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, ,
, ,




Paleoflora and paleoecological analyses of locality
Kamenica in the vicinity of Cacak
La paloflore et lanalyse palocologique de la
localit de Kamenica prs de Cacak


Torcs from the bronze age from Cacak surrounding

Les torques de lge du bronze des environs de


The hoard of byzantine trachea from Zablace,

near Cacak.
Letrsor de trachea de Zablace, Cacak


2010. 2011.,
2009. *
Archeological researches of Gradina in Jelica
mountain in 2010 and 2011 with a short reflection
on campaigns until 2009
Les recherches archologiques de la Gradina sur
la Jelica en 2010 et 2011 avec une brve rtrospective sur les campagnes jusquen 2009


19. ( )
Contribution to the studying of the asha, riding
part of the horse equipment in 19th century,
from the collection of the Military museum
Complment ltude du carapaon, partie de
lquipement questre du xixme sicle, du recueil du Muse militaire



creation of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes kingdom and Greece



Serbian cultural club and general Milan Nedic:
One document about private initiative in informative activities at the beginning of the second
world war (1939)
Le club culturel serbe et le gnral Milan
Nedic: Un document sur linitiativeprive
dans lactivit de renseignement au dbut de la
deuxime guerre mondiale (1939)


Concordat crises in Zica eparchy 1937/38
La crise concordataire dans le diocse de Zica
en 1937/38




Foundation and work of cultural-artistic associations in Cacak municipality
La cration et lactivit des associations culturelles et artistiques dans la commune de Cacak


. .

Metal archeological objects-active corrosion and
methods of stabilization
Les objets archologiques mtalliques-la corrosion active et les mthodes de stabilisation



Report of National museum activities in 2011

Expos sur le travail du Muse national durant
lanne 2011





- .

Gliptostrobus europaeus,
Mirica, Laurophyllum Daphogene polymorpha,
hepios Pinus tedaeformis,
: , , ,

. (-),
(. , .).
- ,


1 , , II-3: , - ,
, , 1977, 265-274.


45 2
, - ,
, ,
). , -,

- .
. . 1989.
Smerdis minutus (Blainville) ,
, Smerdis minutus, . (.
., 1971: )
(Pinus sp., Tetraclinis salicornioides, Sequoia couttsiae, Criptomeria sp., Doliostrobus sp, Quercus, Engelhardtia, Carpinus, Alnus, Laurophyllum, Acer, Mahonia).
100 .
( )
, ,
( ),
, ( ) ,
, .
( , ).


2 , ,
, . 35, , 1970, 281-361.


. ,
, .
Pinus tedaeformis (UNGER) HEER
Pinus hepios (UNGER) HEER
Pinus sp.
Glyptostrobus europaeus (BROGNIART) UNGER
Sequoia couttsiae HEER
Laurophyllum pseudoprincipes WEYLAND ET KILPPER
Lauracea sp. Indent.
Daphnogene polymorpha (AL. BRAUN) ETTINGSHAUSEN
Forma bilinica (UNGER) SITAR & KVAE
Daphogene sp.
Myrica sp.
Alnus gaudinii (HEER) Konbloch & Kvaek
Betulacceae sp indet
Dicotylophillum sp.
Sabal sp.
Monocotyledonae indet,






. ,



D. Dilcher





( .). ,
, ,



. ( 0,25 cm2) (2,2520,25 cm2), (20,25-45,0 cm2), (45,0-182,25
cm2), (182,25-1640,2 cm2) ( (1640,2 cm2).
Rauniker (1934. ),
Webb (1959. ).


, .

( ),
, .

, .






(, ),
(, , , ,
, , .). ,


: , ,
, , ph ,
, .3

: Glyptostrobus europaeus, Mirica, Laurophilum Daphogene polymorpha. a
(Pinus Hepios Pinus tedaeformis).
Alnus gaudiini Betulaceae gen. et sp.indet.

. ,


Alnus gaudini Betulaceae gen. et sp. Indet.
Pinus hepios Pinus tedaeformis.

(Glyptostrobus europaeus, Mirica ),
Lauraceae ( ).

3 , ,
, , 1985, 49, 299-434.


, ,
, . 35, , 1970, 281-361.
Brkovi Tomislav, Maleevi Miodrag, Klisi Miodrag, Uroevi Milan, Trifunovi
Sreten, Radovanovi Zlatko, Boani Marko, Pavlovi Zoran, Raki Milo, Tuma za list
OGK aak 1:100000, Beograd, Savezni geoloki zavod, 1978, 1-65.
Ettingshausen Constantin, Flora des tertiar-beckens von Bilin, II: Denkschriften der
Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 1868, 29, 191-242.
Ettingshausen Constantin, Die Fosile Flora von Sagor in Krain, I: Denkschriften der
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 1872, 32, 159-202.
Ettingshausen Constantin, Die Fosile Flora von Sagor in Krain, II: Denkschriften
der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 1877, 37, 161-216.
Ettingshausen Constantin, Die Fosile Flora von Sagor in Krain, III: Denkschriften
der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 1885, 50, 1-56.
Knobloch Emily & Kva~ek Zlatko, Miozane Blatenfloren von Westrand der Bohemischen Masse, Vestnik eskeho geologickeho ustavu, Praha, 1976, 70, 21-28.
, ( ), - 1979. ; , 1980, 159-64.
, ,
, , 1985, 49, 299-434.
Mihajlovi ore & Doli Dragan, Lacustrine and Brackish Neogene of Western
Part of Yugoslavia, IGCP, Beograd, 1995, 14-18.
Novkovi Milija, Montan geoloki prikaz ugljonosnih podruja u severoistonom i
severnom delu zapadnomoravskog basena, Zbornik radova Rudarsko-geolko-metalurkog
fakulteta, Beograd, 1974, 176-214.
Panti Nikola & Vujisi Tugomir, Fosilna flora iz neogenih naslaga kod Prijevora (zapadno od aka), Zbornik radova Geolokog instituta Jovan ujovi, Beograd, 1958, 10,
, , II-3: ,
- - ,
, , 1977, 265-274.
Spaji Olivera, Mitrovi Jovanka, Sudar Milan & Mihajlovi ore, Metode
biostratigrafsko-paleontolokih istraivanja, Beograd, Rudarsko-geoloki fakultet, 1984,
Unger Franz, Fossile flora von Kumi, Wirklishem mitgliede der Kaiserlichen akademie der Wissenchaften, Wien, 1867, 29, 1-66.


Paleoflora and paleoecological analyses of locality

Kamenica in the vicinity of Cacak
In this paper from the field of Paleontology, Paleoflora is examined on whose basis
a paleo ecological analysis of the locality Kamenica (Pranjani basin) was carried out. According to the existing geological data it can be said that sediments with plant remains
belong to upper Oligocene or the oldest part of lower Miocene.
The richest and geologically oldest paleoflora from the locality Kamenica is characterized by relatively numerous representatives of wet valley woodland (Glipostrobus europaeus, Myrica lignitum, Laurophyllum heeri, Daphnogene polymorpha, Sabal major and
numerous monocotyledon plants) typical for sub tropic climate areas. Examples of moderately warm plant species like Alnus and Betulaceae are rare.
Except for remains of pines Pinus hepios and Pinus tedaeformis there are no other
plant elements which would point to presence of plant species characteristic for drier climate regions, i.e. drier habitats.
Next to the very edge of water basin, types of plants existed in the area of wet valley
woodland like Gliptostrobus europaeus, Myrica and many monocotyledon plants as well as
Lauraceae in more distant zone.
On the basis of detailed paleoecological analysis it can be assumed that the climate
at the time of creating these sediments in the lake valley was sub tropical. New excavations
from this locality will definitely complete our knowledge about paleo vegetation and give
more elements for paleo climate and even maybe stratigraphic analysis.


La paloflore et lanalyse palocologique de la localit de Kamenica prs de Cacak

Dans cette tude de la palontologie, on traite la paloflore selon laquelle fut effectue lanalyse palocologique de la localit de Kamenica (le bassin de Pranjani). Sur
la base des donnes gologiques existantes, on peut dire que les sdiments avec les restes
vgtaux appartiennent loligocne suprieur ou la partie la plus ancienne du miocne
La paloflore la plus riche et gologiquement la plus ancienne de la localit de
Kamenica se distingue par des reprsentants relativement nombreux de forts de valle
humides (Gliptostrobus europaeus, Myrica lignitum, Laurophyllum heeri, Daphnogene
polyphorma, Sabal major et de nombreuses plantes monocotyldones) caractristiques
pour les climats subtropicaux. Rares sont les exemplaires de sortes vgtales modrment
chaudes, tels que le sont Alnus et Betulaceae.
En dehors des sortes de pins Pinus hepios et Pinus tedaeformis, il ny a pas dautres
lments vgtaux dimportance qui feraient ressortir la prsence de sortes vgtales caractristiques pour les climats plus secs, cest--dire les habitats plus secs.
ct du bord mme du bassin aquatique existrent des formes qui pntrrent
dans la zone des forts de valle humides comme le sont Gliptostrobus europaeus, Myrica
et plusieurs plantes monocotyldones, ainsi que les reprsentants des Lauracea dans une
zone quelque peu plus loigne.
Suivant une analyse palontologique dtaille, on peut supposer que le climat, au
temps de la formation de ces sdiments dans le bassin lacustre, fut subtropical.
Des fouilles rcentes, notablement plus longues, de cette localit complteront
sans aucun doute notre savoir sur la connaissance de la palovgtation et fourniront plus
dlments pour les analyses paloclimatiques, peut-tre mme stratigraphiques.



( )

, ,
: , , ,

(torc, Halsringe)
, .
, .
, ,
1952. ,

, .
, , , ,
- .2
17 , 14

1Rastko Vasi, Halsringe im Zentralbalkan, Prhistorische Bronzefunde (PBF), Abteilung

XI, Band 7,
Stuttgart, 2010, 1-8.
: Rastko Vasi, Halsringe im Zentralbalkan,
Prhistorische Bronzefunde (PBF), Abteilung XI, Band 7, Stuttgart, 2010.


, .

- .

, ,
- ,
, :
- - - .

, ,
1. - (T.II/1)
: ,
: 12,8 cm
, .


. . 1749
2. - (T.II/2)
: , 4
: 14 cm

. ,

3 , I, , 1954, 69, T. XLVII/7 (



. . 53
3. - (T.III/1)
: , 3, 1
, .
, .

. . 652
4. - (T.III/2)
: , 1, 24
: 12 cm
, .

. . 1111
5. - (T.III/3)
: , 1, 105
: 9,3 cm
, ,

. . 1128
6. - (T.III/4)
: , 26
: 14 cm
, .

. . 1065
4 ,
, XXIX, , 1999, 8, . I/2.
5, 12, .II/6.
6, . III/7.


7. - (T.IV/1)
: ,
: 7,5 cm


. . 4793
8. - (T.IV/2)
: , 18
: 14,6 cm
( ). .

. . 1490
9. - (T.IV/3)
: , 6, 39
: 11,4 cm

. . 668
10. - (T.IV/4)
: , 10

7 , .., 14, .VI, 7.

8 ,
, XXIV, , 1994, 32.
9Lidija Nikitovi, Krstac-Ivkovo brdo, nekropola sa humkama iz bronzanog doba, u: Sahranjivanje u bronzano i gvozdeno doba, Simpozijum odran u aku 2002 (ur. Nevenka
Bojovi, Miloje Vasi), aak 2003, T. V/7.
10 , .., 13, T. VI/2; , ,
- , XVIII-1, , 2005, 123,T. I/2.


: 12,5 cm
, ,
, .

. . 7010
11. - (T.V/1)
: , 1, 211
: 14 cm

. . 40
12. - (T.V/2)
: , 3, 512
: 13,8 cm
, ,
. .

. . 1077
13. - (T.V/3)
: , 13
: 12 cm
, .

11 , ,
, XXXII, , 2002, 25, T. II/4.
12 , .., XXIX, 18, . IV/7.
13 , , .., XVIII-1, 125, T. II/2.


. , ,

. . 2
14. - (T.V/4)
: , 14
: 12,5 cm

. . 3
15. - (T.V/5)
: , 1, 115
: 13,5 cm
, .
, , -
, .

. . 32
16. - (T.VI/1)
: , 1, 316
: 9,7 cm


. . 1116
17. - (T.VI/2)
: , 1, 917

14, 125, T. II/3.

15 , , .., XXXII, 24, T. I/1.
16 , .., XXIX, 8, .I/7.
17, 11, .II/1.


: 12,7 cm


. . 1122

(. 1).
(Br A2-B1)18
, Br B Br C1.19
, 3,
1 (. 3), (. 2), , 1, 2
10 (. 4 5) 2 (. 6).
2. II-
(. 7), , 1 (. 8), ,
6, 3 (. 9), - (. 10, 13, 14),
, 1, 2 (. 11) , 3,
5 (. 12).
1 (. 15),

, .
21 , 2,
18 , , .., XXXII, 30.
19Rastko Vasi, Halsringe im Zentralbalkan, 15.
20Rastko Vasi, Halsringe im Zentralbalkan, 27.
21 , ,
--, XIII/1, , 1988, 32, . 3, . 2-.


Br C.22 ,
, Br C-D23, , 9, 6 Br D.24
III, Br D.25
. .26 2
), . .
, (Br B2-C1),
- ,
, .27
, ,
1 , 2
3. III-
1 ,
3 9 (. 16 17). 2 .
. Br D Ha A1
-.29 .
. ,
(Br C1-C2), (
1, 9) .30

22, 42, .11,1-.

