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Table Of Contents
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The Greatest Personal
Development Boos
Of All Time
Today, we live in the information age, and ideas are spreading at a
phenomenal pace. 'oo"s roc". Why( 'ecause a boo" encompasses
years of e)perience and ideas of a person into a few good short hour
reads. With that, we can be e)posed to things that too" people
decades to reali!e in a short amount of time.
This series covers a list of the most powerful personal development
boo"s in history which you can recommend to your followers for
further empowerment. *et+s bring our lives to the ne)t level through
the ideas and wealth of information contained in these ama!ing
The Greatest Personal Development Books Of All Time
A Collection Of The Most Empowering Books Titles On The
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The Greatest Personal
Development Boos Of All Time
Letters from a !toi"
b# !ene"a
.e was born around the same time as /esus and was one of the
leading figures in his #oman 0mpire. .e was also one of history1s
leading 2toic philosophers 3along with 4arcus urelius and 0pictetus
who we also profile5 and has some powerful wisdom to share. In this
boo", we1ll e)plore the purpose of philosophy, the importance of
focusing our attention and the mojo that comes from facing our fears.
b# $ar"%s A%reli%s
4arcus urelius was the 0mperor-Philosopher of the #oman 0mpire
and one of the most enlightened leaders ever. 4editations is a
collection of journal entries he wrote to himself and in this boo" we1ll
e)plore some great Ideas of his 2toic philosophy6from the
importance of never confusing ourselves with visions of a lifetime all
at once, to not worrying about what others thin" of us and living a life
of purpose and service.
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&%mi Da#li'ht( A Da# Boo of !pirit%al G%idan"e
b# &%mi
#umi1s poetry is stunning. In this boo", we1ll e)plore some inspiring
wisdom from the 2ufi mystic and have fun applying it to our %1st
century lives6from the importance of having patience and seeing
challenging times as 8od1s way of strengthening us to wor"ing hard
and going for it.
The Anale"ts of Conf%"i%s
b# Conf%"i%s
9onfucius. Tal" about old school. I+ve waded through some of the
arcane stuff from his classic :nalects: to bring us some highly
practical wisdom for our %1st century lives. We1ll ta"e a loo" at a
bunch of big Ideas on the importance of being a passionate 3and
patient,5 student of life while striving to do our best. 8ood stuff.
The Bha'avad Gita( A Classi" of Indian !pirit%alit#
b# )rishna
The classic te)t of .induism is ;pac"ed; with wisdom. In the boo",
we ta"e a super <uic" loo" at the conte)t for the boo" and then jump
into some powerful wisdom6including the importance of meditation,
the fact that ma"ing mista"es is an inherent part of our growth
process and the uber-importance of letting go of our attachment to
- = -
The Dhammapada( The !a#in's of B%ddha
b# B%ddha
core te)t of 'uddhism, The >hammapada literally means
something along the lines of :the path of truth and righteousness:
and is pac"ed with wisdom. In this boo", we1ll ta"e a <uic" loo" at
some central tenets of 'uddhism 3li"e the ?our @oble Truths,
nirvana, and the eightfold path5 and soa" up some 'uddha mojo on
how to roc" our wisest lives.
The En"hiridion
b# Epi"tet%s
0pictetus is one of three 2toic philosophers we profile 34arcus
urelius and 2eneca are the other two5 and this former slave turned
leading philosopher of his era is incredible. .e echoes the wisdom of
all the great teachers as he reminds us that, if we want to be happy,
we1ve gotta reali!e the only thing we have control over is our response
to a situation. We1ll have fun tapping into a lot more of his vast mojo
in the boo".
The !ele"ted *ritin's of &alph *aldo Emerson
b# &alph *aldo Emerson
#alph Waldo 0merson is a hero of mine 3he occupies the 8reat-
8reatA 8randfather slot in my spiritual family tree5 and his essays,
although written in 1Bth century prose, totally fire me up. In this
boo", we1ll e)plore some big Ideas on self-reliance 3trust yourself,,,5,
the power of enthusiasm 3did you "now the word literally means :8od
- C -
within:(,5, and how 8od will not have his wor" made manifest by
cowards. Plus other goodness.
