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// COD Recording

set demoStart "record;set demoTog vstr demoStop"

set demoStop "stoprecord;set demoTog vstr demoStart"
set demoTog "vstr demoStart"
bind BACKSPACE "vstr demoTog"
//VCR Controls
set demoPause "cl_freezedemo 1; set demoFFtog vstr demoFF1; set demoSlowTog vstr
set demoSlow "cl_freezedemo 0; timescale .5; set demoFFtog vstr demoFF1; set dem
oSlowTog vstr demoSlow"
set demoNormal "cl_freezedemo 0; timescale 1; set demoFFtog vstr demoFF1; set de
moSlowTog vstr demoSlow"
set demoFF1 "cl_freezedemo 0; timescale 2; set demoFFtog vstr demoFF2; set demoS
lowTog vstr demoNormal"
set demoFF2 "cl_freezedemo 0; timescale 3; set demoFFtog vstr demoFF3; set demoS
lowTog vstr demoFF1"
set demoFF3 "cl_freezedemo 0; timescale 4; set demoFFtog vstr demoFF4; set demoS
lowTog vstr demoFF2"
set demoFF4 "cl_freezedemo 0; timescale 5; set demoFFtog vstr demoFF4; set demoS
lowTog vstr demoFF3"
set demoFFTog "vstr demoFF1"
set demoSlowTog "vstr demoSlow"

downarrow "vstr demoPause"

uparrow "vstr demoNormal"
leftarrow "vstr demoSlowTog"
rightarrow "vstr demoFFtog"

bind f9 seta name CoJacK
bind f10 seta name $i|)eWaYz.
bind f11 seta name C.J.
seta r_rendererPreference "dx7"
seta r_picmip "0"
seta r_picmip_bump 0
seta r_picmip_spec 0
seta r_detailtextures "1"
seta r_texturebits "32"
seta r_colorbits "32"
seta cg_impactPrediction "1"
seta r_ignorehwgamma 0
seta r_overBrightBits "1"
seta r_dynamiclight "1";
seta r_vertexLight "0";
seta com_maxfps "100";
set cl_predict "1"
set cl_predict_weapon "1"
seta gl_cull "1";
seta r_depthPrepassModels "1"
seta r_dlightLimit "8"

seta r_mode "1024x768"

seta r_textureMode "anisotropic"
r_colorbits 0
r_texturebits 0
sys_SSE 1
r_fullbright 1
seta ai_corpseCount "10"
m_filter 1
fx_sort 1
r_drawDecals 0
r_aaAlpha 2
r_anisotropy 16
com_hunkMegs 512
r_fog 0
r_glow 0
r_lodBias -1000
r_forceLod 0
r_lodScale 1
r_dlightLimit 16
fx_enable 1
cg_drawMantleHint 0
cg_hintFadeTime 1
cg_drawhealth 1
cg_hudCompassSize 1.3
seta cg_bobroll 0;
seta cg_bobpitch 0;
seta cg_bobup 0";
seta cg_runroll 0;
seta cg_runpitch 0;
seta m_side "0.25"
seta m_forward "0.25"
seta m_yaw "0.022"
seta m_pitch "0.022"
seta cl_yawspeed "140"
seta cl_pitchspeed "140"
seta cl_maxpackets "100"
seta snaps "20"
seta details "5"
seta rate "10000"
bind [ "r_gamma 2.0"
bind ] "r_gamma 1.4"
seta r_fastsky "0"

bind MOUSE4 "togglecrouch"
bind m "openScriptMenu ingame changeweapon"
bind 3 "+smoke"
bind cg_drawfps 1
bind cg_drawfps 0
bind b "+binoculars"
bind q "+frag"
bind v "centerview"
bind z "+melee_breath"
bind w "+melee_breath"
bind MOUSE5 "mp_QuickMessage"
bind X "+holdbreath"
seta sensitivity "1.1"
// *************************************************
//3rd 1st person demo viewing
// *************************************************
bind kp_leftarrow cg_thirdperson 1
bind kp_rightarrow cg_thirdperson 0