23 -, ,
, , , 2001, . .47.
24 , , .., XIII-1, 49, .18, 1-.
25Borivoj ovi, Neka pitanja hronologije bronzanog doba glasinakog podruja, GZM
n.s. 35/36, Sarajevo, 1981, 115.
26Milutin Garaanin, Zapadnosrpska varijanta vatinske kulture, u: PJZ IV, Bronzano
doba (ur. A. Benac), Sarajevo, 1983, 747-748.
27 , , .., XXXII, 29-31; Wofgang David, Studien
zu Ornamentik und Datierung der bronzezeitlichen Depotfundgruppe Hajdsmson-ApaIghiel-Zajta, Alba Iulia, 2002.
28 , , .., XVIII-1, 135.
29Mihailo Zotovi, Arheoloki i etniki problem bronzanog i gvozdenog doba Zapadne Srbije, Titovo Uice-Beograd, 1985, 61-62, T XIII, 4.
30Rastko Vasi, Halsringe im Zentralbalkan, 20-21.


(Br B2-C).

. ,
, ,
, ,
, .



. ,

.33 ,
.34 ,
- (Hajdsmson-Apa) ,

.35 ,
(. .11 . .15).
31 , , XXVII, , 1997, 44-46.
32 , , .., XXXII, 29-30.
33Rastko Vasi, Halsringe im Zentralbalkan, 29.
34 , , .., XXXII, 30; Wolfgang David, n.d.
35 , , .., XXXII, 30.


je 17 .
), .
, ,

, .
( )
, ,
, .37
, ,
. ,
( ,
, ...).


( III)

, , XXXIX, , 2009, 24.
37Mihailo Zotovi, n.d.; , , .., XIII/1; Alojz
Benac, Borivoj ovi, Glasinac I, Bronzano doba, Sarajevo, 1956.
38Rastko Vasi, Halsringe im Zentralbalkan, 50.
39Isto, 52.




Torcs from the bronze age from Cacak surrounding

Torcs represent special shape of necklaces made out of one piece of metal, usually
bronze. The shapes which appear in our area basically follow development of torcs in Central Europe from where this form came to our regions. From Cacak region there are 17
torcs from the Bronze Age. All torcs were a part of grave inventory.
They can be divided into three types according to the characteristics of their manufacture and decorations:
TYPE I-Torcs without decorations of circular in cross section with tapering ends
forming hooks. An example from Kotraza belongs to this type, (cat.1) which in latest literature dates to Br B or the beginning of Br C1. Due to deposited corrosion on its surface it is
not possible to determine existence of ornaments on several torcs (cat. 2-6).
TYPE II Decorated torcs circular in cross section with tapering ends forming
hooks (cat. 7-14). They are dated to the middle or later phases of Middle Bronze Age. Torc
pentagonal in cross section in the central part, discovered on the site Ravnine in Jancici,
fireplace 1 (cat. 15), can be taken out as variant I of the type II. This example can be considered as somewhat later example within the Middle Bronze Age.
TYPE III-Torcs made of bronze wire with spirally wraped and elevated ends (cat.
16 and 17) date to Br C1-C2.
The torc decoration represents local characteristic, probably inspired by the decoration on the bracelets from the same period. Unlike the bracelets, torcs had more decorative
pattern combined with much more freedom. The ornament on described torcs has origin
in Hajdusamson-Apa) style in Hungary and Romania. According to certain decoration details and appearance of rare types of torcs in our area, it is possible to assume that metallurgic centers existed in the west part of Serbia.
Exclusive concentration of torcs in the tumuli of mountainous (western) parts of
Cacak region certainly points at some local differences among inhabitants of the wider
area during the Bronze Age.
Katarina DMITROVIC, M.A.


Les torques de lge du bronze des environs de Cacak

Les torques reprsentent une forme particulire de colliers excuts partir dun
morceau de mtal, le plus souvent de bronze. Les formes qui apparaissent chez nous suivent essentiellement lvolution des torques en Europe centrale, do cette forme arriva dans
nos rgions. Dans la rgion de Cacak, 17 torques de lge du bronze nous sont connues.
Tous les torques reprsentaient une partie de linventaire spucral.
Daprs les caractristiques de leur excution et de leur dcoration, ils peuvent se
sparer en trois types:
1.TYPE I-Les torques sans ornements de coupe circulaire aux extrmits ntant
plus marteles et tant recourbes. ce type appartient pour linstant, sana aucun doute,
lexemplaire de Kotraza (cat. 1), qui dans la littrature plus rcente date au Br B ou au dbut
Br C1.
En raison de dpt de patine la surface des torques, il est impossible de dterminer
lexistence dornement sur plusieurs exemplaires (cat. 2-6)
2.TYPE 2-Les torques ornements de coupe circulaire aux extrmits ntant plus
marteles et tant recourbes (cat. 7-14). Ils sont orients la phase moyenne et aux phases
tardives de lge moyen du bronze. De ce groupe se dtache le torque de coupe pentagonale
la partie centrale, dcouvert sur lendroit dincinration 1 la localit de Ravnine Jancici
(cat. 15), de manire ce que cet exemplaire puisse tre mis en vidence comme variante I
de type II. Cet exemplaire peut tre considr comme phnomne un peu plus tardif dans
le cadre de lge moyen du bronze.
3.TYPE III-Les torques en fil de cuivre aux extrmits releves et enroules en spirale en forme de disques (cat. 16 et 17) et sont orients au Br C1-C2.
Lornementation des torques reprsente selon toute probabilit une caractristique
locale, inspire par lornementation de bracelets concidents. la diffrence des bracelets, sur les torques on remarque laction de combiner des modles dcoratifs exprime
avec beaucoup plus de libert. Lornement sur les torques dcrits a ses origines du style
Hajdsmson-Apa en Hongrie et en Roumanie. Daprs les dtails prcis dornementation
et lapparition de types rares de torques chez nous, il est possible de supposer lexistence de
centres mtallurgiques justement dans les parties occidentales de la Serbie.
La concentration unique dans les tertres montagnardes des parties (occidentales) de
la rgion de Cacak fait ressortir, selon tout vraissemblance, les diffrences locales parmi le
peuple du territoire vaste pendant lge du bronze.
Katarina DMITROVIC, Mr

T. I

1. - ;
2. - ;
3. -;
4. -
5. -;
6. -;
7. -


1. -
( ,
7, , 1890;

2. -, 4


1. - , 3, . 1;


2. -, 1, . 2
(: . , ..,
XXIX, T.I/2);


3. -, 1, .10
(: ., ..,
XXIX, T.II/6);


4. -, 2
(: . , ..,

1. -
(: . , .., T.VI/7)

2. -
(: . , .., XXIV, 32)

3. - , 6, . 3
(: L. Nikitovi, n.d., u: Sahranjivanje
u bronzano i gvozdeno doba, T.V/7)

4. ,
(: . , . , ..,
XVIII-1, T.I/2)

1. - 1, 2
(: . , . , ..,

2. -, 3, .5
(: . , .., XXIX, T.IV/7)

3. ,
(: . , . , ..,
XVIII-1, T.II/2)

4. ,
(: . , . , ..,
XVIII-1, T.II/3);

5. - 1,
1 (: . ,
. , .., XXXII, T.I/1)

1. -, 1, . 3
(: . , ..,
XXIX, T.I/7)

2. -, 1, . 9
(: . , ..,

3. -, 1, . 9


: 125

. , 268
I ,
I , II, I, III
I .

, D, E G.
: ,
, ,

( ).
0,60 , ,
. 125
28. 1969. 25.000 .1
(1959. )
466.2 -
. 268 -115
I , 1 I , 62 II , 88
III 2 I .3 .
, . . 12.
13. .4 272
1 , ,
2Referat br. 981/1 od 1. 7. 1959. godine.
3D. Gaj-Popovi, Les trsors de monnaies concaves byzantin en cuivre de la collection
du Muse National de Beograd, Actes du 9me congrs international de numismatique,
Berne, septembre 1979, 872.
4V. Radi, P. Papadopoulou, V. Ivanievi, The 12th and 13th Century Hoards of Byzantine Coins from the National Museum in Belgrade, Numizmatiar 26-27, 2008, 319-354.


1: ( )

** DOC M. Hendy, Catalogue of the Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore
Collection, Alexius I to Michael VIII, 1081-1261, Vol. 4.1-2, Washington D.C. 1999.


(57 ), B (15) C (45)
(5 ) (2).
( 2).

I , I
, II III , I .
( )


2: ( )

( D, E G). ,
I , 13. .

( 1).

( ),5
( ),6 ( )7 (
I II),8 , ,9 ,10 ,11 ,12
,13 ,14 ,15 ,16 ,17 .18
,19 ,20
,21 ,22 .23

5D. Nedvidek, Deo ostave vizantijskog novca iz ureva, Rad Vojvoanskih muzeja 35,
1993, 87-94.
6V. Radi, P. Papadopoulou, V. Ivanievi, n. d., 332-333.
7D. Nedvidek, Ostava vizantijskog ankastog novca iz okoline ortanovaca, Glasnik Srpskog arheolokog drutva 18, 2002, 231-242.
8V. Radi, P. Papadopoulou, V. Ivanievi, n. d., 327, 333-334.
9Lj. arnojevi-Mandi, Nalazi vizantijskih skifata s kraja XI do prvih decenija XIII veka s
teritorije SR Srbije i Sr Makedonije, Beograd, 1983. (neobjavljena magistarska teza)
10V. Radi, P. Papadopoulou, V. Ivanievi, n. d., 344; V. Ivanievi, Vizantijski novac (10921261) iz zbirke Narodnog muzeja u Poarevcu, Numizmatiar 14, 1991, 71, Ostava D.
11V. Radi, P. Papadopoulou, V. Ivanievi, n. d., 341-342; V. Ivanievi, n. d., 70-71, Ostava C.
12V. Radi, P. Papadopoulou, V. Ivanievi, n. d., 343.
13V. Radi, P. Papadopoulou, V. Ivanievi, n. d., 337.
14Zaviajni muzej Jagodina.
15V. Radi, P. Papadopoulou, V. Ivanievi, n. d., 328-329.
16V. Ivanievi, n. D., 70, Ostava B.
17N. Crnobrnja, The Hoard of Byzantine Bronze Scyphates from Zagrae near Zajear,
Starinar XLII, 1991 (1993), 161-163.
18Lj. arnojevi-Mandi, n. d., 1, 8.
19Zaviajni muzej Jagodina.
20S. Krsti, Ostava vizantijskih skifata iz Mirilovca kod Paraina, Numizmatiar 21,
1998, 117-125.
21D. Rakovi, Pojedinani nalazi rimskog i vizantijskog novca Narodnog muzeja
Kruevac, Numizmatiar 21, 1998, 83-84.
22Narodni muzej Leskovac; Lj. arnojevi-Mandi, n. d., 1.
23V. Radi, P. Papadopoulou, V. Ivanievi, n. d., 331.


, 2089


: M. Hendy, Catalogue of the Byzantine Coins in the

Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection, Alexius I to Michael VIII,
1081-1261, Vol. 4.1-2, Washington D.C. 1999.
* .
A (c.1195-c.1200)
. _IC-_XC (),
, a . m - m
24V. Radi, P. Papadopoulou, V. Ivanievi, n. d., 340-341.


. [...] #M-[...] , ;
, ;
, .
DOC 1: c.1195-c.1200.
1. 2,80 g; 24 mm
2. 3,24 g; 23 mm
3. 3,32 g; 28 mm
4. 2,28 g; 26 mm
5. 3,16 g; 26 mm
6. 2,10 g; 22 mm
7. 1,82 g; 25 mm
8. 3,04 g; 26 mm
9. 2,70 g; 24 mm
10. 1,82 g; 26 mm
11. 2,62 g; 25 mm
12. 2,72 g; 24 mm
13. 2,86 g; 26 mm
14. 2,06 g; 25 mm
15. 2,86 g; 25 mm
16. 2,66 g; 26 mm
17. 2,32 g; 25 mm
18. 3,52 g; 26 mm
19. 1,88 g; 24 mm

20. 2,22 g; 25 mm
21. 2,96 g; 23 mm
22. 3,24 g; 25 mm
23. 2,51 g; 2,5 mm
24. 3,92 g; 24 mm
25. 2,66 g; 26 mm
26. 1,86 g; 25 mm
27. 2,68 g; 27 mm
28. 2,70 g; 25 mm
29. 2,10 g; 26 mm
30. 2,78 g; 25 mm
31. 2,10 g; 26 mm
32. 3,29 g; 26 mm
33. 2,22 g; 25 mm
34. 3,26 g; 27 mm
35. 3,42 g; 26 mm
36. 2,72 g; 23 mm
37. 3,06 g; 25 mm
38. 3,22 g; 30 mm

39. 3,64 g; 25 mm
40. 2,98 g; 24 mm
41. 2,38 g; 26 mm
42. 2,86 g; 24 mm
43. 2,10 g; 23 mm
44. 3,92 g; 24 mm
45. 2,78 g; 30 mm
46. 3,26 g; 27 mm
47. 2,36 g; 29 mm
48. 2,26 g; 25 mm
49. 3,48 g; 28 mm
50. 3,04 g; 26 mm
51. 1,96 g; 22 mm
52. 1,74 g; 27 mm
53. 2,92 g; 25 mm
54. 1,82 g; 23 mm
55. 1,88 g; 21 mm
56. 3,24 g; 26 mm
57. 3,04 g; 23 mm

B (c.1200-c.1202)
. [_-_V] ()
, .
. I...]-[...] , ,
, . manus Dei.
DOC 2: c.1200-c.1202.
58. 2,10 g; 22 mm
59. 2,91 g; 24 mm
60. 2,54 g; 22 mm
61. 1,96 g; 27 mm
62. 2,36 g; 23 mm

63. 2,46 g; 23 mm
64. 2,94 g; 25 mm
65. 2,08 g; 22 mm
66. 2,84 g; 24 mm
67. 2,30 g; 23 mm

68. 2,60 g; 25 mm
69. 2,80 g; 24 mm
70. 2,48 g; 24 mm
71. 2,08 g; 25 mm
72. 3,66 g; 25 mm


