placed sources in Chicago who
reported that Jeremiah Wright, the pastor of Obamas former
church of 20 years, Trinity United Church of Christ (TUCC) on
Chicagos south side, ran what was essentially a matchmaking
service for gay married black professional members of the church,
including lawyers and businessmen, particularly those with

The matchmaking club was called the Down Low Club but
references to it over the phone and email simply referred to the
group with the code phrase DLC.

The ruse, according to our sources, was to make anyone who
was eavesdropping on the communications believe that the
references were to the Democratic Leadership Council, also
known as the DLC.

The gay DLCs services were intended to keep ensure TUCCs gay
members avoided posting solicitations on web services like Craigs
List and refrain from cruising gay bars. The strategy was to
protect them from getting busted and being outed.

Among the members of the gay DLC were Obama and TUCCs
choir director, Donald Young, an openly gay man who reportedly
had a sexual relationship with Obama.

Two other gay members of the church were Larry Bland and Nate

Young and Bland were brutally murdered, execution style, in late

Bland was murdered on November 17, 2007 and Young on
December 24, 2007.

The latter was killed by multiple gunshot wounds. Spencer
reportedly died on December 26, 2007, official cause of death:
septicemia, pneumonia, and HIV.

DLC members often went on camping trips arranged by TUCC.
Wright reportedly was the head of the DLC matchmaking
services and ensured that its members protected each other.

The DLCs clientele included Obama and other gay members of
TUCC, including, reportedly Young, Bland, and Spencer.

Fox 32 Chicago reported that Blands mother, Josephine Bland,
was so upset at her son inviting men into their home as a result
of contacting them through gay web sites like Adam4Adam, she
moved out.

The gay community in Chicago knows to keep away from the
TUCC and DLC stories because of the creepiness of the
operation and the suspicious deaths of the three TUCC gay black

Although Obama protected his alternate life style through the
secretiveness of the DLC, he was not so careful when he
proclaimed he was a state senator while frolicking at Mans
Country in uptown Chicago.

Love Obamas Personal Trainer

Reggie Love, a former Duke basketball and football player and
unsuccessful National Basketball hopeful, currently serves as
Obamas personal trainer and White House special assistant
he has been called Obamas body man who receives a salary
of $104,000 a year.

Love is also reportedly one of Obamas regular gay sex partners.

Love joined Obamas Senate staff in a senior staff position in

Media Generals tabloid, the National Enquirer, proffered a story
last year about Michelle Obama being furious about the
relationship between her husband and his body man.

The Enquirers sister tabloid, The Globe, later floated a story
about Obama having a relationship with a Democratic campaign
official named Vera Baker.

WMR has been told that this relationship was a clever ruse to
throw off speculation about Obamas actual past sex partners.

Baker has apparently left the United States for relatively more
obscurity in Martinique.

Media Generals tabloids have scooped the mainstream media on
sex scandals involving Bill Clinton and Gennifer Flowers and
Monica Lewinsky, Tiger Woods, and John Edwards and Rielle

WMRs Chicago sources believe the Secret Service records of
presidential candidate Obamas activities in Chicago would show
that Obama regularly arrived at Loves Chicago residence at 9:00
am and departed at 9:15 am.

Sources told WMR that while 15 minutes is much too short for a
personal training exercise, it is ample time for fellatio.

Bill Frist, Brokeback Mountain, and Obama

In 2006, after Obama became the junior senator from Illinois,
WMRs sources in the Congressional Black Caucus reported that
there were persistent rumors of gay trysts between Obama and
then-GOP Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee.

The allegations at the time seemed unbelievable.

However, based on Obamas penchant for receiving fellatio from
older white men, a column written by The Washington Posts In
the Loop columnist Al Kamen on April 7, 2006, some four
months into Obamas Senate term, may have expanded

Kamen reported he received an invitation to attend Frists 5th
Annual VOLPAC 06 Weekend in Nashville from April 21st to 23rd
and that the invitation card required one to unbuckle the
cowboys pants and look inside to see what this was all about.
Kamen opined that the invitation seemed a bit too Brokeback

The invitation advertised that the shindig would feature one-of-
a-kind music and special friends, although Kamen said there was
no indication what made the friends so special.

Kamen then wrote, The back of the card shows the cowboy from
behind with a red flowered handkerchief sticking out of his right

Wait a minute wasnt there something about how this used to
be some kind of code in the gay community years ago?

A way to signal each other in crowded, noisy bars?

So we checked the Gay City USA.coms Hanky Codes.

Sure enough, there it was in the chart explaining what they
mean: red hanky in right pocket. Oh, dear.

Rumors about Obama and Frist ran amok in Congressional Black
Caucus circles in 2006.

Although Frist ran on the pledge of only serving two terms, he
became Senate Majority Leader with all the perks of the office.

WMRs sources in Chicagos gay community revealed that Frists
Majority Leader predecessor, Senator Trent Lott of Mississippi,
was also known to seek the services of male prostitutes.

Frist, who said he planned to run for President in 2006, decided
against a run for the White House and also declined a run for
Tennessee governor in 2010.

With the rumor mill running at full speed in 2006, it is obvious
why Frist abandoned politics so quickly for the medical business.

Frist later endorsed Obamas health care proposals.

A year later, when GOP Senator Larry Craig was arrested while
soliciting for sex in a mens toilet stall at Minneapolis-St. Paul
International Airport, he changed his mind about immediately
resigning his Senate seat.

Knowing about his colleagues behavior, he dug in his heels and
completed his term in January 2009.

Rahm the Sugar Daddy

Obamas chief of staff Emanuel, who won a scholarship to the
Joffrey Ballet but turned it down to attend college, is married and,
like Obama, has children, in Emanuels case, a son and two

However, Emanuel, who is 50, also travel frequently with a male
companion, a wealthy Chicago real estate developer, some five to
six years his senior.

WMR has learned from Chicagos gay community as well as
political sources that Emanuel and his friend have gone together
on a trip to India, skiing vacations, and soon plan a vacation in
Florida, sans Mrs. Emanuel and the kids.

In Chicagos gay community, Emanuel is known as sugar daddy,
promising young men with perks and lucrative positions if they
sleep with him.

On occasion, Emanuel has been with older men, such as his
travel companion, but his preference is young, according to
WMRs sources.

Emanuel also often uses bicycling and basketball venues to make
his approaches.

Being an Emanuel basketball buddy is a key to professional

WMR spoke to one member of the gay community in Chicago
who had first hand knowledge of one of Emanuels bed partners,
an older man who runs a non-profit symphony organization.

Obamas Other Sex Partners

WMR has previously reported on Obamas past trysts with
Alabama Democratic U.S. Representative Artur Davis, a current
primary candidate for governor of Alabama.

Although not in the same class, Obama and Davis attended
Harvard Law School during an overlap of their attendance at the
law school.

The information on Davis and Obama was gathered by opposition
researchers for former Alabama Representative Earl Hilliard, who
Davis defeated in the 2002 Democratic primary.

Recently, WMR was informed by sources in Alabama that
Attorney General Eric Holder traveled three days ago to Alabama
to inform Davis that if he loses his primary race, he would be
nominated by Obama to fill the job of U.S.

Attorney for the Middle District of Alabama, a position still held by
Bush-appointee Leura Canary, one of the main prosecutors of
convicted and jailed former Alabama Democratic Governor Don

Chicago sources also informed WMR of another past gay partner
of Obama, Massachusetts Democratic Governor Deval Patrick.

Men who have reportedly had sexual relations with
Barack Obama

Donald Young, TUCC Choir Director

Larry Sinclair, Gay Escort

Reggie Love, White House presidential assistant and Obamas
body man

Artur Davis, US Representative from Alabama and gubernatorial

Bill Frist, former GOP Senate Majority Leader

Deval Patrick, Governor of Massachusetts

The Clear and Present Blackmail Threat

Leading secret alternate life styles, Obama and his chief of staff
provide classic blackmail threats.

Considering Obamas choice for the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan,
who is reputedly a semi-open lesbian, the question must be
posed how much Obamas and Emanuels own covert life styles
led to the decision to nominate Kagan, someone with no
experience on a judicial bench.

Similarly, the fact that so much is known about Obamas and
Emanuels trysts in Chicago begs another important question.

If politicians, gay community activists, and journalists in the
Windy City are aware of Obamas and Emanuels highly
blackmailable gay life styles, the same can certainly hold true for
the executives of one of Chicagos corporate headquarters that
of BP Americas Production Operations.

Throw in the intelligence agencies of Americas allies, friends,
enemies, and the situation becomes a clear and present danger
to the national security of the United States.

Chapter 2

Hospitals in Hawaii to Obama: You Were Not Born

Supposed Conspiracy Claim Turns REAL on Obama

It is becoming painfully obvious that we may very well have a
criminal President in 2009.

No this isnt a joke.

What I speak of is the curious developments in the supposedly
racist, biased, dumb, as well as insane case of where Obama was

Why the Barack Obama Birth Certificate Issue Is

A strange development indeed is how it is that every time Barack
Obama or a family member tells of where Obama was born, they
seem to have no idea as of December 2008.

They seemed to know what hospital quite a few times
months ago when it was claimed that Obamas mother gave
birth to him at Queens Medical Center in Honolulu - Obama
and Mom Never Here.

The Queens Medical Center

1301 Punchbowl Street Honolulu, HI 96813 Link to Site
Phone number 808-538-9011 General Medical Records 808-547-

After it was concluded that Obama and his mother were never
there, his sister was in an interview (Mary) and claimed that
Obama was born at Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and
Children - Obama and Mom Never Here 1319 Punahou
StreetHonolulu, Hawaii 96826(808) 535-7000

Hospital after Hospital - all Have No Record of Obama being born
or Mom Ever being There.

Hospital after hospital in Honolulu all have NO RECORD of
Obama or mother ever being there.

Is this some state secret?

Are we to believe that even the hospital that he was born in
should remain secret?

Why lie to us as if it matters I mean the man did win the
Presidential vote?

Why the lies and secrecy?

We already know that Obamas family and the entire nation of
Kenya (which is about to have a national holiday for Obama)
know that Barack Obama was born in Mombasa Coastal Hospital
in Kenya.

The government of Kenya has sealed these records.

More and more secrecy due to the fact that once proven, Obama
will not be constitutionally allowed to become President of the
United States!

All of these were called or visited from November 20 - December
2nd 2008.

It is confirmed, OBAMA was not born in any hospital in Honolulu


Hospital employees were bribed, some gave info for free.
All to be released on video shortly.

Hospitals you can check yourself (Hint on the process: Most of
the following Hospitals didnt exist in Honolulu County at time of
Obamas birth so this was an academic exercise)

The main two hospitals claimed that definitely existed are above
and both have no record of Obama or Mother Ann in either of

We were pretty detailed in our calls and visits thanks to dozens of
native Hawaiian patriots!

You can look at every hospital here and call or visit any of them.

Everyone has a family member working in a hospital.

Talk, pay and bribe.

You can file freedom of information acts, you can do everything
and anything you wish.

Barack Obama was never born in a hospital in Hawaii as claimed.

