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Emerald From Seabed

When she dance before him for the first time, Lemon trees
shook, and leaflets fell one by one. He was feeling that he's
melting by her heat, and vanishing by her charm, but he
resisted and ust said!
" #$ou're like a witch who came to me from a country % had not
heard about it before#.
She smiled, but she didn't sto& dancing, and every ste& from
her moves was move a string from his heart strings. He
sweated, and felt like a hot waterfall s&illed on his body. She
was dancing only for him, Him who loved her a long time ago,
and he didn't get her till he &aid last &a&er, and ri&&ed a&art
last letter, and ste&&ed on last stumble.
He said to her!
" #you're like a houri came down to me from the sky#.
She smiled, but she didn't sto& dancing, and after a while she
went, and came back wearing a new a'ure dress, he felt by
looking at her that he's in a great beach, and waves did not
sto& moving and ke&t collided on the beach, and felt himself
grounding more and more in the seas of her oddity, and he
wondered, #From where she had learned to dance in this
magnificent way, maybe she was a dancer(#.
He said to her!
" #don't change many dresses, % don't want you to have e)ce&t
one dress and one color#.
*ut she smiled, and didn't sto& dancing.
He said to her!
" #enough my love, come her to talk a little bit, to told you
about my longing and my love, % know that you're my wife, but %
don't see you very much, %t was hard to get you, and it's
harder now#.
She smiled and ke&t dancing, then she went for a while and
back with a dress that his color like a red &omegranate and her
dark hair hanging down her white back.
He said to himself! #how he censure a woman dance for other
men else her husband#.

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