C (c.1202-c.1215)
. [KRO-HI] _IC-_XCz ()
, .
. [...] () . () ;
, .
DOC 3: c.1202-c.1215.
73. 3,50 g; 25 mm
74. 2,56 g; 25 mm
75. 1,94 g; 22 mm
76. 2,88 g; 28 mm
77. 2,64 g; 23 mm
78. 3,06 g; 24 mm
79. 2,66 g; 24 mm
80. 3,40 g; 24 mm
81. 3,32 g; 25 mm
82. 1,92 g; 21 mm
83. 2,40 g; 25 mm
84. 2,14 g; 27 mm
85. 2,73 g; 22 mm
86. 2,48 g; 24 mm
87. 1,60 g; 21 mm

88. 1,64 g; 26 mm
89. 3,10 g; 26 mm
90. 2,99 g; 25 mm
91. 2,44 g; 26 mm
92. 2,38 g; 22 mm
93. 3,14 g; 25 mm
94. 2,60 g; 24 mm
95. 3,40 g; 27 mm
96. 3,16 g; 29 mm
97. 2,56 g; 26 mm
98. 2,26 g; 22 mm
99. 3,44 g; 28 mm
100. 2,74 g; 25 mm
101. 2,36 g; 24 mm
102. 1,96 g; 22 mm

103. 2,68 g; 26 mm
104. 3,18 g; 27 mm
105. 3,59 g; 27 mm
106. 3,30 g; 25 mm
107. 3,41 g; 24 mm
108. 2,06 g; 24 mm
109. 1,98 g; 26 mm
110. 3,28 g; 25 mm
111. 2,18 g; 23 mm
112. 2,24 g; 24 mm
113. 2,42 g; 26 mm
114. 3,62 g; 23 mm
115. 2,44 g; 26 mm
116. 3,78 g; 27 mm
117. 3,02 g; 26 mm

, A (1204-?)
. () ,
. [...] , , ,
DOC 1: 1204-1261
118. 3,78 g; 25 mm
119. 4,18 g; 25 mm
120. 3,60 g; 24 mm
121. 3,44 g; 28 mm
122. 2,46 g; 29 mm


, A (1204-?)
. (),
. [...] , , ,
DOC 30: 1204-?
123. 1,66 ; 20
124. 1,22 ; 24

125. 2,60 ; 26
The hoard of byzantine trachea from Zablace, near
The authors publish a part of the hoard found in Zablae near aak purchased by
the Museum in aak in 1969. The hoard, 125 trachea, consists of Bulgarian imitations,
type A, B and C and Latin imitations, type A-large and small module (Table 2).
The first part of the hoard, 272 coins, was acquired by the National museum in Belgrade in 1959. It was published by Dobrila Gaj-Popovi in 1979 (see note 2) and revised
by V. Radi, P. Papadopoulou and V. Ivanievi in 2008 (see note 3). The part preserved in
Belgrade is better preserved and consists, apart the already mentioned issues, the trachea
of Manuel I Comnenus, Andronicus I Comnenus, Isaac II Angelus, Alexius III Angelus,
Latin Imitative-large module, Thessalonica mint type A, and small module, unknown
mint, types D, E and G, and the coins of Theodore I Lascaris (Table 1).
The hoard from Zablae was deposited in the first three decades of the XIII century. Numerous hoards were registered in a broad area from Baka in the north, across the
Danube Basin to the interior along the Morava valley. We note a significant hoard of 2089
trachea in the valley of the Ibar, unearthed between Kraljevo and Raka with the same
structure as the Zablae hoard.


Letrsor de trachea de Zablace, Cacak

Lesauteurs publientune partiedu trsortrouvZablaeprs deaaketachet par le Muse de aak en 1969. Le trsor, 125 trachea, est compos dimitations
ditebulgare,type A, Bet Cet dimitationslatine,type A-grand et petitmodule (tableau
La premire partie du trsor, 272 pices, a t acquis par le Muse national de
Belgradeen 1959.Il a t publiparDobrilaGaj-Popovien 1979 (voir note 2)et rvis
par V. Radi, P. Papadopoulou et V. Ivanievi en 2008 (voir note 3). La partie conserve Belgrade est mieux prserve et comprend, outre les missions dj mentionns,les tracheadeManuel Ier Comnne,AndronicIer Comnne,IsaacII Ange,Alexis II
IAnge,imitationslatine-grand etpetit module, missions datelier de Thessaloniquetype
A, datelier inconnutypes D, Eet G,et les trachea de ThodoreLascaris(tableau 1).
Le trsordeZablaea t dposau cours des troispremires dcennies duXIIIe sicle. De nombreux trsors ont t enregistrs dans une large zone de Baka dans
le nord, dans le bassin du Danube, lintrieur le long de la valle de la Morava. Nous
notons un trsor considrable de 2089 trachea dans la valle de lIbar, mis au jour entreKraljevo etRakademme composition quele trsorZablae.













2010. 2011,

2009. *
: ,

2010. 2011. ,

, D.
: , , o
, ,

. , ,
1843. .
, , 1865,
(. 1)1.

.2 1984-1994.
* ,
, . . 177012,
, .
1. , . ,
, 2010, 14; ,
, 2, , 1985, 77-80.


, 2010.

2010. 2011, 2009. .
( )
6. 7. ,
2, 3), , ,
, ,
, .
1989. ,
C ,
6. . 1994.
- C ,
.4 1995.
( 20 ),
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( ), ,
, (
, . 4).
, D. 1995.
, , .
, ,
2. , , XVI, 1986, 47-58; ,
1987. 1988. , XVIII,
1989, 61-78; , 1989. 1994.
, XXIV, 1994, 49-58. 2005.
2/3 (2004/5), , 2008, 74-77, 2006. ( ,
. 4 (2006), , 2008, 132-137),
2007. ( 5, 2007),
3. , .
, , 2010.
4 1994.

2011, 2009.


, ,
: (, ,
) (, ,
.) . (1996.
1997) I-IV ,
1985. . () II III,
E, ( 846).
6. ( I-IV, . 5),
, , ( )
1997. 1998.
, . . . (
). .
, (. 2).
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- , (. 3).6
2000. ,
( ), .
2002, . 20002002. ,
. ,
, ,
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, :
V. , ,
2002. .7
2005. ,
5 .
6. , - ?,
35, 2011, 14-19.
7 1984. 2001.
, 2001. .
(, )
, .


, .
( 3/08, 1/10, V, VIII),
D, VI,
(. 6).
(2006) (2009),
2010. :
VIII , 1/10,
, D. 2011.
, 3/08 ,
, 2008. .
, .
, 1/11 ,
C (. 2).9
8 : . ,
(. 3), 14-22. 1984. 2011.
. J
, , ,
. ,
, ,
. ,
. . ( ),
. (- ).
- (
) ( ).
. .
9 2010. 2011. ,
, .
, . .

2011, 2009.


VIII 10/95 (1995),

. 2008.
, ,
(a b
, ).10 2010. VIII
, 2011. .
a b,
- - c (. 7),
c, ,
0,50m, .
a c VIII,
. ,
a, 1,70m (
2011. ),
2,60m, ,
. ,
( , ).
1,49m, 1,19m (
) 0,84m,
0,64m, 0,18m 0,68m, 0,74m, 0,26m 0,66m,
. ,
V, ().11 ,

, V (. 7).
10 VIII : . ,
, 86-91 (. 3).
11. , , 78-79, . 63 64. (. 3).
12M. Prelog, Pore, grad i spomenici, Zagreb, 2007, 187-188, Sl. 156.
. 187, Sl. 153.


V VI, D,
c, 1,90.
, (. 7).
VIII ( ,
. 4 6cm,
34 27 4,50cm, 36 28 5,50cm 36 28 5cm.
30 22 14cm, 22 15 12cm,
25 17(20) 40cm.
26 12,50 10cm. ,
, . ,
3,50cm. .
, ,
1,10m (3/11).
, , (1/10).
, a.
6. 7.
, .

C ( , . 2).14 ,
, 7-8,
9. .15 ,
(. IV/2),
, (T. IV/1).
(6. ), (
13. , (. 3), 78 . 63 . 79; 35 . 14 .
36; 165 . 224 . 166, 92.
14Ibid. 13, 147-148.
15Ibid. 13, 203-206.

2011, 2009.


, - .

7. . ,
C, 250 VIII,

, .
7-8. ,
b 2008.
. ,
( ),
, c
, .
VIII 2m.

, .
, ,
, ,
, .
, ,
, ,
VIII , ,
: ,17
(, ,
16Ibid. 13, 88 . 79 . 89.
17. . ,
, 25/ 2009, , 2011, 115-138.


.-. 8) ,
, 7-8, 9. (, .).
, ,
(. I/4, . 9), .
. , ,
(. II/3), , ,
(T. II/1), (T. I/5), , .
. ,
829,75, ,
, .18
(. II/4),
(. III/1a-1b; .
10, 11), - (. 12).
, ,
5. 7, 6. .
6. 7. ,
( ?),
- , , .
(),20 , -
, , .21
(), ,

18 ( ).
. ,
19. , : . ,
, 83-84, 143-144, 183-184 (. 3)..
20. , , . I.
V . . . . VI . . ., 1981, 170173. .
. 112/4 112/6
, .
21. -. ,
, . (.), , VII ,
, 3-5. 2008, , , 2009, 183-184, . 3/1-2.

2011, 2009.


, .22
, , ,
, ,
(. 12).23 3,20
1 1,90cm.
, ,
, .
. , , ,
. ,
. (
, ),

7. ,
6. 7. .
, , b,
(253-268)-(. 13).26
- 3/08

22 AMIN (
), : . , ,
: . (.), FELIX ROMULIANA-, , 2010, 198 . 173. .

(. , , , 2007, 69).
: . ,
, XXXIX, , 2009, 35 . III.
23 - (,
) (,
, )
24Rom und Byzanz. Archologische Kostbarkeiten aus Bayern, Mnchen, 1998, 206 (Kat.
Nr. 305, 306); I. Touratsoglou-E. Chalkia, The Kratigos, Mytilene Treasure. Coins and
valuables of the 7th century AD, Athens 2008, 122-125. 31; Greek Jewellery. 6,000 Years of
Tradition, Athens 1997, 197 (222), 198 (224).
, -
25Greek Jewellery, 198.
26RIC 207.
: . ,
, 62 (. 3), .


2008. - 3/08,
-, (. 2).

, .
2011. ,
, ,

, .
2008. ,
3/08 . ,
8 4,80m , 8 4,10m ,
(. 14), , . ,
(. 15).
0,60m 0,70m,
- ,
. 2,70m,
. , ,
(. 835,35). .
, ,
2008. , -,
, ,
, (. 16).
, 18cm (. IV/3),
, ,
, .
(. I/2). , ,
, 54,44 ,27
( 29cm),
(. 17, . I/1), , ,
27 (1 =27,28 ).

2011, 2009.


I (538/539)-(. 18).28 ,
, (3,90
1,80 0,90cm), 16,90 , ,
(. 19, . III/5). ,
. ,
. 30

(3,70 2,70cm),
- , (. 20, .
III/2). ,
. ,
, ,
. . ,
, ( ),32
- .33
, , ,
3/08 ( )
, (1/84, 1/00 .).35

( ), .
28MIB 96 Constantinopolis. (,
29 . (-
30. , . , . -.
(.), , , 2003, 168, . 5/1 . 165.
31 , , 2009, 26, 60, 64 .
32. , . , 161 . 4/3.
33. -. , , 188
. 7/1.
34Z. Vinski, Krstoliki nakit epohe seobe naroda u Jugoslaviji, VAMZ 3, 1968, 107, T.
35. , , 2010, 205-206 (. 3).


, .
, 3/08 (
3/08), 6m,
2008. (. 21, . 14).
, ), ,
. 2008.
, , 2011.
( 3/08). ,
, ,
7-8, 9. .
, ,
, .
(?), 3,70m, ,
1,25m, .
, 2,30m,
. , , 0,70m.
- .

, ,

7. .36
- 1/10
1/10 30m VIII,
, (.
2). , 8,60
. , ,
36 C14

2011, 2009.


- ,
. 4 6cm.
( ). 5,76m (
) , ,
, ,
- .
, .
. , , ,
2009. (. 2).

() ,
( ) .
. , ,
(. II/2) (.
III/3). .37
- VI
(. 2, 3, 6) 2001, 2008.

7,20m 2,20m.
c. , 2008. .
, , .
, .
- (

37. , , 61, 130; 59-60, 134-135 (. 3).

38 , ,
19,84 13,86m (. , , 98-140 (. 3),
. XI.
, ,
, .


. ,
, .

, ,
, (
)- , ,
, , (!),

(. III/4),
, ( VI).39

(. 22, . I/3).
(. 23).
- 1/11
15m C 1/11,

(. 2).
, .

1 5m .
, .
, 790,77 (
791,59) ,
, . ,
( 791,88 791,77).
1/1988 C, ,
, ,
, , .40
39. , , 129 (. 3).
40Ibid. 155-156.

2011, 2009.


(, ).41
1985, 1995. (.
2). 2005. .
2010. ,
.42 ,
D 14.
, , , 810,32 (. 24).
(: 1,28
0,64m). ,
, .
, , ,
4-5cm, ,
4/10 ( ), 2010. .

, ,
, ,
2010. (1/10-6/10)
, .
-, .
, .

, ,
. , ,
41 2009.
, ,
( . ).
42. , , 180-186 (. 3


1/10 (. 25) ,
4/10 , .
(. 6 . 7) .43
, D
2010. ,

, (
, - ). ,

( ), ,
. .
, ,
( ),
, ,

, 7-8, 9.
, 550-600. .46
, .
2010. 2011. ,

43Ibid. 183.
44Ibid. 180.
45M. Petrinec, Groblja od 8. do 11. stolea na podruju ranosrednjovjekovne hrvatske
drave, Split, 2009, 112-115.
46. , , 184-186 (. 3).

2011, 2009.