The Tao Te Chin'
b# Lao T+%
It1s the core te)t of Taoism and one of the top old school classics of all
time. In this boo", we1ll ta"e a loo" at everything from ma"ing use of
solitude to the fact that the journey of a thousand miles begins with
the first step 3heard that before, eh(,5. We1ll also learn to let go of our
attachment to future results and gracefully roll with the ebbs and
flows of life.
Th%s !poe ,arath%stra
b# Friedri"h Niet+s"he
@iet!sche was said to deliver his philosophy with a hammer and this
boo" definitely nails his disdain for conditioning and conformity. In
the boo", we1ll ta"e a pee" at some really 'ig Ideas including the fact
that our worst enemy is often inside our own heads, that sometimes
we need to push ourselves to discover just how far we can go, and how
we+ve gotta be willing to go into the depths of our being if we want to
-abits of -i'hl# Effe"tive People
b# !tephen Cove#
This boo" has been a top seller since it was published in 1BBD,
offering advice on how to improve your leadership and get ahead in
- E -
-ow to *in Friends and Infl%en"e People
b# Dale Carne'ieF
?irst published in 1B&C, this boo" aims to help people of all ages
understand human nature and use that understanding to garner
enthusiasm and improve leadership.
Power of Positive Thinin'
b# Dr. Norman /in"ent Peale
Those who are loo"ing to ma"e their lives happier, more satisfying or
who simply want to learn to believe in themselves and their abilities
have a lot to gain by reading this popular title.
As a $an Thineth
b# 0ames Allen
This short boo" will help you reali!e that you+re only as good as you
thin" you are and help you change the way you see and imagine
*a# of the Pea"ef%l *arrior
b# Dan $illman
This story may be fictional, but it offers powerful lessons in being
strong in mind and spirit rather than in the body.
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1o% Can -eal 1o%r Life
b# Lo%ise -a#F
9hec" out this best-selling boo" to learn how .ay thin"s we are all
responsible for our own happiness or illness and ways that she
advises overcoming our negative thoughts to heal our bodies and
The &oad Less Traveled
b# $. !"ott Pe"
In this te)t you can learn how the path to self-discovery is a tough
one, but one well worth following.
0onathan Livin'ston !ea'%ll
b# &i"hard Ba"h
@o matter what you believe in or what your goals are in life, this boo"
aims to show you the importance of having a higher purpose.
The Art of *ar
b# !%n T+%
This ancient military treatise is still useful today and has become the
go-to manual for inspiration on leading and getting ahead in
- 1D -
The !even !pirit%al Laws of !%""ess
b# Deepa Chopra
*earn about "arma, potentiality, intention, desire and more in your
<uest to become a more spiritually connected person through this
The Givin' Tree
b# !hel !ilverstein
This may be a children+s boo", but its lessons are still powerful at any
age, inspiring you to give and love freely.
-ow Pro%st Can Chan'e 1o%r Life
b# Alain de Botton
This boo" uses the writings and life of Proust to offer insightful
lessons that can improve your life and ma"e you a wiser, happier
The Al"hemist
b# Pa%lo Coelho
n easy evening read, I read this boo" a few years ago and was <uite
entranced by it. It is told as the fable of a young shepard boy who goes
on a <uest to find a worldly treasure. ?rom his home in 2pain, he
journeys around the world and learns the values of hard wor", and
following his dreams.
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The Celestine Prophe"#2 An Advent%re
b# 0ames &edfield
This boo" practically became a cult phenomenon. This boo"
introduced the concept of 2yncronicity. ctually syncronicity is
redefined in this boo". fun read, sometimes it is a little predictable
and I found that the ending needed wor". .owever, if you haven1t
read it, you probably should.
The Greatest $ira"le In The *orld
b# O' $andino
Gne of my favorite boo"s of all time. I used to buy this in paperbac"
and give copies away for 9hristmas. Gnce you read one of Gg
4andino1s boo"s, you1ll start reading them all. .is boo"s are very
popular best sellers. They are all very easy to understand and the
story in this one "eeps you guessing.