Only his original that he has sealed will have this info.

Will the Supreme Court force it open and thus preserve the
Constitution of the United States?

Why the Barack Obama Birth Certificate Issue Is

Hawaii Issues Birth Certificates to Foreign Born Residents!

Heres Hawaii saying it All Doubts Cleared my Friends.

A. From Hawaiis official Department of Health, Vital Records
webpage: Amended certificates of birth may be prepared and
filed with the Department of Health, as provided by law, for 1) a
person born in Hawaii who already has a birth certificate filed
with the Department of Health or 2) a person born in a foreign
country (applies to adopted children).

B. A parent may register an in-state birth in lieu of certification by
a hospital of birth under HRS 338-5.

C. Hawaiian law expressly provides for registration of out-of-state
births under HRS 338-17.8.
A foreign birth presumably would have been recorded by the
American consular of the country of birth, and presumably that
would be reflected on the Hawaiian birth certificate.
D. Hawaiian law, however, expressly acknowledges that its
system is subject to error. See, for example, HRS 338-17.
E. Hawaiian law expressly provides for verification in lieu of
certified copy of a birth certificate under HRS 338-14.3.
F. Even the Hawaii Department of Home Lands does not accept a
certified copy of a birth certificate as conclusive evidence for its
homestead program.
From its web site: In order to process your application, DHHL
utilizes information that is found only on the original Certificate of
Live Birth, which is either black or green.
This is a more complete record of your birth than the Certification
of Live Birth (a computer-generated printout).
Now that we all understand that you can be born in Madagascar,
Russia, Norway, Brazil or even Kenya like Obama and still have a
REAL birth certificate that both Snopes and Factcheck would say
was real since they are real.

That doesnt mean you were born in Hawaii.

Does this matter to America?

Barack Obama has as of November 27th 2008 spent over
$500,000 U.S. to prevent others from seeing it.


Didnt he already win the vote?

All of the people born in Korea, Kenya, Mongolia, Australia and
who also have Hawaiian birth certificates also have REAL birth

This does not mean they were born in Hawaii.
Get it?

The following is what Obama has on his site as his real birth
certificate Hmmm - 2007 borders, no info on original at all?

Whats wrong with this picture?

Yes it is a real birth certificate, so are the tens of thousands of
other birth certificates given to people born in other countries.

LOOK AT the thousands and thousands of birth certificates in
Hawaii from people born in Korea, Australia, Germany and even
Kenya like Barack Obama!

They are all REAL and Authentic birth certificates, but that doesnt
mean Barack Obama was born in Hawaii.

To become President of the United States one must
meet 3 criteria.
You must be 35 years of Age
You must be a resident for 14 years
You must be a natural born citizen - this is the one
that someone born outside of the United States
would obviously spend hundreds of thousands $$ to
prevent us from seeing his birth certificate, just as
Barack Obama has done.
Hint Hint.
What is Barack Obama Hiding?

Can anyone answer the question as to where and what hospital
he was born in?

Chapter 3

Doubts Persist About Obama Birth Certificate

Considerable evidence still points to candidate's birth in Kenya

HONOLULU Even though Hawaii officials now claim to have
verified the authenticity of Sen. Barack Obama's birth certificate
in hopes of ending widespread speculation and even multiple
lawsuits challenging the Democrat candidate's constitutional
qualification to be president it turns out there is still reason for
serious questioning.
In fact, there is considerable evidence that Obama was born in
Kenya, not in Hawaii as the candidate and his campaign have
As WND reported from Honolulu last week, Gov. Linda Lingle
instructed the Hawaii Department of Health to make sure no one
in the press obtains access to Obama's original birth certificate.
Lingle's letter to WND made clear that the original doctor-
generated and hospital-released birth certificate on file with the
state's health department would be released to the press if
Obama so requested but to date the candidate has made no
such request.
The governor's communication with WND also left ambiguous
whether the Obama birth certificate on file with the Department
of Health was originally generated by a Hawaii doctor after giving
birth to Obama in Hawaii, or generated in Kenya and
subsequently registered by the Obama family in Hawaii.

On April 5, WND conducted a telephone interview from New
Jersey to Kenya with Sayid Obama, brother of Barack Obama
senior and the uncle of Sen. Barack Obama.
The interview is reported in the book "The Obama Nation: Leftist
Politics and the Cult of Personality" on pages 21-25, 26-28, 29,
30, 34 and 103.
In the interview, Sayid acknowledged he was not sure whether
his brother, Barack Obama senior, practiced Islam or whether
Barack Obama junior was born in Kenya or in Hawaii.
He did remember distinctly that Obama junior had visited Africa in
1987, then a second time in 1992 when Obama junior travelled to
Kenya with his wife-to-be Michelle and a third time, as a U.S.
senator, when Obama returned with Michelle in 2006.
Sayid acknowledged that his father (Sen. Obama's grandfather)
was wealthy in the Luo tribe, a practicing Muslim who travelled
the world with the British, and insisted that Barack Obama senior
attend school and was quite intelligent in school.
WND had scheduled a second telephone interview for April 25
with Auma Obama, Sen. Barack Obama's sister in Kenya, but
Auma canceled the interview and apologized to WND after Sen.
Obama's campaign forbade her or any other of the Obama family
to conduct any further interviews with WND, following the
interview with Sayid Obama.
The issue of the authenticity of Obama's original birth certificate
is further muddied by communications from Sen. Obama's half-
sister, Maya Soetoro, who has claimed Obama was born in two
different Hawaii hospitals.

In a November 2004 interview with the Rainbow Newsletter,
Maya told reporters her half-brother Sen. Barack Obama was
born on Aug. 4, 1961, at Queens Medical Center in Honolulu then
in February 2008, Maya told reporters for the Honolulu Star-
Bulletin that Obama was at the Kapiolani Medical Center for
Women and Children.
Last week in Hawaii, WND retained a top private investigator with
extensive FBI training and tasked with visiting both the Queens
Medical Center and the Kaliolani Medical Center to investigate
claims that Obama birth certificates existed at either hospital.
But the private investigator reported that on Thursday and Friday
of last week, sheriff's deputies were stationed at both hospitals to
fend off press inquiries about Obama's birth certificate.
On Thursday, KGMB9 News reported that Hawaii's top health
official, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, was trying to defuse rumors that
Barack Obama was born in Kenya by saying she had seen the
birth certificate herself, but said Hawaii laws aimed at stopping
identity theft prevented her from releasing the document despite
multiple requests to do so.
Fukino failed to resolve the controversy by disclosing whether the
"official document" she saw had been generated in a Kenyan
hospital or in a Hawaiian hospital.
The controversy is further fueled by a video posted on YouTube
in which Obama's Kenyan grandmother Sarah claims to have
witnessed personally Obama's birth in Kenya.
The video tape also features Sayid Obama who was
interviewed by WND.
To date, Obama and his campaign have refused to disclose the
name of the doctor delivering the candidate or the precise
hospital where he was born.
The main reason doubts persist regarding Obama's birth
certificate is this question: If an original Hawaii-doctor-generated
and Hawaii-hospital-released Obama birth certificate exists, why
wouldn't the senator and his campaign simply order the
document released and end the controversy?
That Obama has not ordered Hawaii officials to release the
document leaves doubts as to whether an authentic Hawaii birth
certificate exists for Obama.
Rather, the failure to release the document fuels the theory
true or not that the Obama family, shortly after Obama's birth
overseas, returned to Hawaii and registered at the Hawaii
Department of Health the original Obama birth certificate that
had been issued by the doctor and hospital that delivered Obama
in Kenya.

The American People Are Being Played For Suckers By Both
Parties Covering Up The Truth.

Chapter 4


SEEKING A GLOBAL SHOWDOWN with Russia and China,
Zbigniew Brzezinski, who is recognized and feared by Zionist Jews
as Obamas foreign policy adviser, is intent on bringing Iran back
into the Western orbit.
In Brzezinskis world view, Iran could be a valuable US asset to be
played against Russia and China.
Even with his protege at Defense, Robert Gates, and his
reputation as a global strategist, Brzezinski has all but admitted
that he simply is not strong enough to withstand the power the
Jewish lobby wields over Obamas decision-making in foreign
This has recently come to light in Brzezinskis latest article for the
Council of Foreign Relations, From Hope To Audacity.
Beginning his treatise with the premise that the US should not be
at war with Islam, Brzezinski proceeds to take on the Second
Echelon in Obamas administration which includes Zionist Jews.

Dennis Ross, Special Adviser on Iran, Rahm Emanuel, Chief of
Staff, and Zionist shill Hilary Clinton at State.
Opening himself in his article to further accusations of being an
Anti-Semite, (Alan Dershowitz initiated the lie), Brzezinski
challenges the Zionist status quo and adds insult to injury to his
already stated position that Obama should negotiate with Hamas

It is not fashionable to say this, but much of the current hostility
toward the US in the Middle East has been generated by the
bloodshed and suffering produced by the prolonged Israeli-Arab
Israels refusal to negotiate with the Palestinians in good
faith compounds the problem.
View Entire Story Here.
Moving on in his essay to the stalemate in Obamas policy
regarding Irans nuclear ambitions, Brzezinski goes toe to toe with
the Jewish insiders at the White House
Obamas two special advisers, David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel,
participate in significant decision-making.
Both of them sat in on the presidents critical September meeting
with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


As a result, Obamas redefinition of US foreign policy is vulnerable
to dilution by these upper-level officials who tend to yield to
pressures from domestic interest groups.
This fosters a reluctance to plan for a firm follow-through on bold
presidential initiatives should they encounter a foreign rebuff
reinforced by powerful domestic lobbies.
Netanyahus rejection of Obamas demand that Israel halt the
construction of settlements is a case in point.
View Entire Story Here.
In his concluding theme, Domestic Impediments, Brzezinski
exposes the Jewish Lobby and their total control of Obamas
foreign policy decisions

Special interest lobbies have become overly influential in US
Thanks to their access to Congress, a variety of lobbies some
financially well endowed, some backed by foreign interests
have been promoting, to an unprecedented degree, legislative
intervention in foreign-policy making.
Promoted by lobbies, Congress not only actively opposes foreign
policy decisions but even imposes some on the president.
The pending legislation on sanctions against Iran is but one
example. Such congressional intervention makes it more difficult
to ensure that US not foreign interests are the point of
View Entire Story Here.

signed the Russian National Security Strategy, effective 2010 -
The document reflects the sharp deterioration in relations
between Russia and the West over the last decade.

Underlining Russias hostility toward NATO expansion and Russias
claims to attain strategic parity with the US, upon approving the
Strategy Paper, Putin embarked on an aggressive alliance with
Jewrys new number one enemy, Iran.
(Who will be their next enemy?)
In July 2009, joint Russia-Iran military exercises in the oil-rich
Caspian Sea, dubbed, Regional Collaboration for a Secure and
Clean Caspian, signaled a new trend in Russia-Iran military
The maneuver, involving some 30 vessels, is seen by some
analysts as a way for the two countries to join forces against the
US, which pro-Iranian observers refer to as the intrusive Western
Following the new trend, although it has not yet been delivered,
Putin knows that the US and its client state, Israel, dont want
their new air defense capability, the S-300 missile system, sold to
the Iranians.

