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as the film with the biggest two-day gross in history, according to studio estim

ates. At P110.9 million, it eclipsed the record of another Marvel superhero film
, Iron Man 3. (P110.9 million).
On its way to exceeding Bossings take
With the crowds still packing Philippine IMAX and 3-D theaters and cineplexes, i
t may seem the latest Spider-Man film is on its way to easily exceeding the P393
-million take of My Little Bossings and may become the countrys highest grossing
film ever.
Iron Man 3 is touted to own that record at over P625 million in gross receipts.
How it achieved this feat is surely a testament of how efficiently Columbia Pict
ures promoted and pushed the film in marketing campaigns both in traditional and
new mediaeven in social networks. Spideys universal, timeless appeal and the gran
d, ambitious and provocative retelling of Stan Lee and Steve Ditkos 1962 comic bo
ok also did the trick.

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