The $a'i" Life 3 A Novel Philosoph#
b# A"e !tarr#
It is a story of a young accountant who meets a street magician and
learns from him a philosophy of following your dreams.
natomy of the 2pirit by 9arolyn 4yssF This boo" blends religious
doctrine with human anatomy, showing readers how their thoughts
and health may be connected.
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Fren"h *omen Don4t Get Fat( The !e"ret of Eatin' For
b# $ireille G%iliano
This author e)plains how people can still eat the foods they love
3cheeses, indulgent chocolates5 without pac"ing on the pounds by
following this 0uropean regimen.
On"e a &%nner
b# 0ohn L Parer
If you want to start running or are already a devoted jogger, this
fictional novel will inspire and educate.
In Defense of Food
b# $i"hael Pollan
*earn to navigate the food choices you ma"e with more aplomb in
this boo".
Never Give 5p
b# &i"hard !immons
Whether you love or hate #ichard 2immons you won+t be able to deny
the motivation the stories in this boo" offer.
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-%n'r#( Lessons Learned on the *a# from Fat to Thin
b# Allen ,adoff
nyone who has ever struggled with dysfunctional ways of eating will
appreciate this honest portrayal of the emotional roots of eating
Eat to Live( The &evol%tionar# Form%la for Fast and
!%stained *ei'ht Loss
b# 0oel F%hrman
This boo" isn+t just about losing weightHit teaches readers about food
so they can made educated choices about what they consume and can
ma"e sustained lifestyle changes.
1o% on a Diet
b# $ehmet C. O+ and $i"hael F. &oisen
The authors of this boo" believe that the best tool for losing weight is
5plift( !e"rets from the !isterhood of Breast Can"er
b# Barbara Delins#
If you have cancer or another illness, these stories of strength and
survival are sure to raise your spirits.
- 1- -
1o%n'er Ne6t 1ear
b# Chris Crowle# and Dr. -enr# Lod'e
9hec" out this boo" for advice and information on staying young well
into your golden years.
$%tant $essa'es From Down 5nder
b# $arlo $or'an
Gne of my more recent reads, I found that the story was so gripping
from the first few pages, that I couldn1t put it down.
The *a# of the Pea"ef%l *arior
b# Dan $ilman
I recently read this and was absolutely ama!ed at how similar it was
to my own writing. I hope to meet >an 4ilman some day and tal"
about our writing styles.
The *a# of The *i+ard
b# Deepa" Chopra
4ore of a guideboo" really. The fiction in this boo" isn1t really even
- 17 -
Title on Ba" Order
,en And The Art Of $otor"#"le $aintenan"e
b# &obert Pirsi'
n ama!ing boo" for a thin"ing person. If you li"e to ponder big
<uestions about the nature of human beings, then you must read this
boo". This is not an easy read by an stretch of the imagination, and I
don1t recommend it unless you are the type that li"es to study a boo",
not just read it.
!tran'er In a !tran'e Land
b# &obert A. -einlein
This boo" was a gift, that I1ve truly cherished. Though it is a science
fiction novel, it is a very powerful philosophy boo". I loved it.
As A $an Thineth
b# 0ames Allen
$our thoughts and your dreams determine what you are and what you
will be. This little boo" is meant to stimulate men and women to the
discovery and perception of the truth that they themselves are ma"ers
of themselves, by virtue of the thoughts which they choose and
- 1= -
-ow to *in Friends and Infl%en"e People
b# Dale Carne'ie
I love this boo". I used to buy it for all my employees. The main thing
I remember from it is that you can get ahead in life by simply doing a
:little: more than the other guy. $ou don1t have to do great and
ama!ing things. /ust simply ta"e care of the little things and learn to
care about the other guy. This is what leads to true success. If you
haven1t read this boo", there are many copies available on the mar"et.
'uy it and read it and pass it on.