Archeological researches of Gradina in Jelica mountain in 2010 and 2011 with a short reflection on
campaigns until 2009
Report about excavations in Gradina in Jelica in 2010 and 2011 gives basic pieces of
information about all more important movable and immovable findings as well as reflection on the direction of researches from 1984 to 2009. During 2010 and 2011 excavations
within the Objects VI, VIII and Basilica D were continued, while sounds 1/10 and 1/11
were newly opened as well as widening of excavation of sound 3/08 in which the remains
of one building from 6th century were researched. Researches of the younger fortification
were started in smaller scale on the north slope of Upper Town. The greatest number of
findings date back from the early Byzantium period, 6th or maybe the beginning of 7th
century when a fortified town was built in Jelica mountain with five churches discovered
until now, while a few of the findings can be connected with the later phase of use in 7th8th or maybe the beginning of 9th century. The least number of findings are of prehistoric
Within the Object VI a control profile remained from earlier campaigns was removed. The Object VIII has been mainly researched apart from its north-eastern part and
in immediate surrounding which as it seems was fenced/fortified/surrounded with one
not very thick wall. The building in the extension of the sound 3/08 is completely examined while six unknown graves were discovered in the narthex of the BasilicaD (1/106/10), partly bordered/edged with parts of mortar floor. Within the sound 1/10 a wall of
an unknown object was discovered mainly connected with the ground. Sound 1/11 gave
certain topographic data when BasilicaC (north under building) is concerned.
Out of early Byzantium movable findings dated in the 6th and the beginning of 7th
century, fibulas, pendants, coins, parts of glass and ceramic dishes, combs, keys, knives
and other equipment are to be specially mentioned. Early middle Ages findings are mainly
presented in fragments of pottery or through secondary usage of plates of previous altar
partition wall of the BasilicaC.


Les recherches archologiques de la Gradina sur la Jelica en 2010 et 2011 avec une
brve rtrospective sur les campagnes jusquen 2009
Lexpos sur les fouilles de la Gradina sur la Jelica en 2010 et 2011 donne des renseignements lmentaires sur toutes les trouvailles immobiles et mobiles rendues alors plus
importantes, ainsi quun bref commentaire sur le cours des recherches de 1984 2009.
Durant les annes 2010 et 2011, la poursuite des explorations lintrieur des btiments
VI, VIII et de la basiliqueD advint, tandis que les sondes 1/10 et 1/11 furent nouvellement ouvertes, tout comme llargissement de lexcavation de la sonde 3/08, lintrieur
de laquelle furent explors les restes dun btiment du VIme sicle. Dans une moindre
mesure, on commena galement avec les recherches sur le trac de la muraille plus jeune,
sur le versant septentrional de la Ville haute. Le plus grand nombre de trouvailles provient du dbut de la priode byzantine du VIme sicle et peut-tre du dbut du VIIme
sicle, lorsque sur la Jelica fut difie une ville fortifie avec cinq glises dcouvertes jusqu
prsent, tandis quun nombre moindre peut tre li la phase dutilisation ultrieure, aux
VIIme-VIIIme sicles, peut-tre mme au IXme sicle. Les moins nombreuses sont les
trouvailles de cramique prhistorique.
lintrieur de la construction VI, le profil de contrle restant des campagnes
prcdentes fut t, tandis que la construction VIII fut en grande partie explore, part
dans sa partie nord-est et dans les alentours proches qui furent, semble-t-il, entours dun
mur mince. Ldifice, llargissement de la sonde 3/08, fut explor en totalit, tandis que
dans le narthex de la basiliqueD furent dcouvertes six tombes jusqu prsent inconnues (1/10-6/10), partiellement bordes de fragments du plancher en crpi. Au-dedans de
la sonde 1/10 fut dcouvert le mur dune construction inconnue, fix en grande partie avec
de la terre. La sonde 1/11 a donn des renseignements topographiques spcifiques, lorsquil
sagit des alentours de la basiliqueC (banlieue septentrionale).
Parmi les trouvailles mobiles du dbut de lpoque byzantine, dates lpoque du
VIme et au dbut du VIIme sicle, on peut mentionner notamment les fibules, les pendentifs, les trouvailles de monnaie, de fragments de rcipients en verre et en cramique,
de peignes, de cls, de couteaux et autre matriel, tandis que les trouvailles du dbut du
Moyen-ge se refltent pour la plupart dans les fragments de poterie ou travers lusage
secondaire de panneaux de maonnerie de lancienne cloison de lautel de la basiliqueC.




5- I-IV

14- o 3/08




18- I (538/539)

9- (?) VIII



13- (253-268)

22- VI





12- -






17- 3/08

25- 1/10, D


D, 2010.





2010. 2011.


, 2009. ()

VI, ,



19. (

, ,

1861. . ,

. 1832.

. ,

: , , ,

1 , 4. .2
, ,
. ,
. , .

. , ,
1 , , , .
2 , , , .1,
, 1954, 94.


, .
. . 39/140-1. -
19. ,
II 1815. . ,
1867. .
. (1840. 1867.).5
. ,
de facto , status quo,


19. .
, 1841. ,
. ,
, .
, ,
. .8 ,
1861. ,

1865. . ( ).9
, .
. . . 7418
. ,
3, 96.
4 , ,
, II, , 2004, 128-29.
5 , , . 2, , 2001, 136.
6 , .., . 138.
7 , 19. 20. , , 2001, 72.
8, 77.
9, 77.
10, 335.

19. ( )


, 1882.
, ,
, 3 .
, .

.11 1835. ,
.12 1835.
. ( ).13
primus inter pares.
. ,
29. 1841. , 18
. ,
. , .14

.15 .
, -
. 1864.
. ,
.17 , 1870.
11, 89.
12 , , 1829-1945, , 2009, 17.
13 , , .., 16.
14 , 19. (1826-1858),
, .4, , 1957, 234.
15 , 1808-1918, , 1980, 52.
16, 52.
17 , 19. 20. , , 2001, 78.


, , .

1876. ,
. ,
, ,

. , ,
. ,
, 31.
12. 1870. (. . 4944)
. , ,
1870. , .
. ,

80- 19. , .1882
. ,

, , .
18 , 19. ,
, .17, , 1971, 169.
19 , 1808-1918, , 1980, 57.
20, 56.
21 , 1858-1882,
, . 5/1, , 1958, 134-135.

19. ( )


(. .1847 )
, , .
1882. , ,
, ,
80- XIX .

. .
, 1886. ,

- .22


. ,
, ,
. 1904.
. 23
. 1900.
. , (
) , , , ,

. , ,
19 , 1808-1918, , 1980, 57.
20, 56.
21 , 1858-1882,
, . 5/1, , 1958, 134-135.
22, . 92.
23 , , 1829-1945, , 2009, 137.
24 , , .., 134.


1930. . ,
, ,
.25 , 1929.
1924. .26 .
) 1882. .
1901. , , ,
1896. . ,
, , . .
, .
, .27
, ,
1923. . .


. (1837-1943).

. . (
(. )
. ,
1924. . ,

. 1929.
. , ,
25, 188.
26, 159
27, 159-160.
28. , / 1922-1935,
, 1994, 60.
29 , , 1829-1945, , 2009, 146.

19. ( )


. 1929.
( ).30

, ,

1845. . ,
1845. (. ),

70- 19. .32

- , / 19221935, , 1994.
- , 19. 20. , , 2001.
- , , 1829-1945, , 2009.
- , 1808-1918, , 1980.
- , 19. (18261858), , . 4, , 1957.
- , 1858-1882,
, . 5/1, , 1958.
- , ,
, , II, , 2004.
- ,
19. , , .19-20, , 1974.
30, 153.
31 , ,
, 1-2, , 2003, 107.
32 ,
19. , , .19-20, , 1974, 71-72.


- , , . 2, , 2001.
- , ,
, 1-2, , 2003.
- , , ,
.1, , 1954.
- , 19. ,
, .17, , 1971.
-- , 1878-1903, ,

Contribution to the studying of the asha, riding part

of the horse equipment in 19th century, from the
collection of the Military museum
It is well known that the period of prince Milan Obrenovics rule was characterized by a distinctive, realistic view on the military garment. Romantic inspiration with the
uniform during the rule of the prince Mihailo Obrenovic, disappeared under the impact
of new circumstances. The appearance of the smokeless gunpowder expelled the colorist
strength of the tunic, giving the way to unobtrusive colors and practical solutions. Thus,
Serbia pursued the European models. Asha is the parade cover for the saddle whose appearance dated from the 4th century. In the collection of the riding equipment of the
military museum, besides the saddle with the lavishly ornamented asha, obtained from
Herzegovina, there are two important ashas from the period of prince and king Milan
Obrenovic. This parade cover for the saddle possessed the typical well-rounded form of
the cavalrymens asha, that was prescribed in the Serbian army in 1841. Nevertheless, in
some elements it significantly deviated from the regulations. That type of asha (parade
cover for the saddle), will keep its existence up to 1941, with modifications. It seems that
the mentioned asha was created with regard to the frame of the mind of the ruler towards
the officers, which is not a rare case in the history of the military dress. In order to achieve
the favor of the officers in difficult political moments, the prince, later king Milan Obrenovic, seemed to call out the changes in the uniform before 1882, when it is surely known
that the intervening in uniform had the intention to punish arrogant officers who were
defeated in the Serbian-Bulgarian war waged from 1885 to 1886. This psychological moment is not unknown in the history of the military garment, because the special order of
King Aleksandar Obrenovic in 1900 introduced the bright and shiny uniforms in order to
gain sympathy of the officers.
Marijana JOVELIC

19. ( )


Complment ltude du carapaon, partie de

lquipement questre du xixme sicle, du recueil
du Muse militaire
Il est connu que la priode de rgne du prince Milan Obrenovic fut caractrise par
un regard raliste, spcifique, sur la tenue militaire. Linspiration romantique par luniforme
lpoque du prince Mihailo Obrenovic disparut sous leffet des nouvelles circonstances.
Lapparition de la nouvelle poudre canon sans fume supplanta la force colore de la tunique, cdant place aux couleurs banales et aux solutions pratiques. Ainsi, la Serbie suivit les
modles europens. Le carapaon est un tapis de selle de parade, dont lapparition date du
IVme sicle. Dans le recueil de lquipement de cavalerie du Muse militaire, ct dune
selle avec un carapaon somptueusement ornement, acquri dHerzgovine, se trouvent
galement deux carapaons remarquables de lpoque du prince et roi Milan Obrenovic.
Ce tapis de selle de parade possda une forme arrondie typique du carapaon de luhlan,
qui fut prescrit dans larme serbe en 1841, par lOrdre de larme du garnison. Un tel type
de carapaon, cest--dire de tapis de selle de parade, se maintiendra en usage, avec des
modifications, jusquen 1941. Nanmoins, par certains lments, il drogea fondammentalement de la rglementation. Il semblerait quil existait une possibilit que lapparence
du carapaon fut cre selon lhumeur du souverain envers les officiers, ce qui nest pas un
cas rare dans lhistoire de la tenue militaire. Afin de recevoir linclination des officiers lors
des moments politiques difficiles, le prince et roi ultrieur Milan Obrenovic provoquait,
semble-t-il, des changements dans la tenue militaire mme avant lanne 1886, lorsquon
sait avec certitude que, par son intervention pour luniforme, il souhaitait punir les officiers
depuis toujours trop complaisants, qui subirent une dfaite durant la guerre 1885-1886. Ce
moment psychologique ne fut pas tranger lhistoire de lhabillement, puisque le roi Alexandre Obrenovic, en 1900, par un Dcret particulier, introduisit des uniformes brillantes
et tincelantes, afin de rendre la bonne humeur au corps officier.
Marijana JOVELIC


: XX
, I
- .


, ()
, ,

: , -
, ,
I, , ,

()- 1918. , ,
, ,

. ,


, -
, ,
(, ), ,
, .
, .
, . ,
( ,
, ,

.3 ,
, ,4
, .
XX .
1 , 1453, , , 2005, 492-493.
2 , . ., 492-493.
3 , , ( 141), ,
2002, 44-49.
4 , , ( 141),
, 2002, 44-49.
5 , , , 5-10 (8. 5. 2008)


, 1908,
, ,

. ,
, -
, 30. 9. 1912,
5. 10. 1912,
17. 5. 1913 .
(16. 6. 1913),
. , 10. 8.
1913. .
, , .
( 1915.), 1916,
, ,
.6 1916-1918.
, , (
, ,
, 1917.
j, ( 1919.),
.7 ,
, : 1) , ,
1/10, 51,57%; 2) ,
10,11%; 3) 1918.
, , -
38,32%..8 ,
, .

. ,
, ,
, .
, .9
6 , , , 5-10, (8. 5. 2008)
7 Ibid. 6. 5-10.
8 Ibid. 6. 5-10
9 , , , 5-10, (8. 5. 2008)


2. -
- ,
1917. ,
, .

( 1. 1913.
), ,

- ( ),
, , ,
,10 ,
, ,
11 .
.11 ,

3, 4). ,
( 5). ,
6, 7 10
10 , . . ,
10 , 1914-1918. (
), , , 1997, 15.
11 -, (1912-1940),
, 1986, 40.
12 -, . ., 39-40.
13 . . , , (--,
, 1966, 59.



, ,

, (

, -

, 1915.
. ,
, ,
. ,
, , ,
, .


. -

. , .16
, ,
.17 ,
14 -, . .,102.
15 , 1914-1918. (
), , , 1997, 160.
16 , ( ),
1918, , , , . 38,
17 Ibid. 16. 150-151.



. ,
, .19
- ,
, ,

, ,
, .20

20. 6. 1917, ,
, , -
, ,
, ,
.22 ,

. , ,
, ,
, ,
, .23

, , . ,
, ,
.24 , ,

18 Ibid. 16. 150-151.
19 , 1918, , , ,
. 38, 150-151.
20 , , . , ,
20. 7. 1917.
21 Ibid. 20.
22 . , 1913-1918,
, , , 2004, 197.
23 . , . ., 202.
24 . , , . ., 203.
25 . , . ., 197.


