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Tayloi Kaigei

ENu S24
Bi. Bale Sullivan
2u Apiil 2u14

Abstiact: viueo uames Effects 0n College Stuuents' u.P.A.s

A ieseaich stuuy was conuucteu at Noith Bakota State 0niveisity uuiing the spiing
semestei of 2u14, to ueteimine how the amount of time college stuuents at NBS0
spenu playing viueo games, affects how well they aie peifoiming at school (theii
giaue point aveiages). The stuuy was peifoimeu using an online suivey sent out
ianuomly to stuuents at NBS0. The iesults fiom analyzing the uata obtaineu fiom
the stuuy showeu no significant coiielation between the time that stuuents spent
playing viueo games pei week anu theii giaue point aveiages. The iesults section
will also show othei vaiiations on the vaiiables incluuing time spent playing violent
viueo games anu time spent stuuying pei week. This stuuy is a goou auuition to a
small bouy of ieseaich that has been uone, anu shows that moie ieseaich is
necessaiy to ueteimine if theie is any aspect about viueo games, anu what they uo,
that is haimful to college stuuents' euucation.

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