The contract between Russia and Iran, signed in 2005, is
currently under review by Putin, in an obvious episode of
political posturing.

Russias official news agency, Ria Novosti, reported in November
2009, that Russia will not freeze the contract as a concession to
the United States.
Irans news agency, Press TV, affirmed that the sale will take
place and that delays are due only to technical issues.
An agreement between GAZPROM and Armenia to build a refinery
that would serve both Armenias needs as well as export to Iran,
is about to be finalized.
On the top of world Jewrys list for the next level of sanctions
against Iran is refined petroleum products.
The joint effort between Putin and Armenia will nullify these
Demonized by the Wests Jewish-occupied press, Vladimir Putin
continues to be a thorn in Jewrys side.
Nevertheless, Putin displayed his resolve to dismantle their
unipolar world when he called for a time of enlightenment at
Davos last year.
But the Zionist Jews who continue to
maintain a time of darkness, keep on
pushing for WW III

Chapter 5

Jewrys Scheme For World Domination


In order to achieve this, international Jewry has taken control of
banking, the press, the media, political institutions, academics,
and the Military/Industrial complex.
Jewrys scheme for world domination has been carefully laid out
in its manifesto, The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion.

According to the renown scholar, Dr Henry Makow, The
Protocols is the New World Orders blueprint - the Illuminatis
master plan.

Jewrys goal, Dr Makow continues, is to overthrow Western
Civilization through the destruction of its four pillars:
I. Family
II. Nation/Race
III. Religion
IV. Democracy.
Dr Makow has also proven that The Protocols is a genuine
document and not a forgery.
View Entire Story Here
Much of The Protocols agenda of destruction is
taking place right before our very eyes

Manipulation of the economy through banking monopolies
Manipulation of the educational system through falsifications
of historical events
Manipulation of the general culture through undermining
Christian morality
Manipulation of political systems through bribery and
funding of selected political candidates
Manipulation of social venues through crisis-events leading
to suspension of civil liberties.

stage for a global militaristic assault by worldwide Jewry on
what is left of historic Christian civilization.
Because of the contrived agenda known as the war on terror,
the rogue state of Israel is utilizing its military prowess by
collaborating with the Wests military establishment.
Many joint ventures between Israel and international defense
contractors are part of Israels plan to fully globalize their Zionist

And Israels recent pact with NATO to share intelligence and
engage in joint military exercises, solidifies Jewrys scheme to
dominate, by force of arms, the Western world.

Anti Terror Training is yet another venue for Jewrys scheme for
world domination.
In September of 2008, The Anti Defamation League (ADL)
sponsored such training by sending various local US police
officers (all expenses paid for!) to Israel to learn from Israeli
SWAT teams.
And recently, the collaboration between Israel and US defense
contractor, CACI International, brought to light their mutual
implication in the torture of Iraqi citizens at the infamous Abu
Ghraib prison.

Chapter 6


ECONOMY reached a point of no return in the 1960s. From then
on, a perpetual war machine was in motion with Wall Street
Jewish investment banks funding US armament industries.
The change can be traced to Trumans National Security Council
Paper, NSC-68, which put forth that America could sustain its
economic growth by applying John Maynard Keynes emphasis on
the role of government to the military or security sphere.
Truman signed the Paper as a basic US policy doctrine on
September 30, 1950.
Although the world was at peace, the directive called for
increasing the annual US arms budget by 350%.
Military Keynesianism soon became the essence of Americas

And the Zionist Jews of Wall Street took full advantage of this
new investment opportunity.
While Military contracts were awarded to defense contractors to
maintain the Cold War with Russia, US industrial plants began
to decay.
Outsourcing came into vogue as Americans bought TV sets,
cameras, and cars from overseas.
American labels on foreign goods were just American wrappers
on Asian products.
TURNING THEIR INVESTMENTS to consumer production and
commercial markets abroad, Wall Street Jews began
concentrating their finances on military production at home.
Skilled technique and able management now belonged to Japan,
not America.
Jewish bankers were no longer interested in domestic civilian
Their market was the US government and payments were fed by
the Jewish-owned Federal Reserve.
So why bother investing in American-made cameras or washing
machines when you could invest in bombers and drones?
The profits were much larger and the risks were zero.
Reaching a position of permanence after 9/11, Military
Keynesianism had produced a National Security State
controlled by Zionists and financed by Wall Street Jews.
By signing NSC-68 in 1950, Harry Truman had given
birth to a Military/Zionist global beast.

currently fueled by Jewish investment banks, with Goldman Sachs
and State Street Corporation at the lead.
With military spending being the largest single item in the federal
budget for fiscal 2010 and calls from Obama for a record $708
Billion to fund his wars, defense contractors get their marching
orders from Jewish investment analysts who dictate contractors
business policies from their financial towers on Wall Street.

Based on a Goldman Sachs Report published on June 5, 2009,
which forecasted a decline in investments in defense industries,
General Dynamics announced that it was acquiring Axsys
Technologies, a company that provides high-end optics for
unmanned drones, in order to attract investors.


In another example of Jewish bankers control of Defense
contractors, shares of Lockheed Martin were driven down by
1.3% on January 6, 2010, after Goldman Sachs told investors to
sell rather than hold Lockheed stocks.
Not only do the Jews on Wall Street control military industries
externally, but they maintain leverage over the defense
contractors, internally.
A greater amount of power over the military industries has been
concentrated into fewer hands - (it only takes 10% ownership of
stock to control a widely-held corporation) - and these hands are
those of huge Jewish investment blocs.
Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Northrop Grumman have large
Jewish banks as their major investors.
The huge investment bank, State Street Corporation, is the major
stockholder of these 3 top US defense contractors.
In the Board of Directors of SSC, one can find the names of
Robert S Kaplan (Former Senior Director of Goldman Sachs);
Robert Weissman; and Peter Coym (Former Chairman of Lehman

State Street Bank owns 18.99% of Lockheed Martin stock,
11.09% of Boeing stock, and 9.48% of Northrop Grumman stock.
Co-shareholders in these companies as well as in Halliburton and
Raytheon, include the Jewish Investment banks, Goldman Sachs,
Oppenheimer Funds, and Capital Research And Management
In other words, no General of Americas armed forces, (and thus
the entire US military), makes a decision apart from the Jews on
Wall Street who control his ability to wage war with the deadly
armaments they provide. View List Of Defense Investors Here.
Who Controls The Major U.S. Military
This page was created to help determine who really controls the
top 10 defense contractors listed this year in the DOD's 2005
report, which became available January 2006.
It was a lot of work, but it turned out very interesting.
I can't help but think that nothing has really changed since 1889,
when the Great Red Dragon book was published, except that a
greater amount of power has been concentrated into fewer hands
since then.
The point is, control of American companies is rapidly being
consolidated into a few foreign hands, and they are also doing so
at "frantic" pace.
Damn any of the promises that had been made, such as
retirement benefits, health care and pensions.
And why is this being done?

To "own the earth in fee simple."
You can do the same lookup on any public corporation and see
for yourself who controls what.
You will also see that some of the major holders are hardly
nothing more than a "front" for another, more powerful group.
Simply find out who the major holders of the major holders are
and you will see for yourself.
This is simply to make it easier to deceive the public.
While doing this, remember that it only takes 10%, sometime
less, sometimes more, of the stock to "control" a widely-held
Especially when management and insiders show little or zero
They, as hirelings, simply take their marching orders and their
large paychecks, and everybody else be damned.
If they show any conscience about what happens to their
employees or customer base, they are simply replaced by another
"aggressive leader."
Be sure to click on the company's stock letters to check on these
"Key Executives," the sums they were paid last year, and the
stock options they cashed.
Another problem we're facing now is the growth of private-equity
groups, which don't have to make the same disclosures as the
publicly-held groups.
This is why they keep gaining up on the SEC to "prevent"
disclosure and accountability.

This story appeared September 1, 2006.

Buyout Firms Join Lobbying Efforts.
I have no illusions that they are simply another type of "Snakes
In Suits."
TOP 10 DEFENSE CONTRACTORS OF 2005 (as of January,

Symbol Name Of Corporation

1. Lockheed Martin Corp.
State Street Corporation 18.99%
Barclays Global Investors UK Holdings
Wellington Management Company, LLP 5.95%
FMR Corporation (Fidelity Management &
Research Corp)
Capital Research And Management Company 3.59%
Massachusetts Financial Services Co. 3.19%
NWQ Investment Management Company,
Total percentage of Barclays and


2. Boeing Co.
State Street Corporation 11.09%
AXA (Paris, France) 5.70%
Capital Research And Management Company 4.83%
Barclays Global Investors UK Holdings
Wellington Management Company, LLP 2.54%
Vanguard Group, Inc. 2.51%
Goldman Sachs Group Inc 1.66%
Total percentage of Barclays and
Total percentage of Barclays and


3. Northrop Grumman Corp.
State Street Corporation 9.48%
Capital Research And Management Company 9.13%
Barclays Global Investors UK Holdings
AXA (Paris, France) 4.24%
NWQ Investment Management Company,
Goldman Sachs Group Inc 2.64%
Total percentage of Barclays and


4. General Dynamics Corp.
Longview Asset Management, LLC 8.27%
Capital Research And Management Company 7.80%
Marsico Capital Management, LLC 4.33%
Wellington Management Company, LLP 3.20%
State Street Corporation 3.12%
Barclays Global Investors UK Holdings
Waddell & Reed Financial Inc. 1.62%
Northern Trust Corporation 1.41%
T. Rowe Price Associates 1.41%
Total percentage of Barclays and


5. Raytheon Co.
Capital Research And Management Company 5.32%
Legg Mason Inc. 4.19%
Harris Associates L.P. 3.82%
Barclays Global Investors UK Holdings 3.64%
State Street Corporation 3.53%
Morgan Stanley 3.04%
Lord Abbett & Co. 3.04%
NWQ Investment Management Company,
State Street Corporation 3.53%
Morgan Stanley 3.04%
Lord Abbett & Co. 3.04%
NWQ Investment Management Company,
Franklin Resources, Inc 2.88%
Morgan Stanley 2.08%
Total percentage of Barclays and


6. Halliburton Co.
AXA (Paris, France) 8.53%
FMR Corporation (Fidelity Management &
Research Corp)
Capital Research And Management Company 5.39%
Wellington Management Company, LLP 4.30%
State Street Corporation 4.16%
Marsico Capital Management, LLC 4.09%
Barclays Global Investors UK Holdings
Total percentage of Barclays and

BAE 7. BAE Systems PLC.
BAE SYSTEMS is now Europe's largest defense
contractor and the largest foreign player in the US
defense market. BAE's offerings include avionics,
military aircraft, armored vehicles, air-defense systems,
missiles, artillery locators, communications and
navigation systems, radar, ships, space systems, and
aerospace electronics. BAE's fighter aircraft include the
Harrier, Hawk, Tornado, and the next-generation
Eurofighter Typhoon. BAE also owns 20% of Airbus,
Boeing's only competitor for large commercial aircraft.
The company acquired armored vehicle maker Alvis in
The company acquired armored vehicle maker Alvis in
2004 and United Defense Industries the following year.
Would you be surprised to find Barclays their largest

8. United Technologies Corp.
State Street Corporation 10.59%
Capital Research And Management Company 4.30%
Barclays Global Investors UK Holdings
Vanguard Group, Inc. 2.49%
AXA (Paris, France) 2.10%
FMR Corporation (Fidelity Management &
Research Corp)
Northern Trust Corporation 1.87%
Bank Of America Corporation 1.50%
Total percentage of Barclays and


9. L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc.
Legg Mason Inc. 10.18%
Deephaven Capital Management, LLC 3.26%
Barclays Global Investors UK Holdings
Vanguard Group, Inc. 3.13%
Putnam Investment Management, LLC 2.98%
State Street Corporation 2.75%
Citigroup Inc. 1.39%
Total percentage of Barclays and


10. Computer Sciences Corp.
Dodge & Cox, Inc. 12.89%
Barclays Global Investors UK Holdings 12.37%
Goldman Sachs Group Inc 6.05%
Vanguard Group, Inc. 3.81%
State Street Corporation 3.55%
Goldman Sachs Group Inc 6.05%
Vanguard Group, Inc. 3.81%
State Street Corporation 3.55%
FMR Corporation (Fidelity Management &
Research Corp)
Merrill Lynch Investment Managers Group
Total percentage of Barclays and

Israeli Spokesman Says We Control
Stupid Americans

"Another Israeli spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache, stated that she
was not worried about negative ramifications the Israeli onslaught
on Gaza might have on the way the Obama administration would
view Israel.