- (. ).

. ,
- , ,
, .
- , ,

, .27
, , ,

, .

19 , 1918, , , ,
. 38, 150-151.
20 , , . , ,
20. 7. 1917.
21 Ibid. 20.
22 . , 1913-1918,
, , , 2004, 197.
23 . , . ., 202.
24 . , , . ., 203.
25 . , . ., 197.
26 . , 1914-1918,
, , 2008, 43-44.
27 , 1918, , , ,
/ 28. 12. 1917, . 10267 5/.
28 , .., 290.



1918. .29 ,


. , ,
, ,

- 1913..34 ,
. ,
, .
, .36
29 , . ., 291.
30 , . ., 292.
31 , (5), , 4970 /5, , .
32 1918. ,
, ,

, . e.
33 . , / ..,
, ( ),

), 1948., 5.
34 , The Salonica Theatre of operations and the Outcome of
the Great War, Thesalonica, 2005, , 109.
35 , . ., 118.
36 . . , . ., 494.


. ,
, .
I . , ,
1919. .37 ,

.38 ,
. ,
, ,
, .

. ,

, .39
, ,
( - ),
. ,

37 , (1912-1940),
, 1986, 133.
38 , 1918, , , ,
, 6. 1. 1918, . 165--121.
39 . , 1913-1918,
, , , 2004, 354.
40 . , . ., 355.



, , ,
-, , 6. 1919.
. ,
. , , -, . , 1920,
-, - .41

.42 ,
. ,
, . . ,
. , ,
1924. .44
5. -

. ,
. ,
41 . , . ., 246.
42 , 1919--5--10, , , , 5. 2. 1919, . . . 1055 5/.
43 . , . ., 247.
44 . -, 1912-1940, ,
1986, 95-101.


, .46

, ,


, .47
(16. 10.
1919), ,
, .48
, , :
. 1102.
, . ,
, .

, .
, ,
.49 ,50


45 . , . ., 247.
46 . , . ., 248.
47 . , . ., 249.
48 , 1919--5--10, , . . . 1019/II/709.
49 Ibid. 48.
50 Ibid. 48.
51 Ibid. 48.


, ,
- ,
, , .
, , ,
, ,
. , ,
, . ,
, ,
: , ,
, ,

. ,
( )
. ,
. ,
. ,
, .
.52 ,
- ;

, ;
, ,
( )53
, ;
52 , 1919--5--10, , .
53 Ibid. 52.
54 , 1919--5--10, , . . . 1019/II/709.



1918. . ,
: 1)
; 2) ,
, ,
; 3)
, ; 4)

, .

. ,

, ,
. .

. ,
55 . , 1913-1918,
, , , 2004, 304.
56 . , . ., 305.


, ,

.57 ,

1919. ,

. , -
, ,
) -
57 . , 1913-1918,
, , , 2004, 386-387.
58 , 1919, /, , , 28. 2. 1919, . . . 1874
59 . , 1913-1918,
, , 2004 , 357.
60 , 1919--5--10, (), -, 21. 3. 1919.
61 , ` /1919/ 1/5//10, (), , 21. 3. 1919.
62 . , 1913-1918,
, , 2004, 309.
63 . , . ., 309.
64 . , . ., 332.


, .

. , ,

. ,
, ,

, ,
, (

. ,

.68 ,
- ,
, .
) ,
65 , 1919 /5/ (10), , , 7.
66 . , . ., 338.
67 , 1919 /5/(10), , , 7.
68 . , 1913-1918,
, , , 2004, 343.
69 ( ), ,
9, 9.2) ( 17. 3. 1919.)


() , .
. 1914.
. , 1919.
, 5

. , ,
, ,
, , ,
. ,

.70 .71
18. 1920.
, ,

, ,

, 4 ,
1913. 1918.
, .73
1913, o .
, .
70 . , 1913-1918,
, , , 2004, 333-334.
71 , 35, 1744,
, 10. 7. 1919.
72 . , . ., 334.
73 . , . ., 373-374.


, ,
. ,
, .
, , ,
. ,
, -
1913, .74
, ,
, , ,
, ,

74 . , . ., 377-378.
75 . , . ., 379.
76 , 1919--5--10, , 25. 11. 1919, ,
, ,13/11/1919, , , , 9. 11. 1919.
77 , ` /1919/ 1/5//10, , 21. 3. 1919.( ,

, .
- . ,
. , , ,
, ,




. ,

1919. ,

, ,
, ,
, , ., ,
, .79 ,

.80 ,
. , 1.
, ,
. ,
() .
, ,


78 , (1919-1920), , 1969,
79 , . ., 2.
80 , (1918-1941), ,
1975, 14-15.
81 , . .,175.
82 - , 1912-1940,
, 1996, 133; , 336, . 59-
, , 5. 2. 1919; , 336, . 59- , ,
22. 2. 1919, . . 1542; , 336, . 59- , , 23. 2. 1919,
. 3452; , 336, . 59- , , , 26. 2. 1919, . 2096;
, 336, . 59- , , 22. 3. 1919, . 8531;
, 336, . 59- , , 16. 7. 1919,
. 1867.



, :

83 , 336, .59- , , 29. 10. 1919, . 2096.
( :
: 51
, ,
, .
, , ,
, .
, . ,
, , ,
. ,
. ,
, .
, .
. .
17 .
. ,

, -

, .
, ,
- .
, ,

. .)


, , ,
- -
Creation of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes kingdom and
Making Serbian-Greek defense alley from 1913, to a great extent, limited realization of
territory pretentions both of Serbia and Greece which, as a consequence had increased tension
among Serbian population as well as Greek inhabitants both in Serbian and Greek Macedonia.
Disputes between governments of the two alley countries had to be covered by propaganda.
One of the changes which was brought about by creation of the Serbs-Croats-Slovenes Kingdom
was, generally speaking, centralized, autocratic policy of Belgrade which inevitably reflected on
treatment of Greek population in Serbian Macedonia. Destiny of Greek communities in those
territories additionally pre determined by conditional not interested attitude of Athens was to
be gradually abolished and assimilated in the coming years, in general belief that Serbian-Greek
alley is much more important than any kind of conquers of new Serbian territories. However,
activities of refugee associations were continued independently from official Greek diplomacy
lead by President Venizelos, even in the period after forming official borders, and they were even
more encouraged when monarchist parties came in power since 1920. The questions of citizenship, as well as language, church and education were more difficult to be solved in the existing
situation. Economic changes as one more indicator of slightly modified relations between Serbia
and Greece were most obvious in the duty free zone of Thessaloniki. Serbian tradesmen, due
to changed political situation, had higher taxes as well as engraved trade conditions in general,
even introduced by official Greek institutions which as a consequence had a protest from official
Belgrade and means of public information of newly formed Kingdom. It seems that tendency to
preserve friendly relations especially in that period was particularly supported by official Greece.
Presentation of Serbian delegation at Peace Conference in Paris was just one more confirmation
that in spite of official representation of south Slavs interests and its official recognition as delegation of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes Kingdom during the Conference, its policy was considered
exclusively as Serbian by the participants. Although solving of Macedonian question was not
included in the official Conference program, diplomatic correspondence of the two alleys from
this period show that the situation in Macedonia had a great impact on behavior and presentation of the two neighboring countries in the period of determining borders.
Aleksandra M. PECINAR, M.A.
84 , 336, .59 - , , ,
30.10.1919,. 12961


La cration du royaume SCS et la Grce

Lassemblage de lunion dfensive serbo-grecque de lanne 1913, en grande partie, limita la ralisation des prtentions territoriales tant de la Serbie que de la Grce, ce
qui eut pour consquence une tension accrue autant parmi les Serbes que chez le peuple grec et de la Macdoine serbe et de la Macdoine grecque, ainsi que des dsaccords
dans les relations des gouvernements des deux tats allis, qui durent tre dissimuls par
lintermdiaire de la propagande. Une des modifications, qui fut amene par la formation du Royaume des Serbes, des Croates et des Slovnes, fut dune manire gnrale la
politique centralise, autocratique de Belgrade, qui se reflta forcment aussi sur le traitement du peuple grec dans la Macdoine serbe. La destine des communauts grecques
sur ces espaces, en outre voue audsintressement conditionn dAthnes, fut quelles
steignent et sassimilent progressivement durant les annes venir, dopinion prconue que lunion serbo-grecque soit plus importante que nimporte quelle conqute de
nouveaux territoires serbes. Les activits des associations de rfugis continurent cependant en dehors de la diplomatie grecque officielle, mene par le prsident Venizlos, et
cela mme durant la priode suivant la formation des frontires officielles, et furent encore plus stimules par la venue des partis monarchiques partir de 1920. Rsoudre les
questions de nationalit sur les territoires mentionns, ainsi que les questions de langue,
dglise et dcole, fut certainement difficile dans la situation existante. Les changements
conomiques, comme encore un des indificatifs des relations quelque peu modifies de
la Serbie et de la Grce furent les plus remarques dans la zone douanire libre de Thessalonique, o lon imposa aux commerants serbes, par suite de situation politique modifie, des charges alourdissantes, tout comme le furent les conditions de commerce de
faon gnrale, mme de la part des institutions grecques officielles, ce qui eut pour consquence les dsapprobations du Belgrade officiel, ainsi que des moyens dinformation
publique du royaume nouvellement cr. Il semble que les aspirations pour conserver les
relations amicales cette priode furent principalement soutenues par la Grce officielle.
La participation de la dlgation serbe la Confrence de la Paix Paris fut seulement une
confirmation en plus, quen dehors de la reprsentation officielle des intrts yougoslaves
et de sa conscration officielle en tant que dlgation du Royaume SCS pendant la dure
de la Confrence, sa politique fut toutefois considre uniquement comme serbe de la
part des participants. Mme si le fait de rsoudre laQuestion macdonienne ne fut pas
au programme officiel de la Confrence, la correspondance diplomatique des deux allies,
change cette priode, montre que la situation en Macdoine eut en effet de linfluence
sur le comportement et la participation des deux pays avoisinants pendant la priode de
dtermination des frontires.
Aleksandra M.PECINAR, Mr


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ratu 1939-1945, Beograd, 1992, 10-38.


(26. 1939),
( ), ,
, , 27. 1941. ,

1936/37. .3
5. 1939.
, ,


1) (, )
2) ,
4) ;
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2 , 1918-1941. :
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3 , :
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4 , 19411942, , . XVIII, , 1971, 77-91; Jovan Marjanovi,

Draa Mihailovi izmeu Britanaca i Nemaca, knj. 1. Britanski tienik,
Zagreb-Beograd, 1979, 19-20, 30-31; Nikola Milovanovi, Dragia Vasi: od graanskog
buntovnika do kontrarevolucionara, Beograd, 1986, 226-228; Mirjana Stefanovski, Srpska politika emigracija o preureenju Jugoslavije, Beograd, 1988, 94; Branko Petranovi,
Nikola uti, 27. mart 1941. Tematska zbirka dokumenata, Beograd, 1990, 82; Momilo
Zeevi, Slobodan Jovanovi i 27. mart 1941., Istorija 20. veka 1/1996, Beograd, 1996,
46-49, 52, 56; , (1885-1945), XXVIII, ,
1998, 231; . , . ., 212-213, 225, 227-230; , .
, 25. 1941, , 2007, 78-83, 158;
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. (. ), , 2008,
111, 115-116; , :
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5Velimir Terzi, Slom Kraljevine Jugoslavije 1941. Uzroci i posledice poraza 1, BeogradLjubljana-Podgorica, 1982, 290-293, 584-586; ,
: , 119-146; ,
. , . ., 69-70, 81-83, 158-160.
6 , 1941, , 1963, 41-58, 62-66;
Isti, Slom Kraljevine Jugoslavije 1941. Uzroci i posledice poraza 1, 169-217; Zoran Janjetovi,
O nacifikaciji vojvoanskih vaba, Tokovi istorije 1-4 (1999), Beograd, 1999, 240-260; Isti,
Deca careva, pastorad kraljeva. Nacionalne manjine u Jugoslaviji 1918-1941, Beograd,
2005, 375-406.


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e 1941-1945, , 2010, 155-204.
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Serbian cultural club and general Milan Nedic: one

document about private initiative in informative
activities at the beginning of the second world war
The influence of Serbian Cultural Club on shaping political orientation of liberal
Serbian citizens before the World War Two had a decisive role. Related to this, there is a
very important document which reveals a trial of this group to create a non formal informative center in the military top of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia at the beginning of 1939.
In accordance with their liberal attitudes and pro British foreign policy orientation,
the very top of Serbian Cultural Club (Slobodan Jovanovic, Dragisa Vasic, Mladen Zujovic)
as early as 1938 organized a secret association Conspiracy with the aim to replace regime
of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia which was becoming more and more close to Germany. The
main task of this secret organization was acting in the army.
In that light, this document can be understood as well when Serbian Cultural Club
on 5th September, 1939 asked Minister of the Army of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Milan
Nedic in the aim to found together secret committee, which would take care of the defense of the country until the war in Europe was over. However, general Milan Nedic had
a completely different political organization. He supported right wing movement ZBOR of
Dimitrije Ljotic and was in favor of cooperation with Germany, especially after the fall of
France in the summer of 1940. The events which followed tell us that no cooperation was



Le club culturel Serbe et le gnral Milan Nedic:

un document sur linitiative prive dans l activit
de renseignement au dbut de la deuxime guerre
mondiale (1939)
Linfluence du Club cuturel serbe sur le profilage de lorientation de la citoyennet
serbe dorientation librale au devant de la Deuxime Guerre mondiale eut un rle dcisif.
cet gard, le document qui dvoile la tentative de ce groupement de crer un centre de
renseignements informel au
Haut-commandement militaire du Royaume de la Yougoslavie au dbut du mois de
septembre de lanne 1939 fut trs important.
En harmonie avec ses attitudes librales et son orientation de politique extrieure probritannique, les personnes le plus haut places du Club culturel serbe (Slobodan Jovanovic,
Dragisa Vasic, Mladen Zujovic) cra, ds 1938, lassociation clandestineConspiration, en
vue de destituer le rgime du Royaume de la Yougoslavie qui sapprochait de plus en plus
de lAllemagne. Le devoir fondamental de cette organisation secrte fut son action dans
Dans cette claircissement, on peut ainsi comprendre aussi ce document dans lequel
le Club culturel serbe, le 5 septembre de lanne 1939, sadresse au ministre de larme du
Royaume de la Yougoslavie, au gnral Milan Nedic, en vue de crer ensemblele Comit
clandestin, qui se chargerait de la dfense du pays tant que la guerre en Europe ne sachve.
Cependant, le gnral Milan Nedic avait une organisation politique tout fait diffrente. Il
aidait le mouvement de droite ZBOR de Dimitrije Ljotic et sengageait pour la collaboration
avec lAllemagne, en particulier aprs la chute de la France en t de lanne 1940. La suite
des vnements nous informe quaucune collaboration nadvint.