Thin and Grow &i"h
b# Napoleon -ill
The title tells it all. $our thoughts determine your actions and
therefore your success. This is one of the best boo"s ever written on
the power of positive thin"ing. I cannot recommend this boo"
enough. When I first got out of college I read this and I was changed
forever. 'uy this boo" and you will not be sorry.
5nlimited Power
b# Anthon# &obbins
Gver the years, I1ve read and listened to a great deal of self-help type
boo"s. Inlimited Power provides a clear path to ma)imi!ing one1s
own potential. Inlimited Power: contains three different partsF
2ection IF The 4odeling of .uman 0)cellence 2ection IIF The
Iltimate 2uccess ?ormula 2ection IIIF *eadershipF The 9hallenge of
0)cellence. Tony #obbins is an e)cellent motivator. I highly
recommend any of his products.
- 1C -
As and It Is Given( Learnin' to $anifest 1o%r Desires
b# Esther 7 0err# -i"s
This is pretty much the 'ible on the *aw of ttraction and in this
boo" we1ll ta"e a loo" at how 0sther and /erry define The *aw of
ttraction 3they say it1s "inda li"e tuning your radio to the right
station so you can hear the music you love,5, how to use your
0motional ?uel 8auge 3that1s one of my favorite Ideas ever5 and how
to create intentions throughout your day to put yourself in the driver1s
seat of life.
Bi' $ind Bi' -eart( Findin' 1o%r *a#
b# Genpo &oshi
Jen 4aster 8enpo #oshi spent decades figuring out how to best help
people develop enlightened awareness and came up with his
revolutionary process called :'ig 4ind.: In this boo", we1ll ta"e a
pee" at some 'ig Ideas from the Jen 4aster including how the root of
suffering 3du""ha5 is getting stuc" in one perspective and how that1s
about as effective as having a 4aserati stuc" in first gear. We1ll also
e)plore the place beyond idiot compassion as we become integrated
human beings giving ourselves joyfully to the world.
- 1E -
Bod# $ind $aster#( Creatin' !%""ess in !ports and Life
b# Dan $illman
>an 4illlman1s a former world champion gymnast and coach of the
2tanford and 'er"eley gymnastic teams whose got some great ideas
on how to achieve 'ody, 4ind and 2pirit mastery. In this boo" we
e)plore a bunch of 1em including how to deal with the fear of failure,
what we can learn from babies and how to build new habits as we
become masters of our lives who shine everywhere,
Cons"io%s Livin'( -ow to Create a Life of 1o%r Own Desi'n
b# Ga# -endri"s
8ay .endric"s is a close friend and mentor of mine who encourages
us to create a life of our own design as we enjoy the magic that
unfolds when we truly commit to living an e)traordinary life. In this
boo", we1ll e)plore Ideas on how to get our conscious living on
including letting go of the past and the importance of having ;both;
goals @> moment to moment flow.
Constr%"tive Livin'( O%t'row !h#ness2 Depression2 Fear2
!tress2 Grief2 Chroni" Pain. A"hieve the Goal of
Constr%"tive Livin' 3 To Do Ever#thin' *ell
b# David ). &e#nolds
>an 4illman 3author of Way of the Peaceful Warrior and other great
boo"s5 introduced me to this boo" as he1s been deeply influenced by
>avid #eynolds1 integration of Jen 'uddhism and Western
Psychotherapy. In this boo", we1ll e)plore some 'ig Ideas on how to
live with greater self-mastery by more effectively relating to our
emotions and consistently as"ing ourselvesF :@ow what needs to be
- 1B -
Do 1o%8( 9: Laws to A""ess the Power in 1o% to A"hieve
-appiness and !%""ess
b# &%ssell !immons
Who "new the 8odfather of hip-hop was also an incredible yogi and
spiritual teacher(,( In this boo", we1ll have fun learning how to :>o
$ou,,: as we tap into the importance of having a powerful vision for
our lives, the fact that a mantra is literally a :tool of thought: we can
use to shape our minds, and how important it is to ta"e the ne)t baby
step in front of us as we give ourselves most fully to the world.