She said 'You know very well, and the stupid Americans know
equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of
who sits in the White House.

You see, I know it and you know it that no American president
can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the

What can they (Americans) do to us?

We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz,
and we control everything in America.

In America you can criticize God, but you can't criticize Israel."

Commenting on the latest Israeli one-directional onslaught
against the Palestinians of Gaza Strip, the Israeli 10th TV channel
has disclosed that the Israeli genocidal forces had used half of its
air force and had launched at least 2500 air raids against Gaza

The television military correspondent stated that the Israeli
warplanes had dropped more than a thousand tons of explosives,
including white phosphorous and DIME (Dense Inert Metal
Explosive) bombs, during three weeks on the virtually unarmed
densely populated 360 square Kilometers Strip.

He added that the shells fired by tanks, artillery, gunboats, and
infantry were not included in those fired by the air force.

After a whole week of continuous air bombardments Israel sent in
its elite foot soldiers 30,000 of them, and called in 10,000 of its

Armed with the latest weapons of mass murder, covered with an
umbrella of free reigning air force, and accompanied with raining
shells of heavy artilleries, they drove their tanks into the civilian
towns murdering civilians and destroying every structure in their

Living outside of Gaza one cannot fully understand the barbarity
of this genocide especially when the Western media had barely
covered any of its atrocity.

To gain a slight idea of its enormity one should remember that,
during the 6-days war of 1967, this same Israeli army was
distributed on four fronts; Egyptian, Jordanian, Syrian, and
Lebanese, and it was fighting regular armies.

Now the whole brunt of this army is concentrated on a small strip
against unarmed and untrained civilian population.

Latest official count was 1350 murdered, 40% of them were
children, and 5300 were injured; mutilated and amputated.

It was reported that 80% of the injured were the victims of
burning phosphorous bombs.

More dead are being discovered under the rebels, and many
seriously injured are expected later on to die.

Israeli tanks had left several city blocks completely destroyed
without any homes or structure standing.

The tanks shelled homes and apartment towers.

Due to the small size of Gaza Strip Palestinians had to build

Many apartment towers went up 15-20 stories high with each
story containing 6-8 apartments.

A total of 20,000 buildings were completely or partially burnt and

The UN has reported that more than 50,000 Palestinians are left
homeless and are now crowded into 50 emergency shelters.

An estimated of 50,000 more are living with relatives and in tents
they erected on the ruins of their homes.

The Israeli bombardment targeted everything in Gaza including
government buildings, police headquarters, banks and business
offices, the main university, 67 schools sheltering civilians,
shopping centers and market places, factories, water, sewer, and
electricity infrastructures, private homes and apartment towers
and charity organizations.

Farms, including their animals, were also targeted and hundreds
of acres of crops and fruit groves were incinerated.

Religious buildings, where civilians usually seek shelter, were
specifically targeted.

Israeli fighter planes had completely destroyed 41 mosques, and
partially damaged 51 others. One church was also targeted.

Even cemeteries were not spared; 5 of them were bombed.

Although the Israeli army was given the exact GPS co-ordinates
of every UN structure, as asserted by Christopher Gunness, the
UNRWA spokesman, Israeli F-16 planes had repeatedly dropped
phosphorous bombed on UN schools knowing very well that
hundreds of civilians had taken shelter there.

At least 45 children and women were burnt and murdered there.

The UN headquarters in Gaza City was also hit with three, not
just one, phosphorous bombs burning tons of humanitarian aid
and food stuff.

The fire kept on burning for three days.

UN-flagged humanitarian convoy was also shelled killing one

Medical centers and paramedics were not spared.

The Red Crescent Al-Quds hospital in Tal el-Hawa neighborhood
was hit by Israeli shells and caught on fire.

Other two hospitals; Al-Wafa and Al-Fata hospitals, were also
shelled, leading the World Health Organization to express its deep
concern about the serious implications of such bombardments.

16 other smaller health clinics and 16 ambulances were also

Medics were targeted and prevented from helping the injured.

Ten of them, including two doctors, were murdered.

Media centers were particularly targeted. Local and international
news reporters were prevented from entering Gaza.

Those, who were able to enter, were directly targeted.

The Al-Shuruq office tower housing several international and Arab
media outlets was directly hit.

Two cameramen working for Abu Dhabi TV were injured, while
the offices of Reuters News Agency, Fox TV, Sky, and Al-Arabiya
TV offices were damaged.

Another raid had damaged the headquarter offices of Al-Resala

Similar to all their previous wars the Israeli soldiers had
committed massacres against Palestinian unarmed civilians.

They have used internationally banned weapons such as
phosphorous bombs, DIME, and depleted uranium, as reported by
international physicians, eyewitnesses, and military experts.

Israeli soldiers had mutilated the bodies of their victims to instill
terror in the hearts of people hoping they will leave Gaza.

Israeli soldiers herded many families in one building using them
as human shield, and then later on bombed the building on top of

They shot civilians, mainly children, directly and at point blank.

The bodies of some children were found shot several times; as
many as 18 bullets in the body of a 12 years old girl, and 12
bullets in the body of her 2 years old sister.

Israeli soldiers had wiped out whole Palestinian families.

Al-Samuni family lost 11 members, Abu Aisha family lost 6,
Batran family lost 6, al-Rayyan family lost 15 and al-Balousha
family lost 5 sisters.

Other families, too many to mention here, were either murdered
or incinerated by the phosphorous bombs.

The Israeli army has been carrying out a deliberate indiscriminate
mass murder.

During the first Intifada, 1987 1993, they murdered 1162

During the second Intifada, 2001- 2006, they murdered 5500
Palestinians. Now, in a short period of three weeks, they
murdered 1350 Palestinians.

This onslaught is a holocaust since the many tons of phosphorous
bombs, dropped on Gaza cities, had burnt civilians to the bones,
burnt their homes and buildings, and burnt their fields and crops.

This is the holocaust that the Israeli Deputy Defense Minister,
Matan Vilnai, had threatened Palestinians with when he stated:
"the more Qassam fire intensifies and the rockets reach a longer
range, they will bring upon themselves a bigger shoah
(holocaust) because we will use all our might to defend

One cannot help but wonder how could a group of people, who
claim to be the victims of a holocaust, commit another holocaust
against another nation.

What is it that feeds, perpetuates and intensifies this Judaic
genocidal spirit although all Arabs, including Palestinians, had
offered these Zionist Jews many agreements of coexistence,
peace and security?

The answer comes through their media outlets, through the
words of their scholarly educators, and through the teachings of
their Rabbis.

"All of the Palestinians must be killed; men, women, infants, and
even their beasts" cries the religious opinion of Rabbi Yisrael
Rosen, the director of the long-established Tsomet Religious

He wrote that Palestinians are like the nation of Amalekites, who
attacked the Israelite tribes led by Moses on their way to

He stated that the Lord sent down in the Torah a ruling that
allowed the Jews to kill the Amalekites, and that this ruling is
known in Jewish jurisprudence.

The Torah states: "Annihilate the Amalekites from the beginning
to the end.

Kill them and wrest them from their possessions. Show them no
mercy. Kill continuously, one after the other.

Leave no child, plant, or tree. Kill their beasts, from camels to

Rosen stated that Amalekites are not a particular race, but rather
all those who hate and oppose the Jews; Christians and Muslims.

Many leading Israeli Rabbis support Rosens views.

Israels former Sephardic Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu
advocated carpet bombing of Gaza stating that "there is
absolutely no moral prohibition against the indiscriminate killing
of civilians during massive military offensive on Gaza" (The
Jerusalem Post, 30 May, 2007).

His son Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu amplified his fathers genocidal call
stating: "if they dont stop after we kill 100, then we must kill a
thousand, then we must kill 10,000 and even a million"

Many Rabbis had argued that Palestinians in Gaza are not
innocent civilians and that during war time it is not individuals but
nations the Israelis are fighting.

(It seems that Hitler had adopted this Telmudic teaching when he
persecuted all European Jews)

Israeli educators, scholars, and politicians, openly, advocate the
annihilation of all Palestinians. Dr. Nachum Rakover, a legal
scholar, opined "They voted for killers and sent them to kill us.

To call them (civilians) innocent is a tragic comedy civilians are
partners of the killers" Eli Yeshai, Israeli official in the Orthodox
Shas party argued that "extermination of the enemy is sanctioned
by the Torah" Many other politicians called for the need for
"wiping off Gaza from the face of earth", and "annihilating of
every moving thing there."

The right-wing Israeli politician Avigdor Lieberman proposed
nuking Gaza following the US example when it dropped the
atomic bomb on Japan during WWII.

This "ideology of annihilation" is by no means a minority opinion
in Israel, but represents a mainstream in the Jews of Israel as
well as Jews in the West (US).

The popular attitude is "if it was right by God to order us to
commit genocide during Biblical time, why cant it be right to
commit genocide now.

Has God changed his mind?"

Indeed Judaic god is a racist genocidal god.

Watch and listen here to an example of how Israeli Jews are
brainwashed and indoctrinated into the ideology of annihilation by
their rabbis and scholars through Israeli media.

Watch Max Blumenthals videotape of a group of messianic
Orthodox Jewish Chabad-Lubavitch exhibit this ideology in NYC in
January 11, 2009.

The Israeli spokesman, Nachman Abramovic demonized
Palestinian children stating "They may look young to you, but
these people are terrorists at heart.