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1 concordans,
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II . , , ,

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2 , ,
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3 -,
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4 (), (72) 54 . 236,
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.5 ,
( , , , ,
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16 .7
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. ...
. . .
. 8 ,
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3. :

. , .
. 11
5 , ,
, 1995, 82.
6 , , XVIII,
, 1937, 10.
7 -, , XVIII, ,
1936, 2.
8, 3.
9 , , XVIII,
, 1937, 11.
10 , , , 2007, 12.
11, (72) 54 . 237,
. .


. : ...
( ) .

. 12
, M ,
. 13 ,
, ( ).14
, ,
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.17 ,
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12 -, e XVIII, , 1936,4.
13 , ,
, 1995, 84.
14 , -
, , 1937, 11.
15, (72) 54 . 238,
. .
17. ,
25. VII 1935, , 1936, 36.
18 , , II,
, 1936, 137.



, ()

. :
, - -,
, .

. 19
. :

. 20
. .
. 21 ,
, . 16. 1932.
, .22

, .23
( 22),
, ( 23).
, .
: 24
18 , , II,
, 1936, 137.
19 -, XVIII, ,
1936, 5-6.
20, (72) 54 . 241,
. .
21 , ,
, 1995, 86.
22. ,
25. VII 1935, , 1936, 44.
23 -, XVIII,
1936, 7.
24 -, XVIII,
1936, 9.


. ,
, , ...


. , . 25

. ,
. ,

, ,
. ,
( ),
, .

, ,
: 167 , 129 . ,
: .
, ...
( ),
. ,
, . 26 ,
, .
, 13.
: ,
: ) )

: ) ;
25, 10-14.
26, (37) 2 . 132,
23.8. 1937.



) ,

.28 , .
- ,

. ,
. ,
, : -,
-, -... -
... ()-, ()-.
: , (
)-... ()-... (
)-, ()-,
()-. 30 ,
, .
. (28. ) 1937. ,
, .
, .
. :
. ()
, . .
. 31
27 () .
. .
, ,
( 1936, 1 . 155, 13.
28, 1936, 1 . 155,
13. 1937.
29, 1937. I. , 2- , ,
31, ,(37), 25, . 182, .
, 28. 1937.


. ,
, .
: ,
, , .

, ...

... ,
. 32
: . 1937.
... 33
. , ,
. :
. , ,

. ,
, . ,
, ,
. 34 .
32, 1937-1938, 5, . . 592,
18. 1937. .
33, 1937. II. , 3, . 633,
8. 1937. .
34, 1937 III. , 4, . 1258, `
, 18. 1937.



. , 35
28. 1937. . ,
, 5000 . .
. ,
35 14. 1895. ,
. .
9/22. 1921. , 21. (3. ) .
1933. .
. .
, , ,
320 15. 10.
. .
, 29 , . .
, . ;
, - .

. . , .
, 29 , . .
, . ;
, - .

. . , .
. ! ,
. . . ,
. .
. . , ,
, ,

. , ,
. ,
. , . .
. .
. , , .
, , , ,
. , .
: , , !
. , , ,
, . ,
. , , , ,
... ,
, , ...
. [ . ,
, , ,
html#sv46 (5. 2. 2011)


30-40 , .

-. ,
, .
. ,
, .
. :

. - - ,
. 37
, ,
, , ,
. .
, ,
, .
, ,
. 38

4. 1937. .

. , . ,
( ).
20 ,
. ,
.39 , :

36, 1937. III. , 4, . 757,
19. 1937. .
38, 1937. III. , 4, . 758,
19. 1937. . . .




, ,
. 40
. , ,
1940. .
. ,
: 1937. ,

, ,
... 41
, .
. 16. 1937.
, , 20 , ,
20 , , 40 ,
, 500 , 10 ,
, 5 . 42
, .

. , .43
( ) ,
, 1935.
, . 1938. ,
40, 1937. III. , 4, . 758,
19. 1937. . . .
41, (63) 11, . 256, .
3. 1940.
42, , , 1937. . , . . 836,
, 16. 1937 .
43 16-17 ( 1921.
). .
. II ,

, (
), ,


, .44

1938. .
, .
: .
, .
: ,
! : ,
, .45
, .
. :
, , ,
! , ...
, , ...
, , : ,
, , ...
, , ,
, ... ,
, , .

. ,
, .
, .47
. , ,
44 ( ), 15.
4. 2010. .
46, , 1937. . ,
( , ).
: , ;
, , 1994.



( ).48

. 22. 1938. ,
, .
. . .

. 49
, .
. ,
. , XI
15. 1937. :
, ,
, ,
, , ,
, ,
. 50 15. 1938.
, Aide-Memoire,
. , ,

, :

48: , , www., (29. 4. 2010).
49 . . , V, ,
1938, 76-78.
50 , , , 1990, 22.
51 , : , , 2006, 186.


, ,
. 52

, ,
1937-1938. . , ,
. ,
. , ,
. ,
, , ,
. ,
. (
( -, ).
, ,
.54 ,
. ,
- .
, ,
. :
, , .
. 55
52, 1937-1938, 5 . 491,
, 1938.
53 , , , 1963, 419.
54 , , , 2009, 125.
55 , - , , 2009, 181.



Concordat crises in Zica eparchy 1937/38

This paper deals with the period between two world wars in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, exactly the period 1937-38. In 1937 the government of Milan Stojadinovic was
trying to impose the proposal of concordat to be accepted. It seemed that this concordat
was giving more authorities to Roman-Catholic church in Yugoslavia which provoked a
fierce reaction of Serbian Orthodox church. Many people who knew a lot about the history of this period agree that Kingdom of Yugoslavia was on the verge of a civil war. In
the paper we looked into short analyses of basic, that is, disputable points in the proposition of the agreement, mainly through official magazine of Zica Eparchy, Pregled crkve
eparhije zicke (Review of Zica Eparchy Church). Also some new moments are presented,
some unpublished testimonies from the archive of Saint Arch. Synod which refer to relations of state authorities towards church, especially in this part of the country. We have
tried to prove that the state authorities prosecuted church, arresting priests who were
against concordat. The crisis was finally overcome in 1938 as the government gave up
concordat agreement.
La crise concordataire dans le diocse de Zica en
Cette tude concerne la priode de lentre-deux-guerres dans le Royaume de la
Yougoslavie, concrtement les annes 1937 et 1938. En 1937, le gouvernement de Milan
Stojadinovic tente de pousser la proposition de loi sur le concordat adoption. Il semble
que ce trait accorde un privilge lglise catholique romaine en Yougoslavie, ce qui
provoque la raction violente de lglise orthodoxe serbe. De nombreux experts de cette
partie de notre histoire saccordent dire que le Royaume de la Yougoslavie fut, cet
instant, au bord mme de la guerre civile. Dans cette tude, on prit en considration une
brve analyse des points essentiels, vrai dire contestables, dans le projet du trait, en
premier lieu travers la revue officielle du diocse de Zica, Revue de lglise du diocse
de Zica. Pareillement, de nouveaux moments furent prsents, des tmoignages jusqu
prsent indits des Archives du Saint-Synode piscopal, qui concernent les rapports des
autorits publiques envers lglise, en premier lieu dans cette partie de ltat. Nous avons
essay de prouver que lautorit publique perscuta lglise et emprisonna les ecclsiastiques qui furent contre le concordat. La crise fut enfin surmonte en 1938, de telle
manire que le gouvernement renona au trait concordataire.






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Foundation and work of cultural-artistic associations

in Cacak municipality
In the period from 1980 to 1990 members of the Association of amateurs had its
successes and falls in their work. Thus, some cultural-artistic associations stopped working, mainly because of lack of financial means and space for practice (before all Workers
Cultural-artistic Association Litopapir and Cultural-artistic Association CER), and then
there was a problem of professional management. Later they were continuing with their
work with constant troubles which were following them.
After 1974 when all members of the Amateur Association had to pre register in accordance with the Constitution of 1974, inter republic and international cooperation was
intensified which created bridges of connecting, not only cultural-artistic associations,
but communal organizations of villages, municipalities and companies from where those
cultural-artistic associations came from.
It is obvious that this was a golden period of work of Amateur Association and its
members which was suddenly finished by the beginning of falling apart of Yugoslavia in
1991. After this many village cultural-artistic associations were fallen apart. The exceptions
are cultural-artistic associations from Parmenac, Mojsinje and Mrcajevci. Cultural-artistic
associations CER, Partizan, Sloboda, Litopapir, Foc, Sima Saraga stopped working as
the companies which founded them also stopped working or reduced their production to
a minimum.
However, in the last decade of XX century, when the process of disassembling of
some cultural artistic association was very intensive, new associations were founded-Cultural-artistic Associations Bambi (1997) and Srpski jelek (1999) in Cacak. Specific programs characterize them: Bambi teach children folklore dances up to the age of 15, while
Srpski jelek, except for national original songs, keeps the tradition of making old forgotten
traditional dishes.
Nowadays, active cultural-artistic associations from the region of Cacak municipality, apart from performing on the local and republic level maintain international cooperation.
Svetislav Lj. MARKOVIC, PhD



La cration et lactivit des associations culturelles et

artistiques dans la commune de Cacak
Lors de la priode de lanne 1980 lanne 1990, les membres de lUnion des amateurs eurent des hauts et des bas au travail. Ainsi, certaines associations culturelles et artistiques cessrent leur activit, gnralement en raison de manque de ressources et despace
pour les entranements (avant tous, RKUDLitopapir et KUDCer) et, en dernier, en raison de manque de gestion comptente. Plus tard, ils renouvelrent leur activit avec des
difficults permanentes qui les accompagnrent au travail.
Aprs lanne 1974, lorsque tous les membres de lUnion des amateurs durent se
renregistrer (selon la Constitution de 1974), la collaboration interrpublicaine et internationale, qui eut cr les ponts de rapprochement, non seulement des associations culturelles et artistiques, mais aussi des communauts locales-des villages, des communes et des
entreprises do proviennent les associations culturelles et artistiques, sintensifia.
Il est vident que ce fut la priode dor de lactivit de lUnion des amateurs et de ses
adhrents, qui sacheva brusquement au dbut de leffondrement de la Yougoslavie, en 1991.
Aprs cela, la fermeture rapide de plusieurs associations culturelles et artistiques rurales se
produit. Les exceptions furent les associations culturelles et artistiques de Parmenac, Mojsinje et Mrcajevac. Les associations culturelles et artistiquesCer,Partizan,Sloboda,Lito
papir,Foc,Sima Saraga interrompirent leur activit, car les entreprises, qui les crrent,
cessrent leur activit ou diminurent considrablement lampleur de leur travail.
Cependant, lors de la premire dcennie du XXme sicle, lorsque le processus de
fermeture de certaines associations culturelles et artistiques fut trs intensif, la formation
du KUDBambi (1997) et du KUDSrpski jelek(1999) survint Cacak. Des programmes
spcifiques les distinguent:Bambi sadonne au folklore avec des enfants dge limite de
15 ans, tandis queSrpski jelek, mis part les chants traditionnels, favorise galement la
tradition de prparation des plats anciens oublis.
prsent, les associations culturelles et artistiques de la rgion de la commune de
Cacak, en dehors des spectacles donns au niveau local et rpublicain, entretiennent galement une coopration internationale.
Ilija V. POPOVIC, Dr
Svetislav Lj. MARKOVIC, Dr


. .

: a oe ae
ooje a oe a ao
oaaa, ooo oeaje. a je a
ojeoae eaaa oea oj ae
oe ae ooje, j aaaa
oa aa, ee
. aa ee eee
oeaje eoa a a
e, ae ooje.
, ,

aj oa eoo aaa eea
aoe (ooaae).
: ,
, ,


Te aa je a o ee oooo
oea o eoao eao jea eea. oo je aa ooja
a, a oaaa eea je aa oaa (Fe, Cu, Pb). a e
eo oo aaae eaa, ooo aao oe ooje,
oa e oee oo eoa ae oaj eaoa,
aoa ooa in situ eaa eja jeea oooa a
oe (o oa aa: FeCl2, FeCl3, FeOCl, CuCl), aea oja


, . .

Oo eoa oaae eae ao eoa (o

15%), oe aa oe ae ooje,
. , oe ooj oao a e oa ooo
a. oe .

, ,
Mea ooja oe aa (). aa
ee eee oeaje je ae ae ae ooje.
eo e ee eea je a eo oe ae. oee e,
o aj, o e aoj a aa je ea o ee aa.
Aa ooja
ooja ajee e jaa a eea ao
oo (aa, ). Oaj ooje e e aa je a
a o, a ee a e. , a ooja
e o oj eaj oea eaa, aa, ojae aeo
aa a o eaa .
o eeoeje ooje aaa eja je oaa aa a
eaa e ae oe a ea oeae eeoo. ea
je eeoeja eaja. Eeoeja ooja e oja e ao
ao oa a ea e a aa eaa a o ee.
a oo ojaa oje e oaaj aje e a oa eeoeja ooja
o a aoeo aa , a oaa a oaoa
oa, aa, eoa .
( o
e, o .) . o jo e
aa oao oea oa aa. a ae oe aoa
o joa eao eea a oja piting ooje o
a ao ea oeea. o, o oe jo, e ao
oaa a ea, ooo aea e aaae eaa (. 1).