Ever#da# Enli'htenment( The Twelve Gatewa#s to Personal
b# Dan $illman
This is >an 4illman1s magnum opus where he wal"s us through :The
Twelve 8ateways to Personal 8rowth: and in the boo" we chec" out
'ig Ideas ranging from the importance of discovering our self-worth
3and how to do so5 to the fact that, although :9arpe diem,: sounds
good, it1s impossible to do. We can+t :2ei!e the day,: but we ;can;
:2ei!e the moment,: or, as >an saysF :9arpe punctum,:
Fo"al Point( A Proven !#stem to !implif# 1o%r Life2 Do%ble
#o%r Prod%"tivit#2 and A"hieve All 1o%r Goals
b# Brian Tra"#
'rian Tracy is one of the classic modern self-development teachers
and he1s literally a 'ig Idea machine. In this boo", we1ll have fun
learning about the importance of ta"ing responsibility in our lives and
staying fle)ible 3and, of course, some Ideas on how to do so,5. We1ll
also chec" in on the importance of managing our time well by :one-
touching: stuff and maintaining our optimism in the face of
- %D -
$one#2 and the Law of Attra"tion
b# Esther and 0err# -i"s
This is one of three titles we cover by 0sther and /erry .ic"s. In this
boo", we1ll loo" at some 'ig Ideas on how to roc" the *aw of
ttraction to circulate wealth. We1ll e)plore the fact that the most
valuable s"ill we1ll ever have is the control of our minds and how we
need to ma"e our lifetime career all about discovering and following
our bliss,
&i"h Dad2 Poor Dad
&i"h Dad2 Poor Dad( *hat the &i"h Tea"h Their )ids Abo%t
$one# That the Poor and $iddle Class Do Not8
b# &obert T. )i#osai
Gne of the best-selling self-development franchises of all time, this
boo" is pac"ed with 'ig Ideas. In the boo", we1ll <uic"ly loo" at why
you want to invest in assets that produce income and how your house
is 3gulp5 a liability, not an asset then we1ll move on to e)plore the "eys
to thin"ing li"e the #ich >ad6controlling our thoughts, facing our
fears, and all that ja!!.
!e"rets of the $illionaire $ind( $asterin' the Inner Game
of *ealth
b# T. -arv Eer
T..arv 0"er is a funny guy and this boo" is pac"ed with wisdom on
how to :master the inner game of wealth.: In the boo", we1ll e)plore
awesome 'ig Ideas ranging from the importance of playing to win 3vs.
playing not to lose5 to the fact that there1s a big difference between
:wanting: wealth and being ;committed; to creating it.
- %1 -
!pirit%al E"onomi"s( The Prin"iples and Pro"ess of Tr%e
b# Eri" B%tterworth
0ric 'utterworth is an ama!ing guy and this boo" really transformed
my relationship to money. In the @ote, we1ll ta"e a loo" at the fact
that our goal shouldn1t be to ma"e moneyKac<uire stuff but to achieve
the level of consciousness through which abundance flows through
our lives naturally. We1ll loo" at the roots of the words affluence and
security and prosperity along with some 'ig Ideas on how to merge
our spirituality and our economics.
The Diamond C%tter( The B%ddha on !trate'ies for
$ana'in' 1o%r B%siness and 1o%r Life
b# Geshe $i"hael &oa"h
The wise 4ichael #oache was an undercover 'uddhist mon" who
used a classic sutra from 'uddhism 3called The >iamond 9utter5 to
build a diamond business. In his boo", he describes how he
successfully applied this classic wisdom to his modern business and
in the boo", we1ll ta"e a loo" at some of my favorite 'ig Ideas6
including the fact that the world is :empty: of meaning and we always
have the ability to see its hidden potential.
- %% -
The !"ien"e of Gettin' &i"h
b# *alla"e D. *attles
4ore Wattles mojo here. In this boo", we1ll loo" at the logic behind
why Wattles believes we should be rich 3<uic"lyF you can render no
greater service to 8od and humanity than to ma"e the most of
yourself and you can1t do that if you+re poorL see @ote for more5, and
how we need to become creators 3and leave the competitive plane5,
focus on things we1re grateful for, get clear on our vision and ta"e
action and more action and more action.