Dont look at their deceptively innocent faces, try to
think of the demons inside each of them I am
absolutely certain these people would grow to be
evil terrorists if we allowed them to grow would
you allow them to grow to kill your children or finish
them off right now? honest and moral people
ought to differentiate between true humans and
human animals.

We do kill human animals and we do so

Besides who in the West is in a position to lecture us
on killing human animals.

After all, whose hands are clean?

Human animal mentioned by Abramovic refers to
the Judaic religious belief that Jews are Gods chosen
people; the elite and the pure-blooded, while all
others (non-Jews, Goyims, gentiles) are animal souls
incarnated into human bodies to serve the Jews.

Killing a human animal is just a sport like hunting
deer or birds.

Chapter 7

The Mossads Infiltration Of America


penetration into every Muslim militant group in the world.

Thus any media-hyped terrorist attack reported by the Jewish
occupied press is doubtless a Mossad operation.
All of the Mossad-engineered terrorist attacks benefit the Jews
since it galvanizes the Western world into making Israels
enemies their own - and gives Israel a free hand in dealing with
the Palestinians who are looked upon as enemies of the world.
The infiltration of the Mossad into the US political & military
infrastructure had its greatest impetus in the 1980s during the
Reagan & Bush Sr administrations.
3 Zionist Jews with close ties to the Mossad held influential offices
in the Pentagon during this period
Richard Perle: Perle worked at the
Pentagon as Assistant Secretary of Defense for International
Security Policy from 1981 to 1987.
Prior to this, Perle was investigated by the US Justice Department
for discussing classified information with an employee at the
Israeli Embassy, but of course, the case was dropped.
Paul Wolfowitz: Wolfowitz worked at the
Pentagon as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Regional
Programs from 1977-1982. At this time, he was involved in
establishing the US military central command.
From 1982-1986 Wolfowitz worked at the State Department as
Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs.
And from 1989-1993 Wolfowitz was back at the Pentagon as
Under Secretary for Defense Policy.
Douglas Feith: Feith worked at the
Pentagon from 1984-1986 as Deputy Assistant Secretary of
Defense for Negotiations Policy.
Feith was also employed as Special Counsel to Assistant Secretary
of Defense, Robert Sims.
All three of these Zionist Jews, whose loyalties are first to Israel &
their fellow Jews, were brought back into high Pentagon positions
by their useful idiot, George Bush Jr, during his first term as
President from 2001-2004.

According to Karen Kwiatkowski, former Political-Military Affairs
Officer at the Pentagon, high clearances were granted to Israelis
& Likudniks who would march through the halls of the Pentagon.
Having grown up as a Jew, I can attest that Zionists like Perle,
Wolfowitz, & Feith, would not scruple to bring moles into the
Pentagon to spy on our nation.
I say this because Jews have an attitude of derision and contempt
for Gentile America.
Zionist Jews look out for their own interests and will trash
America when it comes to their own survival.

University Professor.
Zakheim served as Chief Financial Officer and Comptroller of the
Pentagon from 2001-2005 at the height of the Jewish-neocons
political influence.
Prior to his Pentagon position, Zakheim was CEO of Systems
Planning Corporation (SPC) from 1987-2001.
During Zakheims tenure with SPC, he helped to market SPCs
Flight Termination System, a technology that takes over the
controls of an airborne vehicle in flight.
The probability of the sinister use of SPCs Flight Termination
System, (of which, Zakheim had privileged access, and through
Zakheim, the Mossad & their moles), deserves serious
consideration for the reopening of the 9/11 investigation.
In fact, the Zionist Jew, Dov Zakheim, along with his Mossad
cohorts, should be put on trial for the theft of public funds,
treason, and the murder of thousands of innocent victims at the
World Trade Center on 9/11 2001.

As the Pentagons Comptroller from 2001-2004, Zakheim oversaw
three Department of Defense budgets, the combined amount
totaling $1 trillion dollars.
In the spring of 2003, a scandal erupted, in which $1 trillion
dollars in financial transactions was unaccounted for.

Bush immediately pointed to faulty Pentagon accounting which
would have (& should have) placed the blame on Zakheim.
A study by the Defense Departments Inspector General
discovered that not only could the Pentagon not account for the
trillion dollars in monies spent, but that the US Army somehow
lost track of 56 airplanes, 32 tanks, and 36 Javelin missile
command launch-units.
How is that the Zionist Jew, Dov Zakheim, got off Scott free?
And where did the money and military equipment end up?
I say the money ended up in the hands of the Mossad - and the
equipment in the hands of the Israeli Defense Force.
For they had their man Zionist Jew Dov Zakheim in the

WORLD observes James Bamford in his recent October 2008
book, The Shadow Factory - The Eavesdropping On America.

In his book, Bamford gives a detailed account of how spying on
American citizens since 9/11 has been outsourced to companies
closely linked to Israels intelligence service, the Mossad.
In an alarming passage, Bamford reveals that AT&T & Verizon
outsourced their wire-tapping arrangements made with the FBI
and the National Security Agency (NSA) to two companies
founded in Israel, Verint and Narus.
These two Israeli companies have close ties with the Mossads
Unit 8200, the Israeli equivalent of the NSA.

Through the contractual agreement between Americas largest
phone companies and the Israeli telecom firms, Verint and Narus,
the Mossad has access to once-private American communications
Virtually all US voice and data communications can be remotely
accessed by these companies in Israel, writes Bamford.
Verint and Narus were founded by Israelis the Israeli-born,
Jacob Kobi Alexander, being the founder of Comverse
Technology, Verints parent company, headquartered in Israel.
Comverse Technology subcontracts the installation of tapping
equipment now built into every phone system in America.
And Comverse maintains its own connections to the phone
tapping equipment, insisting that it is for maintenance purposes
Methinks That That Zionist Jews With
The Mossad At The Head Have America
By Its Tail

Chapter 8

If you have a TV set in your home, a radio, a computer or read
the newspaper, you know now America how Israel treats her only
friend and benefactor in the world, the good ole USA.
The Prime Minister of Israel told our Vice president where he
could stick his Middle East peace plan a week or so ago.
Several days ago this same Prime Minister of Israel then comes to
our shores, at our nations very White House no doubt and tells
the President of the United States the very same thingStick
your peace plan where the sun doesnt shineand in person
mind you.
This VILE ARROGANT ZIONIST little state has been doing this
ever since 1948 to every US President and every US Congress.
As bad as this is however, whats worse is that our leaders just
lay back and take it.

In whose interests do you think they are serving?
It sure isnt Americas.
America has fed this step child for far too many years.
WE made them a nuclear superpower.
WE made them rich beyond the wildest dreams of not only the
average American, but the average person on planet earth.
And how do they show their gratitude for this?
They give us the middle finger.
Israel has busted America flat broke, stolen our most vital
national defense secrets with her thousands of spies.
Our service members are dying on a daily basis fighting two wars
for these parasites and now Israel is hoping to expand the
present disaster into a trifectameaning the US fighting Iran.
AIPAC, ADL run the show here folks no doubt about it, they buy
of our congress with money, hookers, little boys, anything
congress wants for their vote Israel will provide.
Our congress is nothing more than a high-priced whorehouse.
They are nothing more than streetwalkers, thieves in the night
and killers for hire.
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has warned congress
about the danger Israel poses to Americas well being.
General Petraeus says Israel is a danger to our troops and our
National Security
Is congress listening? Hell no.
I write this article hoping usWE THE PEOPLEwill finally stand
up and hold the WHORES in congress accountable for our men
and women who are dying for the state of Israel.
Israel is already guilty of war crimes against its only friend, the
USA, and by that of course I mean the deliberate and pre-
meditated MURDER of my shipmates aboard the USS LIBERTY on
the high seas.
They got caught red handed in the dirty business of cold-blooded
murder, and the bought-and-paid for WHORES in congress gave
them a pass on murdering Americas sons aboard the USS
LIBERTY June 8, 1967 by ordering the remaining crew never to
breathe a word about it under penalty of going to jail or worse,
and we all new what worse meant.
Take just one half hour out of your day and go to
And you will learn all you need to know about our so called ally
Please go to right side of page to the links section and hit USS
LIBERTY and you are on your way.
You will see the facts in all their raw ugliness.
Theymeaning Israel and her paid-for whores in the US
governmentdont care about America, neither your little Johnny,
nor your little girl Susie nor you or me.
Israel cares only about Israel and it is way past time we start
taking care of America.
The clock is ticking now, faster than the national debt and if WE
THE PEOPLE dont act soon to take our country back from these
vampires America will be gone as the greatest nation on earth.

I sure dont like Israel telling me to stick it where the sun never
shines how about you?
God help us!!

Chapter 9

The Rise of the Jewish Empire: The Jewish Conquest
of America

America may have lost the war against vietnam but it has never
been invaded or conquered by external forces since its
declaration of independence.

But since the second world war and, in particular the
establishment of the terrorist state referred to as Israel, it has
been conquered from within.

Wasps no longer have any significant control over american
politics or its foreign policies

The israelis in america control the republican party and the
democratic party and even the green party.

They control the left wing of american politics (noam chomsky,
stephen zunes) almost as much as they control the extreme right

They control congress.

Jack abramoff apparently had in the region of 60 members of
congress on his payroll.

And these were not insignificant members of congress either
since he funded tom delay who provided dick cheneys power

This israeli was not only funding american goys but terrorists in
the jews-only state.

And this is the political influence of just one jewish billionaire.

When aipac and all the other jewish lobbying groups in america,
whose prime loyalties are to the jews-only state in palestine, are
taken into consideration, the jews are financing virtually all
members of congress.

These days when american politicians talk about the need to
defend their country from external threats what they mean is any
challenge to the jews-only state in palestine.

The israelis control vast slabs of the bush administration.

"The neoconservatives control the Office of the President, the
Office of the Vice President, the Department of State, the
Department of Defense, and the police-state apparatus known as
"Homeland Security."

(Paul Craig Roberts Outfoxed by bin Laden)

Wayne madsen has suggested theyre aiming to take control of
the super secret National Security Agency (NSA) - America's
premier electronic surveillance body.

"What has some NSA officials worried is that with pro-Israeli
neocons now engrained within the CIA, Defense Intelligence
Agency (DIA), State Department, and National Security Council,
NSA is ripe for penetration by Israeli intelligence.

With outside contractors now permeating NSA and a major Israeli
espionage operation being discovered inside the Pentagon, once
again there is a fear within NSA that foreign intelligence services
such as the Mossad could make another attempt to penetrate
America's virtual "Fort Knox" of intelligence treasures and

(Wayne Madsen The neocon power grab at NSA and an attempt
to stifle the press)

Israelis own and control the american media.

They compose the largest group of billionaires in america who
fund a vast network of political research organizations which
determine the views of americas jewish owned media and
americas jewish funded politicians.

In 1950s america, as in many other western countries, there were
taboos preventing people from talking about a range of social
issues such as homosexuality, incest, male rape, etc, etc.

These days nobody would think twice about discussing these

The only taboos in the western world these days have to do with

There is a taboo about jewish funding of political parties (in
america and britain).

There is a taboo against the influence of the jewish lobby on
american politicians.

There is a taboo about jewish attempts to take over the russian
economic and political system.

