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Journey To Freedom: 9/24

I went to a human trafficking informational walkthrough called Journey To Freedom. It

was set up somewhat like a museum, you walked through at your own pace and looked at
pictures and read multiple boards with interesting facts. They shared stories about individuals
who have been involved in trafficking. It made me realize that human trafficking is a bigger
problem than I thought it was.

Pink out football game: 9/28

I went to the pink out football game against McNeese this past weekend. I was fun
sitting with my friends, getting involved, and cheering on the team. We ended up winning the
game putting UNI 4-0.

Food Matters: 10/1

I went to the Food Matters presentation over at CEEE. Fred was the speaker, Fred lived
and worked on a farm in North Dakota for many years, he now lives in Iowa and is the Religion
professor at Iowa State. He talked about how most farmers these days are older and wont be
able to work and there are not as many farmers to replace them. So in a couple years when the
population increases it will be harder to provide the amount of food thats necessary. He also
talked about how most topsoil around the U.S. is ruined so when watering crops, much more
water is used than needed. Using this extra water will later cause us to run out of fresh water.


I learned that problems like human trafficking and food shortage are a lot more common
throughout the U.S. than I thought they were. I was oblivious to the fact that such things would
happen around where I live and thought it just happened in other countries. I also learned that
the Panthers are a lot better at football than I thought they were and the games are fun so
everybody should go! My goals are to continue going to informational speakers like these so I
become more aware of what goes on in the world around me. I also am planning on continuing
to go to the other home football games and other sporting events so I can stay involved and
meet more people.

Please make the reflection a little longer; include why you chose to go to these events. You can
make the individual summaries a little shorter by just telling me what you did and when you did
it. Then in your reflection talk about what you learned, etc.

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