seta s_musicvolume 0
bind kp_end s_volume 1.0
bind kp_downarrow s_volume 0.1
// Volume Bind
bind kp_pgup "vstr seis_volP"
bind kp_home "vstr seis_volN"
bind kp_uparrow "set s_volume 0.0; set seis_volN vstr seis_volPN; set seis_volP
vstr seis_vol01; echo ^2Sound ^2Volume ^4|^1^7**********^4| (Muted);"
set seis_volN "vstr seis_vol03;"
set seis_volP "vstr seis_vol05;"
set seis_volPN "set s_volume 0.0; set seis_volN vstr seis_volPN; set seis_volP v
str seis_vol01; echo ^2Sound ^2Volume ^4|^1^7**********^4| (Muted);"
set seis_vol01 "set s_volume 0.2; set seis_volN vstr seis_volPN; set seis_volP v
str seis_vol02; echo ^2Sound ^2Volume ^4|^1*^7*********^4|;"
set seis_vol02 "set s_volume 0.4; set seis_volN vstr seis_vol01; set seis_volP v
str seis_vol03; echo ^2Sound ^2Volume ^4|^1**^7********^4|;"
set seis_vol03 "set s_volume 0.6; set seis_volN vstr seis_vol02; set seis_volP v
str seis_vol04; echo ^2Sound ^2Volume ^4|^1***^7*******^4|;"
set seis_vol04 "set s_volume 0.8; set seis_volN vstr seis_vol03; set seis_volP v
str seis_vol05; echo ^2Sound ^2Volume ^4|^1****^7******^4| (Default);"
set seis_vol05 "set s_volume 1.0; set seis_volN vstr seis_vol04; set seis_volP v


seis_vol06; echo ^2Sound

seis_vol06 "set s_volume
seis_vol07; echo ^2Sound
seis_vol07 "set s_volume
seis_vol08; echo ^2Sound
seis_vol08 "set s_volume
seis_vol09; echo ^2Sound
seis_vol09 "set s_volume
seis_vol10; echo ^2Sound
seis_vol10 "set s_volume
seis_vol10; echo ^2Sound

1.2; set
1.4; set
1.6; set
1.8; set
2.0; set

seis_volN vstr seis_vol05;
seis_volN vstr seis_vol06;
seis_volN vstr seis_vol07;
seis_volN vstr seis_vol08;
seis_volN vstr seis_vol09;

set seis_volP v
set seis_volP v
set seis_volP v
set seis_volP v
set seis_volP v

y #d"

say ^7#d ^7*^3incoming^7* #l

say ^$ #H #B ^$ #A #b
say_team raped #t, ^1H^7ealth ^7(^2#h^7) ^4A^7rmor ^7(^2#a^7) bentover b
say_team "^7<-----Location ^1H^7eath|^1#h^7| ^1A^7rmor|^1#a^7|
say_team ^3InCoMinG^7***Drop your Cocks&Grab your Glocks^7***^3InCoMinG
weaptoggle secondary
weapon 2
"weapon 5;weapon 6;weapon 7;
"weapon 5;weapon 6"
weapon 1
"weaptoggle grenade
cg_crosshairsize 18; cg_crosshairRGBA 1,1,1,1
cg_crosshairsize 6; cg_crosshairRGBA 1,1,0,1
cg_crosshairsize 25; cg_crosshairRGBA 1,1,1,1

//Demolition Taunts
bind say #l
bind 9 say I've had worse.
bind say Watch where your shooting #d
bind say Thanks #d ^$ #H #B ^$ #A #b
bind 0 say How'd that feel?
bind say ^7high ^$=^t)^7_~
bind u say_team sry
bind say nice #t
bind = say lol
bind say_team
bind "say_team ^$<-------^3CoJack is Under Fire------->Enemy Here!!!!!"
bind say enjoy your respawn.
bind - say come get some!
bind 8 say_team thx
bind home say "I'm an Aztec Warrior, AhhhAhhhh!"
bind end say Man down. 11-30. Pimp in distress!
bind k say If there is any attempt by either contestant to cheat..especially wit
h my wife, who is a dirty,dirty tramp.I am just gonna snap.

bind 7 say oops!

bind 6 say ah crap!
bind f7 say You should pull that out. That sh*t is not cool.
bind f5 say OOoohh....Ohh. Y-E-E-S! That's AWESOME.
bind f6 say Hahaha....yer craz - yer crazy man. Yer crazy! I like you. But ye
r crazy!
bind f8 say Wait....wait. Pull what out? The dart man. You got a f*ckin dart
in yer neck.
bind INS say damnit!
bind DEL say Oh this is bullsh*t. I'm in between a pimp and a hard place.
bind p say Ruuuth...Ruuuth...Ruuuth, Baby Ruuuth!
bind say *WHOA* That was like the Matrix.
bind \ say Bro's BBQ. Tastes so good, make you wanna slap yo momma!
bind j say C'mon, give me that booze you little pumpkin pie hair cutted freak.C'
bind n say From what I've're using your paper not for writing.....
but for rolling doobies.
bind O say I see your hobbies are drinking, smoking weed and all types of ill sh
bind PGUP say OOhh...yeah. Ummm...I'm gonna have to go ahead and sort of disagr
ee with you there. Yeah.
bind PGDN say Yeeeah...if you could just go ahead and make sure you do that from
now on, that would be greeeeat.
bind say Ohh no! We suck again!
bind i say $?#!$ %*@&! ?$# $!#@?! *&!@$.
bind h say <3
bind say Incoming enemies!
bind say need repairs.
bind / say You got knocked da fuck out!

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