There is a taboo about the tribute payments that america makes
to its jewish masters in the jews-only state in palestine.

"The Congress, the Executive branch, state and local
governments, and national and local media have all come under
the influence of the Jewish "lobbys" pro-Israel agenda to the
point that none or few dare to criticize Israel or its US

(James Petras The meaning of war) A heterodox perspective

The israelis have even transformed christianity in america.

There are now tens of millions of so-called christian zionists who
have come to believe in the zionist god of vengeance rather than
the christian god of forgiveness.

They no longer live on a god given planet but focus solely on the
god given land of palestine.

The devotion of these dechristianized zionists to the sacred jewish
land of palestine and jews-only state in palestine is such that one
of them blurted out at a major conference the logical outcome of
their beliefs.

'I love America,' Arthur said, her voice quivering with emotion.

'But if it came to a choice between Israel and America, I would
stand with Israel.'"

(Christian Zionist author, Kay Arthur of Precepts Ministries quoted
in Justin Raimondo Putting Israel First

There is not the slightest doubt that the american military is by
far and away the most formidable military power in the world.

But who controls that military is an entirely different matter.

The american politicians who dictate military policy are not wasps
but israelis - agents of the jews-only state in palestine.

So, in effect the jews-only state controls american politicians who
control the american military which wages war for the sake of
jewish world domination.

There is no such thing as an american empire.

America does not have an empire.

On the contrary, america has become part of the jewish empire
which dictates americas domestic and foreign policies.

The policies that america is pursuing in the middle east have
nothing to do with americas national interests on the contrary,
over the last four decades it has been forced to fight the wars on
behalf of its jewish master.

In the so-called yom kippur war of 1973 the americans were
forced to back the jews-only state against the encircling arab
armies which resulted in an arab oil boycott that pushed america
and the world economy into a recession which lasted nearly a

If america had sided with the arabs it would have enjoyed an
economic bonanza selling american goods to secular arab
consumer societies.

If the jews-only state did not exist there would have been peace
and stability in the middle east which would have boosted global

Instead, americas jewish masters have cost america vast
economic losses, the losses of many american troops, and the
enmity of the arab and islamic world.

The passionate attachment to Israel, the dual loyalty felt by many
Americans -whereby Israel's interests are put on the same or
higher level than U.S. interests - has come back to haunt the
United States through the agency of a President willing to adopt
the most extravagant dreams of right wing Israelis and pro-Israeli

The result is that the full might of the world's only super power
has been dragged into Israel's service despite the costs, and the
dangers and the folly of such a policy.

Attachment to Israel has come back to haunt America by enabling
a decisive shift in U..S. policy away from helping to preserve the
peace and security of the world and turning the U.S. into an
aggressor nation, just as Israel has been and continues to be.

(Ronald Bleier Invading Iraq: Converging u.s. and Israeli

Irans so-called acquisition of nuclear weapons is a non-issue.

And yet the jewish empire has managed to coerce america, and
thus the security council, into believing the utter fantasy that it is
a dire threat to world peace which must be placed at the top of
the global political agenda.

Iran poses no military threat whatsoever to america, china, russia
or europe and yet they have all made this issue their most
important foreign policy.

Watching america, china, russia, and europe, dancing to the
paranoid fantasies of the jews-only state in palestine is proof of
jewish world domination.

There may be those who argue that just because america
implements the foreign policies of another state doesnt mean to
say that there isnt an american empire which pursues american
interests around the rest of the world.
But this is not the case.

Americas zionist foreign policy has drained american military
resources so they cannot be used in other places around the

The jews in american politics and their shabbat goy colleagues
have become so focused on the middle east to protect the sacred
judaic headquarters of the jewish empire that they have ignored,
or been unable to combat, the rise of democratic forces in south
america from where america imports a substantial amount of its

Why is american foreign policy and military intervention focussed
almost solely on the middle east when countries on its own
doorstep which provide it with vast amounts of oil are being
allowed to drift out of american control?

Americas policies towards russia have been shaped for the last
forty years by neocons originating from the office of the right
wing democratic senator henry jackson.

They managed to abolish nixons dtente with russia which could
have resulted in a vast, mutually beneficial, economic boom
between the two countries.

The neocons, however, didnt want any american rapproachment
with the russians because russia poses the danger of nuclear
obliteration to the jews-only state in palestine.

Once again, jewish interests predominated over american
interests and americans carried out the orders of their jewish

Israeli traitors control the american media, the republican and
democratic parties, congress, the pentagon, the office of
homeland security, the cia, the defence intelligence agency, the
state department, the national security council, and the

The american military is implementing the foreign policies of the
jews-only state in palestine.

There is nothing american left about america. Is it not true that,
"The neoconservatives are the greatest threat America has ever
faced ..

(Paul Craig Roberts Outfoxed by bin Laden)

The battle for american independence was lost before most
americans realized they were under attack.

America is now the biggest and most powerful colony in the
jewish empire.

"The conventional wisdom which perceives world imperial powers
dictating policy to lesser regional powers clearly fails to deal with
the US Middle East Wars.

The reason why this common sense notion is inadequate is
because it fails to deal with a series of unique (at least in modern
history) phenomena affecting the policy-making structure of the
US Empire the active role of a privileged and influential minority
deeply embedded in the decision-making structure and whose
primary loyalty is to another state.

It is as if the State of Israel has colonized the main spheres of
political power in the imperial state.

These colons however are not exactly transplants or emigrants
from their "mother country".

Rather they have mostly grown up and have been educated in
the imperial center, they have pursued lucrative careers in the US
and have, in most instances, been strong supporters of US
imperial expansion and militarism.

They have risen to and influenced the highest spheres of political

They have not been discriminated against, nor have they suffered
any economic, social or political exclusion.

They have not been marginalized - they are integrated in the
centers of power.

Yet they have set themselves apart from the rest of the US
citizens and conceive of themselves as having a special mission -
of being first Jews who unconditionally support the State of Israel
and all of its international projections of power.

How can we explain this irrational embrace of a militarist state by
a set of individuals who only vicariously share its life and

(James Petras The meaning of war: A heterodox perspective)

American slaves need to fight back against the jewish empire
rather than pretending they have an empire that acts in their

They should see the palestinians as the leaders in the fight
against the worlds jewish oppressors.

"The fact leftists bust a gut to ignore -is that The Big
Corporations would be far, far better off if the US switched sides
completely, and supported the Palestinians to the hilt.

It is difficult to argue this just because it is so screamingly

The Big Corporations want oil: Israel pisses off the oil producers,

Israel does not, contrary to leftist orthodoxy, help the US control
the oil."

(Michael Neumann A Study in Dogma: The Palestinians and the
Party Line)

Americans need to liberate themselves before they start helping
to liberate the rest of the world, "Regardless of the particular
causes or principles that most move us, that are closest to our
hearts, no issue is of greater urgency than breaking the Jewish-
Zionist grip on American political, social and cultural life.

As long as this power remains entrenched, there will be no end to
the systematic Jewish distortion of history and current affairs, the
Jewish-Zionist domination of the US political system, Zionist
oppression of Palestinians, the bloody conflict between Jews and
non-Jews in the Middle East, and the Israeli threat to peace."

(Mark Weber The Challenge of Jewish-Zionist Power in an Era of
Global Struggle)

"As we draw closer to a major confrontation with Iran and Israeli
officials set short-term deadlines for igniting a Middle East
conflagration, it seems that we are doomed to learn from future
catastrophic losses that Americans must organize to defeat
political lobbies based on overseas allegiances."

(James Petras Israel's War Deadline: Iran in the Crosshairs)

Chapter 10

The Zionist Trap of the American President


Barack Obama will usher in the new fascism, the New World

The conspiracy that got him "elected", is the very monolithic and
ruthless conspiracy that JFK warned us about.

Obama has a certain quality about him that reminds one of the

The adulation among his countless, mindless followers is scary.

It's idolatry. Wake up Americans!

FLASHBACK: John F. Kennedy: Address before the
Press (1961) -The Speech that got President
Kennedy Killed.]

John F. Kennedy said: For we are opposed around the world by a
monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert
means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration
instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on
intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead
of armies by day.

It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material
resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient
machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence,
economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are
buried, not headlined.

Its dissenters are silenced, not praised.

No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is

It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no
democracy would ever hope or wish to match.

Nevertheless, every democracy recognizes the necessary
restraints of national security--and the question remains whether
those restraints need to be more strictly observed if we are to
oppose this kind of attack as well as outright invasion.

Israel instructs Obama not to have dialogue with
Iran. Reddit:

Anyone else think this guy looks like an evil emperor
whispering in the hero's ear? (Photo) Black Agenda
Report: The United States of Israel.

Declaration of Independence From Israel.


YouTube deleted my video "The Zionist Trap of the American
President" after gaining over 800 views within 24 hour period,
likely flagged by uptight Zionist and Obamaniac morons.

I re-uploaded YouTube-banned video to at least four alternative
video sites.

I cannot re-upload the video on YouTube because the admin
"demoted" my account to "bad standing" with six months penalty.

Re-posting the same offending video may get my YT account

The People's Voice: A JEWISH

Chapter 11

Fanatic Rabbi Who Teaches Goyim Slavery Comes
to US

Israeli Rabbi who teaches that the sole purpose of non-Jews is to
serve Jews plans to tap support of Sephardic Jews in US

Monday, December 26, 2011

Shas Rising Rabbi Ovadia Yossef, right, wants to raise the profile
of Sephardic Jews worldwide.

Washington In its 30 years of existence, Shas has evolved
from a marginal ethnic political group to Israels fourth largest
party in the Knesset and is today the unchallenged kingmaker of
Israeli politics.

Its leader, Rabbi Ovadia Yossef, as quoted in Israels Jerusalem
Post, teaches:
The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews, according to
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the head of Shass Council of Torah Sages
and a senior Sephardi adjudicator.

Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no
place in the world only to serve the People of Israel, he said in
his weekly Saturday night sermon on the laws regarding the
actions non-Jews are permitted to perform on Shabbat.
Now, Shas or in its full name, the Sephardic Torah Guardians
Movement is attempting to establish a beachhead among
American Sephardic Jews and, it hopes, replicate its success in

On December 4, the group launched its United States affiliate,
American Friends of Shas, based in Brooklyn.

The new organizations goals are still in flux and, while activists
agree its main mission should be raising the profile of Shas in
America, some are also calling for active fundraising to support
the partys operations in Israel.

Beyond these goals, the affiliates founders also hope to unite
Sephardic American Jews under the leadership of Rabbi Ovadia
Yossef, Shass founder and spiritual leader, who is revered as the
most important rabbinic authority in the Sephardic world.

American Friends of Shas activists believe that such a
consolidation of leadership could help elevate the standing of
Orthodox Sephardic Jews, who often feel left out of the
Ashkenazi-dominated American Jewish organizational world.

Jewish Supremacist - Rabbi David Algaze - "Jerusalem is Not a
City of Three Religions"

Associating with a very powerful leader and a very powerful
organization can give us a sense of pride, said Rabbi David
Algaze, who chaired the founding meeting of American Friends of

Rabbi Algaze added that while he did not believe there is
prejudice against Sephardic Jews in the U.S., there is a
subconscious bias that has made members of the community
almost entirely absent from the Jewish communal leadership.

