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Bible Classes

In Ninth Grade, I was in The Life of Christ and I learned about Jesus life, death, and
resurrection. It gave an appreciation of his suffering, his love for us, and all the things
that he had to go through. Jesus is so kind to us that he forgives us our sins and that we do
not deserve to be forgiven.
In Tenth Grade, I was in Church History and I learned about Pauls Journey in the book
of Acts. While studying the book of Acts, it challenged me to a certain degree to imitate
Paul and influenced to become as well learned like Paul.
In Eleventh Grade, I was in the Principles and Methods of Bible Study taught me the
discipline of studying the Bible and the importance of how to apply this to my life.
This year, I am in Philosophy and I learned about the different belief systems like
Christianity, Islam, Secular Humanism, Marxist-Leninism, Cosmic Humanism, and Post
Modernism. We covered logic and how to apply it to the different belief systems in
evaluating the truthfulness and whether I should hold to any of these worldviews. It
strengthened my faith and made me spiritually grow as I learned the truthfulness of
Christianity. As I was reading in Understanding the Times, I got a better understanding
and it convinced me that we shouldnt go around pursuing false religions. Believing in
false religions will lead you to error and an unpurposeful life as Socrates says, The
unexamined life is not worth living. The belief system of Marxism-Leninism leads to the
death of tens of millions of people and the oppression of hundreds of millions of people
all over the world. Islam has sparked many wars and many persecutions in many lands.
Postmodernism has leaded to suicides of the young in the western world and Secular
Humanism has created dictatorships and devalued human life. Ideas have consequences.
Bad ideas lead to bad results and death. I have grown to appreciate Christianity and the
good fruit that it bears.

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