. aaj oa oo .
O o a aj ooo ea
o aoe oaa oo oo a
oaa . eo oea ooj
a oaaa. ooj oe oj je eo
aa eje oo oaa oj aaj oo ao oooo oea.


aa ee aa
oa eeoeje ooje aa eo ea jee aaa
aa joa oaj a o joa oaj -
(CuCl) ao jeo o a jeea ooo :
Cu0 Cu+ + e,
Cu+ + Cl CuCl
CuCl je eaa aae e o ejo ae a aa(I) o
oooo e (HCl) oja ooae a ooj
a ea :
CuCl + H2O Cu2O + H+ + Cl, a a
Cu+ + Cl CuCl
Oaj oe ( ), eja
oa ao oe oe, a je oja e o oe eaaje eea.
oeao ea oo a a ae ao oa
eaae CuCl ae ea Cu2O.1
a (aaa, eo eeo jaja)
ee a (aa, jaja). eea aa je oea a ee
oe eee oe ae o ae ooje. o e oea oa
e e a. aa aa a o eaa je ao oeea, aa
aa ee (aa jaaa o ee, ao, e, ae eee ),
. Aa ooja oje e aoje
eoeeo aa oj e ajee jaa aae ooje a o
eea. oja ojea a, ooo aa, jaa e ooj RH (55%
e). oe aaae ooje aa ooja oe e o ao aao
ea aa oj a eoj eoj o eea.
Oaj ooje oe aaa aoe aaaa, o
o ea a (oeo oa oja) ee
ee. Aoja ao ao aaa (eo aa ea a ee
ooa) aje aa ooo oj.
aa je e o o, jo Fe2+ eaj a oa, e aaje oe(II)
1Marie Berducou (Coord.), La conservation en archologie : mthodes et pratique de la
conservation-restauration des vestiges archologiques; Rgis Bertholon, Caroline Relier,
Chapitre V, Les mtaux archologiques, Paris, Masson, 1990, 179-180

, . .


Fe2+ + 2Cl FeCl2

oj e oje e-o e-o ea eeoj eaj:
6FeCl2 + 3O2 2FeCl3 + 2Fe2O3
o (eo e) oj eoa ae oaj
oe e-oe, ao HCl:
4FeCl2 + 4H2O + O2 2Fe2O3 + 8HCl
4FeCl2 + 7H2O + O2 2Fe2O3 3H2O + 8HCl
2FeCl3 + 3H2O Fe2O3 + 6HCl
4FeCl3 + 9H2O 2Fe2O3 3 H2O + 12HCl
e ooae oaj eoao eaa, e e o aaa
a eo-o oo e-o o. a oe oe a
e aa:2
Fe0 + 2HCl FeCl2 + H2
4Fe0 + 3O2+ 12HCl 4FeCl3+ 6H2O
Oaj ooje, ao oej ao, eoa o
aea, oe a o , oae e e
oje , e oa o oee aaa eaa eo
ojaa ee oe eaaje eea. ,
ao oa oeea oae oe. Jea o ae ooje
oa oo e aa e eao jea eea oo oooo
oja. Jaa aja ae ooje oa oaea oaae
aa eea oja aaa aaa ea oea. o
ae ooje o oa ooaje e ojea a (e-ao
aaae ae a eaoj o). Oa ojaa e eaa e e je
RH eo oa (55% e), o eoa RH (oo 50%) oe
aa e aaae ao ee.
a ooja je oooaa o oa
(o ooa eo ao). Oo ee ooaj eoa oo
aaj aaj oe, ea eea ao oaaa
2, 180-181..


oo a. Ta, a a je oo aoe oje

eaa a ooj, a aa oe eae. ooo o
a ooj oo ee oje ajee aa, aa
(a je oo ooo-aoa oaj ao ooo-eo). o oje
e ae ooe oe ae ooje ejo
oa ea (ee ae). e aeja (. je a ae
aae eea) ajee o a a oja oooe aoee
(ej oa jeea, ooo aoa eoa, eaa, oa ao
oea eaaje ea) o ae aoa aa a ae,
ee ee ea a ee.
ooo eaa a ooo ojea jo e je ee
ae. oe 1985. Turgoose je eoo eoj a eaa ae ooje
o ooa, Degrigny Le Gall oo aa oaj oe oe
oeajo ee ee a ooaoj oooj o, eeo
a ooje oaa eea, ea aaae ea
aj aoa ooo oaa. ea je eaoaa,
e aaje jo ej oaa aeae ooe joe. a je e
ea oeo oooo oja oao ooea, eoa ea je a
a ooa a oe oooo oja oaj oa aooaa
ea Turgoose-, oa Pb2+ jo aj ae o oe eaa
a eoa e pH aoae oeaje ee. ao o oa a
e oja eja H+ O2 aa, aae ooaaje eaje 1a
1. Degrigny Le Gall e a aoee oe aoa jeea aja
ooj a eaoj e, a e oaa oa ea aea e a
oe a oj ooje (eaja 2). eoeo eaoo ea
ea ea eje ao aaao. a oooa eaja e aje
e o oe oja e jaa o aeaa, a oo aj e oa ea
a oje. Meaa je a oe oja ae aj
oe ooee.3
Pb + 2CH3COOH Pb(CH3COO)2(aq.) + H2 ()
(eaja 1a)
Pb + 2CH3COOH + O2 Pb(CH3COO)2(aq.) + H2O
(eaja 1)
3Pb(CH3COO)2(aq.) + 2OH+ 2CO32 2PbCO3Pb(OH)2() + 6CH3COO
(eaja 2)

3Bart Schotte, Annemie Adriaens, Treatments of Corroded Lead Artefacts, Studies in

conservation, 2006, 51, 12.


, . .

Ta o oj aaea a ooj ea e oa e
eaa a. Ta, oa, je oj, ea eaje ea
a aoa ao aoe aaaa, ejo aoee
ae, oe aoe eaa a ooj.

o oa a eaa o oo, e e ea oa
aa a, ooo oeaa oe eea ea eoa oa
aa a. oe ea eoa aae oje eo
o a ae oe, a oje o o a aaeaj ooo
oaa, oe e e o jeoaa eoa a eej o
jeea oja je e oaa (eo e oe eaa, ao oea
a o joa eo jeea eea).
Te (. 2):
aa oe ee a aa
48 (RH je a 100%). To oaea a je ee oae
eao o oo oe e aa oa a oo. oo je ojea
oaa oa, ao oo eea a ee e o o
oeae a oa eaa. Oaj e oaea ae ae ooje
e ea a ea a jao oee eea oja je
oea oa oaea.
eaja a aa eea oja a oaj oe je eea:
2CuCl + 2H2O + O2 Cu2(OH)3Cl + H+ + Cl
o a je aa o (CuCl) oa a eoo (. eo
aa oa oo ooje), oe oaa oja ao aao
oa Cu2Cl(OH)3 (aaa) ao eeao aae ae. oo
oje ooje oa eoo, e oa, eaja e e oa
oa o ao ajaa ea e oe oja o oja ooje oj
je . o oa e oaj e oa e a eeo.4
a oeea ( oa) oaea aaaoaoa aaa a o, ao ao oojo aea.
4Marie Berducou, . ., 180.


e oaea
Mea aeoo ee o a a oaea (aoa
, aoa e ooj aoooj o .). ooo o
ajee oea eja a ea (, pH,
o eoa, oe, o...). aj ee aoa
ae oe ooje.
ao o aaja aoe eoa ea aoa,
a eeae, oa eje e ae aeo a eae. Mea
ooaj o oee je, o e oo ojaaa oaoae aa
eoa e eejae aeaje.
ea a ae eje eaee a, a oaa e ao jo
oo. a oa aao ooaa ea e ea ea eea
oj oe eeoejoj ooj oaa ao ooo eeo. a
ea eaa aao oo oo e je oe ee
ao ao, e oa a eaa ee oe eaa oea, o-ej ej. ea e oe oaa ao o
ooo eeo ee o aoeooeo oo
o eao eaa o oeje ee e ae. ooja aaje
ajao eeoejo ej ea eea oooo ao
ea. a oja ae ooje aje aj aj jo oa oj e
aae e.
Jea o ooeo aoee ooje je oe o oe aaaa
eaa e o ao oo ae ja ea o o eoo ooojea
aooao oee oe o e oe eeoa o ee o oa.
a aoee ooje eaa a o RH aa, o ea ooj
ao e e ooo oea ee aooa ojea
ae a o eaa.5 oe a oja
ae ooje o eea e oa a oaea, a oe o
oj aaja je oaea ( ee e ae aae
aaja ea aeoo eea
oe aaje oaea aaae oaae eeeo
oaaa eaa oje aaje o-ejo eoa oe ee.
aje oe o aaje ea aeoo eea (o,
aa ee) eaa o oa.
5ee Maeo, ooja aejaa, Teooo - ea ae,
eoa, 1990, 201, 187.


, . .

aaja a a a oa aeja ej
oe a a a: je ea a,
a ej aoe jeoa a
aoa oe ee e eaa aejaa eajaa; je aa
a oj e aae e aeaa aejaa
oo eaja oee aejaa a oeaj a/ aeja.
o ee ao e eaj ao oaaa ee oa
o a aaaoo oa, o oe aa e a oaja.
je o a e e oaaa aa e aa ooaa
eea o ea aa e oe o ea, ee
ajoej. oa je oeo oee e oe oje je ee ao
aeooo oe. Me, je oee oa
oa oee oje oo oaee a oo eaje
jeo eeao a aoa (RH, T). ooja e oe e
oeeae ee oa (o a RH, aae eoa), o je
o eo oa ee eo, a oe oa oea
aae aae. ao je aa aaja e oeeoj
e aj ooja, oa e a aa oe ao a oo ao
oaaa a eo o eo e eea.
Ae ee aaje oaeaj aae aeaa oaaa
(ae, oee o...), ooaj . o ee eea
eooo je oo o a a eea eoe ooe. ee e
ao eaa oe ea aje oa (o ooa aoa)
oj e e oo aj ae. Oo eo je ooo, je
eea o a aoa ooo ao o jo . aee
e oje a oja ae ooje. ao je eooo oe e eaoa,
aoa ( ej e). e
oe oa oj oaj oj a ee
ao eeo ej a oa ooj.
oo ee (ea oaj a oa aejaa), e
oe ooee . ao o aa aaja oa a
aoje oa eo, je je o ej a oaae. oo o aa
o, oa je a o eea ao aee oje je o
eoa ajoe eee.
oaja oa a ee
o o : ao ooo
oaa oe (ea-ooo o). aj e o
oj ej o oooo oe (a) a o.


a o e ej o oe e ae oe
ej oea, a oaj ojea ooo oaa.
Taoe, e o aa, o aaaa, a e ooaaj
ooe joe oa. ooo oje oj ae oe e oaj
e ea ae ooje.
A o o a ooo ojea
je aaee (a, ooo, aeo, eja oa ooe)
ae o e eaa oea o e ee aao. e e ooe
a oo eaj oa. A o aae ooo
oa ea-oooo oja. aj aa ea, o
aa (CuCl) e jea ae e ooe a oj oao ea
o e a aea eaaj oj oj e aaa a .
aa je e o eaa oa, o aoj ee oe
o-, kgnit FeO(OH). o e o aa aoa oj
eaaj ajooje oe a ooj. o oaa oe e
eaa ooo oaa, oa oje ooaaj aoa ea, a
eo e oooe oe.6
Meoe aaje
aaja oaa jaooae aa eea, oeae
oo oa, o eoe aaj.
aaja eaa jea ee oeaoo eaa.
oa oo e a jaooae aa eea ajee oa
a ao oe oeaoo eaa. Taa e e (a /
ea eoaa) eaa o-eje ooe,
eeao o e aejaa oaj a eao, ao
eea, ea ae, e aaeaja ooo oaa .
ea aae eo e a a o eoe aaj.
ooo o, ooo ooo oj oae aae, oeaaj
oa. Eaja oaa ooje oaaa
oa, a oa je e oa. ajee je oaa oa, ao
o eoa, eea ao oooo oja, e aae o
e o e oaje (o eea, oaea...) e o
ee eea. aao ea eao a ooe
eaj a oa, aj ee oooo oja oj
je oa oaoj o eea.
aj oa eo ea, oo o ojea
o oa ee a eaje oa. aa je
6Marie Berducou, . ., 211-212.


, . .

e o a eo eaa, eo o aae ooje ae

aao oja (o aoa) a o eo a aaj.
Tea aaje oe e e e / ao ae ea
( ) . ee o
aaa ooje e o oa oaea,
a e ooje. ee ooaa a
oa aoj , a o o aa ae
ooje eea (aje e ee o aa). eo je e
o ea oeo oa ooaj
oj e oo o ao aa. Tea
a eaja eea ooa aje ooo
oooo oja, a e oa . Eao
aaje e ooajo aao aje, ojaa ooje a
oo a . Oe e o e aea, a
oej o ooaje, o ee oa aaaa
eea ao, oae ae ooaje.
Meoa a aaj ea a aoo eee aae:
ooo, ooo ao eao eea oo eaa, ao
ao a eeao o oa aejaa (o, o)
aejaa; e oaae eea eea; oo o
a o-ej oea a ee, ao aoaja eo
aa eoa;
eaja, oeaja aoaja e ooo
oaa aa, ooo ae ea jeea;
eao (eaja oaja oa eo oo
ajoaje eeo eo);
aoo a ae oeaoe oee, eae ae
oo eaa a ae eee;
ea eao a oo ao eea eo o ao
30 oa (ea e e eeaje), ooo ae eeje
oe oe aa oo eo;
eooe eeoe aoe o aoee oo;
eoo ae (eooa aaa, oea, eaje, e).
Moe aaje: 1) : oeaae
ajea oa
(oaae RH 15%, , ...); 2) :
, eaja oa (ooaae), oaja ea jeea


e aoajo in situ aa jeea oja e eo aaj

(e oj).
aj aa je aa ooja oaoaa a eoo aea (oa
ee), oe je oe eo oae oaje oa a Ag2O.
aoaja oa in situ aa eo-o ea eeoj
Ag2O + 2CuCl Cu2O + 2AgCl.