Calls to join the new organization were posted in recent weeks on
billboards in Orthodox neighborhoods in Brooklyn and New

The official launch took place, as first reported by the Jewish Star,
a Long Island-based newspaper, with Rabbi Ovadia Yossefs
personal aide, Zvi Hakak, greeting participants on behalf of the
91-year-old sage.

The dream, Hakak said in the meeting, is to raise the image of
Sephardic Jews.

Before the end of WWII, other Jewish Supremacists, the Irgun,
were actually running coast to coast fundraising tours to fund
their killing of British soldiers in Palestine.

The British Embassy complained bitterly at the time that while
Tommies were dying to free Europe and save those left in the
camps, that we allowed this terrorist organization to raise money

But U. S. Politicians gave the poor Brits the bad news, "We are
sorry, but as a political reality there is nothing we can do."

Hear some Hebrew Klan gospel straight from the horses mouth, a
horse with a suit
The group plans to incorporate as a tax-exempt charitable

Shas Knessett Member - Nissam Zev

The driving force behind the initiative, Israeli Knesset member
Nissim Zeev, was among the original founders of the Shas party
in Israel.

Our main goal was to have a channel in which Shass political
views could be expressed in America, Zeev told the Forward in a
December 13 phone interview.

It is also very important for us to unite Sephardic communities in
the U.S. around the party and around our rabbi, Ovadia Yossef.

Shas started off in Israel as a social-issue party, focused on the
needs of its key constituency Sephardic Orthodox Israelis,
many of whom were from the struggling classes in Israeli society.

Shas established its own government-funded school network,
which gained marked popularity in poor Sephardic towns.

This, in turn, increased the partys popular support.

Note: So what these hustlers are going to do, of course, is
launder tax deductible funding from here into the Israeli
political process. Don't hold your breath for a Justice
Dept. investigation. They won't do it.

The party initially held centrist views on the IsraeliPalestinian
conflict and supported the Oslo Accords.

But Shas has since moved to the right.

As a member of the ruling government coalition led by Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahus Likud Party, the party has
opposed any freeze in Israeli settlement activity in the occupied
West Bank.

Chapter 12

The Christmas Bomber and the Fraudulent War on
"Let's be clear about what this moment
demands. We are at war. We are at war against Al Qaida."
- President Barack Obama, 7 January 2010

For the people on the ground in Pakistan and elsewhere, Obama's
"War on Terror" means only more U.S. aggression and terrorism -
against them and their families.
Hundreds of innocent civilians have already been killed by Hellfire
missiles fired by C.I.A. operated drones.
Is this not state-sponsored terrorism?
The Christmas Bomber and the Fraudulent War on
In Washington, President Obama is under pressure to take action.
The Christmas Day attempted attack over Detroit may have
failed, but it brought back instant memories of 9/11.
Military action will continue.
- Jeremy Bowen, BBC Middle East Editor, 5 January 2010
On 18 November 2009 I published a warning in which I said there
was a "very high" risk of a false-flag "Al Qaida" terror attack
against Americans.
The warning was the thrust of my article, entitled Terror Risk
High as Obama Ponders Afghan Fiasco, which begins with this
sentence: "The risk of another false-flag terror attack like the
terror atrocities of 9-11 is currently very high."
(A "false-flag" terror incident is one that is designed to affect
public opinion by being blamed on a third party by the real
On Christmas Day, thirty-seven days after my article was
published on, the false-flag terror incident I predicted
occurred on a passenger airliner approaching Detroit's Metro

The "attempted" bombing on Christmas Day was designed to
garner support for President Obama's actions in support of the
Zionist fraud known as the "War on Terror".
My November 18 warning of a false-flag terror attack was the first
I have ever issued based on my own understanding of the
political situation at hand.
I decided to publish the warning because I was absolutely
convinced that the Zionist planners behind the fraudulent "War on
Terror" desperately needed a high-profile terrorist incident
involving Americans to gain public and political support to
legitimize the actions the Obama administration has taken to
advance the Zionist war on Islam.
As President Barack Obama called for a massive troop surge in
Afghanistan there was clearly an urgent need to validate his ill-
advised policies to increase U.S. force levels in the disastrous and
costly eight-year-old war - a war of aggression which lacks any
Since terrorism is the primary tool and tactic in the Zionist
construct known as the "War on Terror" it seemed quite logical
that a false-flag terror event involving "al Qaida" was imminent,
so I published the warning.

To be successful, a false-flag terror attack has to attract a huge
amount of attention around the world and be immediately
interpreted by the mass media in such a way to sway public
opinion in the direction desired by the terror planners.
The propaganda value of a false-flag terror attack is the real
reason behind the architectural planning of such an event.
This is the main difference between the two major attacks that
occurred during the Christmas holiday period.
The suicide bombing on December 30 of the C.I.A.'s Forward
Operating Base Chapman in Khost.

Afghanistan, in which seven high-level U.S. intelligence officers
and a spy chief from the Kingdom of Jordan were killed was
obviously more lethal, but it was not a false-flag terror attack and
has no propaganda value, quite the contrary, it revealed that the
King of Jordan is an active member of the U.S. war effort in
Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The suicide bombing of the C.I.A. base was a military attack
reportedly carried out by the Taliban and meant to take revenge
for the C.I.A.'s killing of hundreds of innocent people in
Afghanistan and Pakistan with the agency's current weapon of
terror, the drone loaded with Hellfire missiles.

Death from Above: A C.I.A. remote-controlled
Predator drone fires a Hellfire missile.
This is fundamentally the same terror tactic that was
used to kill thousands of Americans on 9-11.
Who has decided that the people on the ground
deserve to die?
What is their crime?
Defending their homeland from foreign

Funeral in Pakistan for a victim of a C.I.A. drone attack.
Who determines who is a militant and who is a civilian?
The failed al-Qaida bombing attempt on Christmas Day in
Detroit, on the other hand, is exactly the kind of false-flag terror
attack I meant in my warning, although I hadn't anticipated the
possibility of an "intentional dud," which this incident evidently
Readers of know that this was the first and only time I
have published a false-flag terror warning based on my own
understanding of the logic and players in the Zionist fraud known
as the "War on Terror."

As I wrote on November 18: The risk of another false-flag terror
attack like the terror atrocities of 9-11 is currently very high

An Israeli-designed terror attack that is seen by the public as
having been committed by Al Qaida would serve as an effective
decision maker for Obama and swing public opinion behind
sending more troops to the eight-year-old war of occupation in
This is why I consider the chances of another terror attack to be
blamed on Al Qaida to be very high at the moment.
The Christmas Day attack of the so-called Underwear Bomber on
Deltas Northwest Airlines Flight 253 is Mossad's idea of a joke
but it is certainly meant to be taken with all seriousness by the
Zionist-controlled media and corrupt politicians who make policy
decisions based on such events.
Jeremy Bowen, Middle East Editor for the BBC, distilled the
propaganda message of the Christmas Day bomber down to its
simplest form for public consumption on January 5
In Washington, President Obama is under pressure to take action.
The Christmas Day attempted attack over Detroit may have
failed, but it brought back instant memories of 9/11.
Military action will continue.

One can imagine that the Israeli leaders Shimon Peres, Benjamin
Netanyahu, Ehud Barak, and their fellow terrorists who planned
this false-flag terror scenario, got a good laugh out of the inept
Underwear Bomber only at his expense and ours.
The level of false-flag terror absurdity in the United States has
truly reached the level depicted in Brazil, the futuristic film of a
world dominated by terrorism.
The Terry Gilliam film was actually produced by the Israeli
weapons dealer and senior Mossadnik, Arnon Milchan (or
Milchen), a close friend of Peres, Netanyahu, and Barak.
The Zionist terrorist masterminds chose Christmas Day for several
reasons, primarily because of the increased psychological effect
on Christians, but also because it is the one day of the year on
which the security and passenger-screening crews would be
largely staffed by people who don't celebrate Christmas.

The Israeli terror masterminds Shimon Peres, Bibi Netanyahu,
and Ehud Barak
The attempted bombing of Flight 253 by the 23-year-old Nigerian
was obviously not meant to destroy the plane.
Had Abdul Mutallab actually exploded his "explosive device" the
terror event would have had no immediate propaganda value.
First, the wreckage would have to be found in the depths of the
North Atlantic or expanses of eastern Canada and then an official
investigation conducted to determine what had happened to the
Delta flight that had suddenly disappeared from the radar
It could take weeks or months before anyone would even be
blamed for the attack.

That certainly wouldn't help the Zionist planners advance their
"War on Terror" so it was decided to carry out an "attempted"
bombing, like the earlier "shoe bomber," in which the inept
bomber would be caught red-handed in the act of committing a
terror atrocity.

If the Underwear Bomber had really intended to destroy the
flight, why would he have waited until the plane was making its
final descent into the Detroit area before trying to detonate the
explosive device?
Why was he so inept in his efforts with an explosive that required
a different sort of detonation device?
Why did he seem like a person who had been mind-controlled to
carry out the attempted bombing?
What possible motivation can the young son of a wealthy
Nigerian banker have to kill innocent people over the skies of
He is, after all, a devout Muslim.
Can we expect to get real answers to these questions?

Abdul Mutallab (in red), here in London, is known to be a devout
What would be his motive to commit a terror crime
against innocent people?
It simply does not make sense.
A group of Republican senators, led by the pro-Israel Republican
John McCain (who visited Israel over the weekend of January 9-
10) are seeking to transfer the Abdul Mutallab case to a military
Why would a pro-Israeli senator like McCain want this young
Nigerian tried by a military tribunal?
McCain and others argue that critical questions such as the
identities of those who assisted and trained Abdul Mutallab
remain unanswered.
Indeed, they are and will probably remain so.
Did he receive funding and support from others, and if so, from
The first question should be whether Abdul Mutallab was really in
his right mind or whether he had been subjected to mind-control
methods that made him an unwitting Manchurian Candidate.
Eyewitness reports about his appearance and initial responses
strongly suggest that he was under some form of mind-control.
Will a trial in a U.S. District Court really get to the bottom of who
is behind Abdul Mutallab?


To understand who is behind the Christmas Day bombing attempt
one need only understand that the "War on Terror" is a complete
Zionist fraud designed to drag the United States.

And other nations into a global war against Islamic movements
seeking social justice in the Middle East and elsewhere.
Across the region there are many Islamic organizations, like the
Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, which challenge the corrupt
dictatorships that oppress their people and prevent real
The Mubarak dictatorship in Egypt, for example, is supported and
funded with billions of dollars by the U.S. government to maintain
a police state that is paid to support Israel while repressing the
people of Egypt.
Such arrangements of maintaining political control through
corruption are certainly not sustainable for the long term.
The U.S. war in Afghanistan is supposedly being waged against Al
Qaida because of their role in the terror attacks of 9-11, but the
actual target has always been the Taliban, an Islamic movement.
Islamic movements of this type are naturally anti-Zionist.
The Israeli planners of the War on Terror seek to inflame
passions on both sides to the point that the U.S. war on Islam
takes on its own dynamic but that has not yet happened so the
Zionist terrorists stoke the fire by creating false-flag terror events
like 9-11 - and the attempted bombing of the Delta flight on
Christmas Day.

