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This project will be 5% of your final grade. You will include the correct infinitive
form of the verb in Spanish (ex: bailar) and then the definition in English (ex: to
dance). The picture whether it is drawn or from clip art will be in the center and it
should closely represent the action of each verb. Underneath the picture will be a
sentence including the subject pronoun (ex: yo). Please try to use all subject
pronouns at least twice including ud and uds. There will be 30 verbs to illustrate.
Make sure it looks presentable and not done in 5 minutes (not on notebook
paper!). Have this sheet (rubric) with your project when you turn it in Monday,
March 22, 2013. Late work will not be accepted and I need a hard copy to grade
(no attachments). If the rubric is not included with project there will be a (-10)

Verbs on p.52, 90 in text
1.bailar 11.llegar a tiempo 21.comprender
2.buscar 12.abrir 22.ser
3.cantar 13.leer 23.estar
4.mirar 14.aprender 24.tocar
5.descansar 15.necesitar 25.tomar
6.desear 16.pagar 26.vivir
7.ensear 17.beber 27.trabajar
8.hablar 18.comer 28.escribir
9.jugar 19.creer 29.vender
10.llamar (por telfono) 20.regresar 30. tener

CREATIVITY: colorful, unique, obvious that time was spent


30 VERBS: all 30 verbs are present & numbered


SENTENCES: this includes the words are spelled correctly and
sentence is decent. Varied subj. pron are present/ #, gender
PICTURES: are clear and visible 10
PRESENTATION: is it organized? Neat? Clean? Easy to read? 10
ORIGINIALITY: no online translators! Use only your textbook
as a reference. Use what you know.
TOTAL: 100

Bailar (to dance)

Yo bailo en casa.

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