The Power of TED( The Empowerment D#nami"
b# David Emerald
>avid 0merald1s wonderfully wise fable roc"s. In this boo", we1ll ta"e
a <uic" loo" at one of my favorite boo"s as we e)plore the importance
of stepping out of >>T 3the >readed >rama Triangle5 and stepping
into T0> 3The 0mpowerment >ynamic5 as we learn to more
consistently live from a 9reator1s perspective 3rather than a Mictim1s5
and learn how to hold the tension between our ideals and our current
realities by ta"ing baby steps.
The Ps#"holo'# of *innin'( Ten ;%alities of a Total *inner
b# Denis *aitle#
>enis Waitley1s been roc"in1 the self-development world for several
decades now and captures a lot of his wisdom in this popular boo". In
the boo", we1ll e)plore the importance of ta"ing responsibility for our
attitude 3echo,5, staying on target, maintaining optimism and
enthusiasm, concentrating all of our energy on whatever we1re doing,
and ta"ing the time to plan our ideal lives.
- %& -
The !pontaneo%s F%lfillment of Desire( -arnessin' the
Infinite Power of Coin"iden"e
b# Deepa Chopra
>eepa" is one of my favorite authors and this boo" is all about
harnessing the power of :synchrodestiny: to roc" it. We1ll e)plore the
power of letting go of our fear and worry and anger and hesitation as
we discover our deeper purpose and live from our souls with the
intention to serve.
The !%""ess Prin"iples( -ow to Get from *here 1o% Are to
*here 1o% *ant to Be
b# 0a" Canfield
/ac" 9anfield, the creator of 9hic"en 2oup for the 2oul, gives us a
boo" pac"ed with 'ig Ideas on the fundamentals of success. In the
boo", we e)plore some of my favorites6including an awesome
e)ercise on how to discover our purpose, the importance of ta"ing
responsibility in our lives 3that1s Principle N1,,,5, becoming an inverse
paranoid 3thin"F OG48 the universe is out to help me,,P5, and
recogni!ing that BBQ commitment to something is a bitch and 1DDQ
is a bree!e.
The Thrive Diet( The *hole Food *a# to Losin' *ei'ht2
&ed%"in' !tress and !ta#in' -ealth# for Life
b# Brendan Bra+ier
'rendan 'ra!ier is a former professional Ironman triathlete who lived
on nothing but plant-based foods6no meat, no dairyR just plants.
This boo" covers some big ideas on how to optimi!e our diets and
e)perience more vitality in our lives as we <uit lea"ing energy, go for
high net-gain foods and roc" the al"alinity,
- %- -
The *a# of the !%perior $an( A !pirit%al G%ide to
$asterin' the Challen'e of *omen2 *or2 and !e6%al
b# David Deida
>eida definitely pushes some edges with his wor" and this boo" was
hugely transformational for me. 8uysF you1ll dig it. *adiesF your guys
will dig it. This boo" e)plores the importance of living on purpose,
not ma"ing e)cuses, giving our gifts to the world, being willing to
change and committing to growth and love.
Thresholds of the $ind( 1o%r Personal &oadmap to
!%""ess2 -appiness2 and Contentment
b# Bill -arris
In this boo", 'ill .arris, the founder of .olosync 3which I1ve been
using for 77DA days now5, outlines his thoughts on how meditation
raises the :thresholds of our mind: along with other mojo on roc"in1
it. This boo" also loo"s at a range of big Ideas on optimal living6
including the significance of different brain wave patterns and why
we want to learn how to synchroni!e our brains through meditation.
Tr%st 1o%r /ibes( !e"ret Tools for !i63!ensor# Livin'
b# !onia Cho<%ette
>id you "now you+ve got si) senses( $ep. nd the brilliant 2onia
9ho<uette describes the why1s and how+s of :si) sensory: living in her
great boo". This boo" covers some big Ideas on how to trust our vibes
and roc" it6from learning how to ta"e care of ourselves and being
fle)ible to no longer dwelling on the past and breathing deeply, we1ll
have fun playing with our vibes.
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