The Mossad, Israel's secret service, has been operating in Yemen
since the 1940's.
In 1949, the Mossad arranged for the removal of some 49,000
Yemenite Jews to Israel with the approval of Yemen's leader.

Michael Chertoff's "Mossadnik" mother, Livia Eisen, played a key
role in this secret airlift, code-named Operation Magic
Carpet, which involved some 380 flights on British and American
Today, there are some 360,000 Yemenite Jews living in Israel.

Nearly all of Yemen's 49,000 Jews were taken to Israel in a
Mossad operation in 1949-50 called Operation Magic Carpet.
The Israeli Mossad continues to operate in Yemen, as the
President of Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh revealed openly in early
October 2008
A terrorist cell was arrested five days ago and will be referred to
the judicial authorities for its links with the Israeli intelligence

The AFP and global press reported that the Israeli "terrorist cell"
discovered by Yemeni authorities in 2008 had been involved in a
deadly attack against the U.S. embassy in the Yemeni capital the
previous month.

President Saleh said the Israeli terror cell operated under the
"slogan of Islam."
Sources close to the Yemeni investigation told AFP that Saleh was
thought to have been referring to six men rounded up in Sanaa
after the 17 September 2008 attack on the U.S. Embassy which
left 18 people dead.

An Israeli "Al Qaida" terror cell in Yemen is probably behind the
kidnapping and mind-control operation that resulted in the devout
Muslim Abdul Mutallab trying to detonate an explosive device on
Delta's Northwest Flight 253.
The fact that Abdul Mutallab flew through Amsterdam's Schiphol
Airport is a further indication that the Mossad is involved.
Both the Schiphol Airport and Delta Airlines are clients of ICTS
(International Consultants on Targeted Security), the Mossad-
controlled airport security company that oversaw passenger
screening at the airports involved in the 9-11 attacks through its
wholly-owned subsidiary Huntleigh USA.
While ICTS Europe is officially headquartered in Amsterdam, its
real Mossad management is based in Israel.

Abdul Mutallab bought his tickets in Accra, Ghana, on December
16, eight days before he departed.
Although he flew to Detroit via Nigeria, his homeland, he did not
visit or speak with his family.
This suggests that the young devout Muslim was being
chaperoned and is simply another victim of a devious Israeli
intelligence plot designed to promote the Zionist-managed "War
on Terror" and legitimize President Obama's increased U.S.
military involvement in Yemen, Afghanistan, and beyond.
We must not allow ourselves to be deceived by this most absurd
and evil Israeli terror spectacle.
It is high time for the real culprits behind 9-11 and the false-flag
terror of the past decade to be exposed and stopped.

The young Abdul Mutallab in 2001

Chapter 13

DC nuclear summit was a smokescreen
Thursday, April 15th, 2010
Obama is masking the real issues over nuclear weapons by
presenting the idea that nuclear terrorism is a major threat,
shared Michel Chossudovsky, Director of the Canadian Centre for
Research on Globalization
What is disturbing about this summit in Washington is the fact
that the real threat to global security is nuclear war between

It is not Al-Qaeda which in any event is not able to constitute
intelligence as set by the CIA, Chossudovsky acknowledged.

It is an elusive network of organizations.

The real threat is the threat of nuclear war and particularly the
threat of a nuclear attack by the United States and Israel directed
against Iran.
In addition, the summit was useful for the US to establish
dialogue with China and Russia regarding the nuclear program of
Iran, thinks Chossudovsky.
Both China and Russia are strictly against military actions against
Iran and do not support economic sanctions against the Islamic
Republic, while Obama recently issued a new military nuclear
doctrine that admits using nuclear weapons against rogue
states implying Iran to be one of them.
All the NATO countries, headed by the US and including Israel,
they have nuclear weapons targeted at Iran, noted
He stated that The nuclear summit is in fact a smokescreen, a
camouflage of the real dangers of nuclear war.
Americas demand to transfer nuclear materials to some safe
place in the US is an absurd operation, believes Chossudovsky.
Michel Chossudovsky told RT that: As far as it
goes, in the present context, the US is the
most dangerous threat to global security and
what this conference aims at achieving is to
diffuse this understanding.

Its a PR campaign which seeks to present the nuclear threat in
some distorted way, so that people who listen to the media report
will believe that Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden and global terrorism is the
issue, rather than the strategic objectives of the US which include
now the preemptive use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear
At this stage the US administration is not interested in
negotiating, it is interested in creating an environment which will
justify a possible nuclear attack on Iran, concluded
US threatens to nuke Iran; blame victims
intentions; beware false flag attack to pull trigger
Can you handle the truth?
Do you have the intellectual integrity and moral courage to
employ middle school-level verification of factual claims on our
nations most important issues?
This involves no belief only verification of the following objective
facts essential to your citizenry
Official US policy for nuclear weapons allows nuclear attack on
nations if the US says they have the intent to harm the US or
allies in the future.

This policy is unlawful under the US-created UN Charter that
strictly forbids Wars of Aggression, including with the predictable
propaganda of national security or the new pre-emptive self-

Remember the history of some still living and the rest of our
populations fathers and grandfathers who sacrificed in WW2

The Nazis pre-planned War of Aggression to attack and take
Poland was a false flag operation that claimed national security,
self-defense, and a peaceful future.

The US is a terrorist state to threaten conventional and nuclear
war on Iran.

The US is a terrorist state to further lie to its public and the world
in two key areas of propaganda that you are responsible to
understand if you want a US government operating UNDER the
law rather than as a fascist dictatorship operating wherever they
say (dictate):

1. Irans president never physically threatened Israel.
2. All of Irans nuclear material is fully accounted for peaceful
and legal use for energy and medicine.

The US is a terrorist state for its unlawful attack and invasion of
Afghanistan and Iraq.

We now know from our own governments disclosure of the
evidence that all reasons for war were known lies.

Our soldiers, government employees, and citizens who operate
under good faith have been duped with the above Big Lies that
are easily proven but difficult to embrace from cognitive

The recent US-hosted nuclear weapons summit is propaganda to
terrorize the public with fear that others will use nuclear
weapons specifically propagandizing that terrorists will use a
nuclear weapon on a US city.

This propaganda is repeated by Israels Prime Minister, the last
Republican presidential candidate John McCain, former vice-
presidential candidate Joe Lieberman, and corporate media, and
escalated with terrorizing and unlawful war rhetoric that the US
should pull the trigger to attack Iran in Orwellian propaganda to
blame the victim.

When the facts are so clear that it is the US who has killed over a
million people in their perpetual unlawful Wars of Aggression
based upon such Orwellian and emperor has no clothes lies that
the US expands into Pakistan and Yemen, the obvious conclusion
any rational citizen must make is that the US has planned and is
considering a false flag attack to use a dirty or nuclear bomb,
blame Iran, and finalize their Middle East tyrannical policy of

Michel Chossudovsky, Director of the Canadian Centre for
Research on Globalization, explains succinctly in the following 4-
minute interview.

Our military was duped into these wars with calculated "Big Lies;"
our trusting young men and women took an Oath to support and
defend the US Constitution that supersedes the Nazi insert of
placing the mission first.

The Claus von Stauffenberg faction of US military and
government must act to end this soulless mass-murdering; this
loveless series of unlawful wars and unlawful orders, if we want a
future were proud to build.

This choice is up to our men and women in uniform and
government for leadership.

I provide

Explanation of the rules of lawful war omitted from their
military training that proves beyond any doubt that current
US wars are unlawful.

Analogies that the rules of war are almost exactly like
those for an individuals use of force on the street.

Documentation of lies that were known to be lies as our
political leaders told them and our war-whore corporate
media mimicked to propagandize for war in Iraq.

Proof beyond doubt that the speech of Iranian President
Ahmadinejad never threatened Israel.

Documentation that IAEA verifies all of Irans nuclear
material and has only and always been used for legal and
peaceful purposes.

As a teacher of government and law, I created an analogy to
recognize the lies by imposing the names of China for the
US, and US for Iran to see what it looks like as the target
of war lies.

I also provide a glimpse into Persian culture to humanize Iran
rather than demonize the targets of provable and criminal US war

I also remind you of the history lesson that the US fought WW2
against aggressors who masked their invasions as liberations for
their own peace and freedom.

Explanation of the law of treason: the liars who duped US
soldiers to unlawfully invade other countries are the ones
who levied war against US soldiers.

Documentation and explanation of official US policy to use
nuclear weapons if our leaders say (dictate) a nation might
someday in the future harm the US or an ally. This policy is
obviously Orwellian unlawful.

Documentation of past use of US false flag attacks to kill
Americans and blame an enemy in order to initiate an
offensive war masked as a defensive one.

Proof that corporate media is complicit in lies of commission
and omission to propagandize for unlawful US wars

Explanation of strategy to end the massive criminal acts of
US leaders for obvious violation of the letter and spirit of
US war laws: because these crimes are so broad and so
deep, I recommend Truth and Reconciliation (T&R) to
exchange full truth and return of stolen US assets for non-

This is the most expeditious way to understand and end all
unlawful and harmful acts.

Those who reject T&R are subject to prosecution.

A reminder that you love virtue, American values, and love
of your fellow human beings.

These war liars leading our government who say they want
peace while engaging in endless wars wont create a Department
of Peace for professional analysis of peace.

These psychopaths (look that word up) spend trillions in long-
term costs to lie and kill while reneging on their promise to spend
just 0.7% of GNI to end poverty, save a million children's lives
every month, and do so while reducing population growth rates.

Documentation with many of the US most prominent
economists and experts that these same war liars are
transferring trillions of our taxpaying dollars to an oligarchic
elite, ignoring the obvious solution of full employment to
invest in US infrastructure, keeping a debt supply rather
than a money supply to end the national debt, and
keeping a parasitic banking system rather than a non-profit
system (think 1-2% mortgages).

I also provide documentation that these obvious economic
solutions have been advocated by our brightest historical minds
for centuries.


Well there you have it folks, Barrack Obama is totally sold out,
owned, and controlled by the Zionist Jews in Israel, Zionist Jew
Wall Street Banks, Military Industrial Complex, Mainstream Media,
Big Corporations, Oil Cartels, Council On Foreign Relations,
Trilateral Commission, The Health Insurance Companies, Big

You might as well say anybody who will pay money to his election
fund which after expenses are paid out the rest is pocketed by

He will do anything for them people.

The rest of the book as you can see, United States of America is
Totally controlled by the Zionist Jews, they control, own, run
everything in America.

The President and other politicians dont even fart unless these
Zionist give them permission to fart.

We hope you have enjoyed reading The OzBoy File The
Truth About Barrack Obama USA President

Please share this book around, download it, tell all your friends
and family about this book, and get out there fighting to take
your country back.

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The computer he has is 6 years old, it is an old single core
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I have a figure of $3,800 Australian in mind, so if you can
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