(eaa oaa eea
ao ajee ae ee o oa eoaoa
(BTA) o oa eea).
Tea aoe a e ooj eaa eaa eoa a
aaj ea aeoo eea, (eo e
a, ao ea o oje o ea ,
ao eo eea o oja oe ao oea eoe
ao e aao oe ae ooje
, oeo je ooa oj aa oa o oae ee,
. e oe o eo aoajo oa a oj
oj a o eje ajee. eaj oa (ajee oaa
eea ao NaHCO3/Na2CO3) je e ea o ae oo
oa. aa e o aoaojaa o oajo eee
eo eje oea oa eoaoa
(BTA) aooo ao. eaa je jo
, a eoao oe aoj
a nantokite, e e oa oe
aa .
o oe eea o e e eje eoa eaj oa
aejaoj eoaoj o. ooj oaaa a eo oo eaa
oo a e e aeeaa oeaa ao e a ooje e oeaaa
ooj, aoj, ojoj e. o e oe e o ao o e
eaa ao ooo eja, o ae eoj aoe aoa
ae eo aeaa a oa ooje
ao a ae. oe aaja (
NaOH, LiOH KOH) . aoe
a aa o e a aaj ajjae oae ae.
O LiOH, aeo ao o, ao a je oe aa 50%
ao. o a aoa ao aoj a CO2 aa.
7Marie Berducou, . ., 216.


, . .

o oa oe oo oeaaa, aea aoa . ea

o ae aa aoe, a o oja e aj o o
ao, ooo aao oe, oaj oo aoe.
oea oaja a e a o oa
aoa je aoaea. eoa e je oaa ao
aoa eaaja. eo ea ja eoae o-oe ae
oe oe o ooaaa oa. aoj ArcAntique aoaoj
ooa aaeaa oo eeoo oea ooe e
eea. aaj oe eea o e
oe eo (oe ae, e ej). oa eooja
a aaj oe aeoo eea
(ea e oa The Clemson Conservation Center). eooja
a aaa, a oaje oa oeja oo a oajee
eae aaje aeooo oa.
aaja ooa eo ea ajee oaea aae
ooo oaa ea ej e (oea oeo ao
EDTA-a). oe oa, eje e ea eeoe aoj eoj
e. Ooo ooa eoaoj o (ooaa aoae),
, a e ae , jeo aa
, .
Eaja oa
eoa ( 1) j
ea oo ojae. ja oa ao
ooo oaa oo je ao oj oeaa o eaj. ao je
eooo oea ooo oooo oja o-ej oa
ao e ja oaaa.
Eaja oa a o e oaoo: ao
oe ooj oj ooje aa o oae
(oe ooje oj aa eo oe eea, ooo eo oj
o eea). a ooo oooo oja aoo
oaa ooje oa eja e oe. Taoa
o ooje o a ooj , ooo oj oj je oo
oaa, e je ooa ao aa oaaa j aoa a aaj.
Taa eja eja oe e o ej e (eaja a oooea eja j ooa, ea a ao (oea ooa),
eja aaao- oo) eeoej oo
(aoa eja ao eeoa).


Eaja oa eoo aaa eea

aoe (ooaae)
Oo je ajaoaeja eoa aaj ea eea.
ao oja e ea (oa aoa, pH, eeaa) ooaaj
aoo aa oa. O e a oja ooje a ea
a a a ooo oaa (aaae, aaae) oj
oa oo e eea.
eao ee eea, oaa jo eeeaa
o a a, ajoe aj a, ooaaj
eeaj aoa. ooeo aoa oja e oe aa eae
aoje eaj oa ooe, ooo oooae
aoo oo eea.
ao e oeaa eao eaa eo aj,
eooo je oaa eoa oeaj a oa
oe ea-ooo o. oaao je a aa ooja oe
oeeoj aoj oeaj oa a o eaa.
oeaja eeaoa oa eo e oeje, a je eo oa
oe aao aee oeaje eaoa oa ao
. aee eaa aoao je oe a aoeo, a
a eeo oea aaja oa ao. eeao ,
oeaja oa jeaeo ae, a e oao aje a
oeeoj eo (ao je ae oa (oaj oe ajee aje
o jee eee o ee aa)). oe aoaa eo oeaje
oa ao e oaa, ooo ea. oe oe aja eoa o, ooo
oe e oe aoa e o ja oa eea e ae a
e o oeaja oa o ao e eae a e
ea (ooo ea oeaja aoa ao o aaa eea
ao) o oeaja eaoa oa e e
o 10 ppm.
Eaja oa aa e a ooj j ao (. 3) oe
a a oaja oe aaje, oeo o eea ae
oa. o-eje ooe oooo oja aaj, a a ea
oe e ao eaa. a oea aaje aa
ao o oe eea, a aje o eoo aa a o 37 eea e
(a eee aee oe oe). Oaae aoa ajee e a
ee aa oe, a aje a eee. Tea aoe a e oea
oeao ea, ao aaja, oaa oe eoae oe.
ea eaaj eo oo oaa ee (ajee
oe oe), j e ao a aaj oe o a oooo
oo ( eoo aoa) e o e oeaja oa oa e


, . .

jea a oeajo oa ooooj o. Taa e oe aaa

eoa o. oee oooe oe o eeoo
a oe eoa ee eeoe. ea eee
oaj a e o oo e aaj aa e oooa, ee eoaa,
oa o a aee eeoa aj-oa aj-aoaa.
ao a aaj ooo eeo oao e ooeje
eaaa o e, ooo ae eaaa o a eea, ao
e oeaa ja oa ooo o aoeo aee aoa.
ae eoe a oeae aaja oa aoa a
aaj (e a AgNO3, ao ae, oeoeja aja...).
ao ee e a eoaoj o eae (o
24h o e eee e). ae e o oaa eae ee
oee a. a oeao ea ao aa.

1. Marie Berducou (Coord.), La conservation en archologie: mthodes et pratique

de la conservation-restauration des vestiges archologiques; Rgis Bertholon, Caroline Relier,
Chapitre V, Les mtaux archologiques, Paris, Masson, 1990, 163-221.
2. Edited by P. Dillmann, G. Branger, P. Piccardo, H. Matthiesen, Corrosion of metallic heritage artefacts: Investigation, conservation and prediction of long term behaviour
(European Federation of Corrosion (EFC) Series), Number 48, Woodhead Publishing Limited and CRC Press LLC, 2007.
3. Bradley A. Rodgers, The Archaeologists Manual for Conservation, Springer, New
York, 2004.
4. J. M. Cronyn, The Elements of Archaeological Conservation, Routledge, London,
5. Bart Schotte, Annemie Adriaens, Treatments of Corroded Lead Artefacts, Studies
in conservation, 2006, 51, 1-8.
6. ee Maeo, ooja aejaa, Teooo-ea
ae, eoa, 1990.
7. Museum Handbook, Museum Management Program, National Park Service,
8. Conservation Research Laboratory, TEXAS A&M University,

9. aa o-aoao, aa , oa Je, oa o,

, oa, ea a oeaj, eoa, 2010.
10. L. Selwyn, Overview of archaeological iron: the corrosion problem, key factors affecting treatment, and gaps in current knowledge, Metal 04: Proceedings of the International


Conference on Metals Conservation, National Museum of Australia Canberra ACT, 2004,

11. Solenn Reguer, Delphine Neff, Cline Remazeilles, Elodie Guilminot, Frdrique
Nicot, Charlne Pel, Mehdi Meguelati, Francois Mirambet, Philippe Dillmann, Philippe
Refait, Nathalie Huet, Francoise Mielcarek, Jacques Rebire, Loic Bertrand, Desalinisation
of iron archaeological artefacts: understanding of chlorine removal mechanisms of the corrosion layers supported by characterisation techniques, Metal 07: Innovative investigation of
metal artefacts, Vol. 2, 2007, 60-68.
12. D. Watkinson, Measuring effectiveness of washing methods for corrosion control of
archaeological iron: problems and challenges,Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology,2010, 45 (5) 400-406.
13. Mourey Wiliam, La Conservation des Antiquites Mtalliques, L.C.R.R.A., Draguignan, 1987.
14. Meyer-Roudet, A la recherche du mtal perdu: Nouvelles technologies dans la restauration des mtaux archologiques, Errance, Paris, 1999.
15. Gerhard Eggert, Britta Schmutzler (Eds.), Paul Mardikian, Nestor Gonzalez, Michael J. Drews, Liisa Nasanen, The use of subcritical alkaline solutions for the stabilization
of archaeological iron artifacts, Archaeological Iron Conservation Colloquium, Alkaline
Chloride Extraction, Session 3, State Academy of Art and Design Stuttgart, 2010.


, . .

Metal archeological objects-active corrosion and

methods of stabilization
In the process of metal archeological objects a great problem is continual process
of corrosion caused by accumulation of salt during the period when the object was in the
archeological context (ground, sea water, etc.). In the first part of the paper the problem of
active corrosion is considered with special emphasis on corrosion occurrence after excavation that is the period after the conservation. There is a scheme of simplified mechanisms
and models which follow process of active corrosion with archeological objects made of
iron and alloy of copper, including consideration about a very important role of corrosion
stimulate-chloride ions (aggressive kinds which influence the occurrence of active corrosion at iron and copper) and compounds which take part in cyclic process of active corrosion. At archeological objects made of lead the consideration refers to the influence of
organic acids (vinegars and ants) Apart from that an important segment of preventive
conservation which refers to recognition early phases of destructive, active corrosion is
shown (regular visual check-up of objects, simple tests) as a vital part of their protection.
The second part of the paper refers to basic principles, methods, identification and optimization of parameters of the stabilization process (active and passive) as one of the biggest
challenges for the conservators. An image is shown of possible stabilization methods starting from the passive ones (adjusting ambient conditions and providing adequate conditions for storing and exhibiting of objects) to the active ones which refer to extraction,
transformation or isolation in situ of unstable chemical compounds responsible for cyclic
process of corrosion. A separate part is devoted to extraction of chloride by method of
sinking of objects in solutions (desalination). A basic principle of this method is shown
together with a review of possible solution combinations which are used for this purpose
in the world and in our country.
Slobodan BOGOJEVIC, engineer of technology


Les objets archologiques mtalliques-la corrosion

active et les mthodes de stabilisation
Dans le processus de conservation des objets archologiques mtalliques, un grand
problme reprsente le processus continuel de corrosion provoqu par laccumulation de
sels durant la priode lors de laquelle lobjet passa son temps dans le contexte archologique
(terre, eau de mer, etc). Dans la premire partie, ltude traite du problme de corrosion
active avec un accent particulier sur son apparence aprs la fouille, cest--dire la priode
suivant la conservation. On donne une reprsentation des mcanismes et des modles simplifis qui suivent le processus de corrosion active chez les objets en fer et en alliage de
cuivre, y compris les prises en considration concernant le rle trs important des ions de
chlorure-stimulateurs corrosifs (espces agressives qui ont de linfluence sur le phnomne
de corrosion active chez le fer et le cuivre) et les composs qui participent au processus
cyclique de corrosion active. Chez les objets lmentaires archologiques, la prise en considration se rapporte sur linfluence des acides organiques (actique et formique). En dehors
de cela, dans cet crit, un segment important de la conservation prventive est prsent, qui
concerne la reconnaissance des phases prcoces de corrosion active destructive (contrle
visuel rgulier des objets, tests simples), comme partie vitale de leur protection. La deuxime partie de ltude traite des principes lmentaires, des mthodes, de lidentification
et de lorganisation des paramtres du processus de stabilisation (active et passive), comme
un des plus grands dfis pour les conservateurs. Une prsentation des mthodes possibles
de stabilisation est donne, en partant des passives (accomodation des conditions environnementales et obtention des conditions adquates pour la prservation et lexposition des
objets) jusquaux actives qui concernent lextraction, la transformation ou lisolation in situ
des composs chimiques instables responsables du processus de corrosion cyclique.
Une partie part est consacre lextraction du chlorure par la mthode de plongement des objets dans des solutions (dessalement). Le principe essentiel de cette mthode est
prsent avec le sommaire de toutes les combinaisons possibles des solutions qui sutilisent
ces fins dans le monde et chez nous.


a 1
ooj aao eea
( Marie Berducou, . ., 179)

a 2
Te aoj oo ( Mourey Wiliam, La Conservation des Antiquites Mtalliques, L.C.R.R.A., Draguignan, 1987, 18)

Tae 1
eaj oa o eea
(o aa)





5 x 10-3









a 3
oo - (
Marie Berducou, . ., 212)



, ,
17 ,




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2011. : ,
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100 ,
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a .


340 234 - .
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, 20 .
, ( 347

Ma - (1 )
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. 10 (



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( ).

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- ra


, 5 8. 2011.
(XVI-X )). Ottoman pipes from National Museum aak Collection.

(28-29. )
, ,

( ,
, )).



27. 28.
( ).

( ).
3D .

, XIX XX .
, , , ,
, , , ,
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. 300 .
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, 1804-1918. 55
- 2011.
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( , 1831-1870,



, 1839, ),
( ),
( ) ( 1874. 1875,
1871 1872. 1863). 600
( ,
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( -),
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60 .

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