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1. The servant had found the book.
2. Mr. Baker had built airports around the world.
3. The students had answered the test in French.
4. Sandra had driven the car for three hours.
5. He had brought it today.
6. She had done it at once.
7. He had loved her very much.
8. He had forgotten to write a postscript .
9. I had made my homework in my bedroom
10. I hadn't made my homework in my bedroom
11. You had worked very hard for a long time.
12. they had spoken about germany and france.
13. He had lived in canada since 1989.-
14. I had played tennis since 2007.-
15. We had planned our holidays for a little time.
16. -I had run 10 km.
17. I hadn't run 10 km
18. I had bought a new car.
19. You had cleaned the house
20. He had brought the gifts.
21. She had lost the credit card.
22. Had I bought a new car?
23. Had you cleaned the house?
24. Had he brought the gifts?
25. Had she lost the credit card?
26. I had not bought a new dress.
27. You had not cleaned the house.
28. He had not brought the gifts.
29. She had not lost the credit card.
30. I had worked in that company before.
31. They had beaten them.
32. We had already begun.
33. Had you begun already?
34. You had walked very far.
35. They had built the new castle.
36. When I arrived, it had already closed.
37. When the rain stopped, I had already left work.
38. When I met her she had already had a daughter.
39. He still hadnt woken up.
40. Javi still hadnt got dressed.

Write 20 sentences in Present perfect
1. I have done my exercises
2. They havent bought a new car
3. Have you ever been there?
4. We havent arrived yet
5. I have had an accident
6. i have explained the new words
7. she has opened the windown some minutes
8. we have gone home at nignt
9. I have seen that movie twenty times.
10. I think I have met him once before.
11. There have been many earthquakes in California.
12. People have traveled to the Moon.
13. People have not traveled to Mars.
14. Have you read this best seller?
15. Has she played tennis?
16. Has he been in Europe?
17. Have you made your homework?
18. Have we studied our lesson
19. He hasnt studied yet.
20. You havent worked since last year

Write 15 Sentences in Present Continuos
1 I'm doing my homework in the evening.
2 She's calling to her boyfriend.
3 He's running in the park.
4 My father is driving the new car.
5 My mom is making a delicious cake.
6 I'm wayching the simpsons.
7 Mary is looking at Billy.
8 Homer isn't talking to his friends.
9 They're sitting on the sofa.
10 They aren't spending time with their friends.
11 Are you having fun?
12 Mr. cormark is getting up
13 I'm cooking the breakfast.
14 I'm going to work.
15 She's talking to her mother.

Write 15 sentences in present continuos perfect
1. Recently, I have been feeling really tired.
2. She has been watching too much television lately.
3. Have you been exercising lately?
4. Mary has been feeling a little depressed.
5. Lisa has not been practicing her English.
6. What have you been doing?
7. You have been waiting here for two hours.
8. Have you been waiting here for two hours?
9. You have not been waiting here for two hours.
10. Sam has had his car for two years.
11. You have only been waiting here for one hour.
12. Have you only been waiting here for one hour?
13. Recently, John has been doing the work.
14. They have been talking for the last hour.
15. She has been working at that company for three years.

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