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Questions 1-4
Choose the best word to complete the sentence.
Pilih perkataan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat beriut.
1. I have never met my .. who is my uncles son.
A brother-in-law
C cousin
! brother
". #hairul is spinning a
A kite
C skateboard
! shuttlecock
$. Chickens are kept in a ..
A hutch
C coop
! cage
%. &e can get in'ormation about places to visit 'rom a ..
A pamphlet
C receipt
! bill
Questions 5-7
(ead the te)t and choose the best phrase 'or each o' the pictures given.
aca petikan dan pilih rangkai kata yang terbaik bagi setiap gambar yang diberi.
Carol and her 'amily celebrate Christmas. *hey are .
+ , -

because they will be celebrating Christmas on the o'
!ecember. *here are many
placed under the Christmas tree.
,. A cleaning the living room
decorating the christmas tree
C hanging the curtain
.. A 'i'teenth
twenty 'i'th
C twenty 'ive
/. A colour'ul candles
delicious home-made biscuits
C beauti'ully wrapped presents
Questions 8-10
Choose the best answer 'or each o' the pictures given.
Pilih 0awapan yang terbaik bagi setiap gambar yang diberi.
A *he scout is boiling some water.
*he scout is cooking some rice.
C *he scout is baking a cake.
A *he man is cutting the plant with a cleaver.
*he man is trimming the hedge with a pair o' shears.
C *he man is chopping the tree with an a)e.
A A4man is transporting sacks o' animal 'eed in a wheelbarrow.
A4man is carrying the milk container in a car.
C A4man is taking out a sack o' animal 'eed 'rom the store.
Questions 11-15
Choose the best answer to 'it the situation shown in the picture.
Pilih 0awapan yang terbaik bagi situasi dalam gambar.
11. A Please come in.
5ou are welcome.
C *hank you6 Pn. Anisah.
! 7ope to see you again.
1". A I doubt it.
I am really sure.
C Im sorry6 I cant.
! I dont drink co''ee.
1$. A Can I have my change8
9ay I have a packet o' salt8
C &here is the receipt8
! *hank you 'or the salt.
1%. A :obody goes there.
&hen are you leaving8
C Its a bit cra4y6 isnt it8
! Congratulation; 5ouve won the 'irst
1,. A Im sorry.
5ou asked 'or it.
C !ont yell at me.
! I didnt know it was yours.
Questions 16-20
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat-ayat berikut.
16 Te s!ooter "oes not be#on$ to%%% It is &' broter(s.

) is
* &e
C ers
+ &ine
17 ,ou%%%..#ook !are-u##' be-ore !rossin$ te roa".

) !annot
* &i$t
C .ou#"
+ sou#"

18 Sa#i&/ +i" 'ou $i0e )nuar te book1
(amli< 5es6 to him yesterday.

) give
* gave
C given
+ giving
12 3' 4arents a0e $one out%%%.. I a0e to #ook a-ter &' #itt#e sister.
) as
* or
C be!ause
+ so
20 Te -e&a#e #ions %%%.a-ter teir !ubs.
) #ook
* #ooks
C #ooke"
+ #ookin$
Questions 21
Choose the word that has the sa&e &eanin$ as the word underlined.
"1 *he tall building has twenty storeys.
A low
C huge
! high
Questions 22-23
Choose the answer with correct s4e##in$.
"". =omeand ducks are eating grains.
A terkeys
C turkies
! turkiys
"$. *he at =epilok in =andakan.
A santuary
C sanctuary
! sanctuery
Questions 24-25
Choose the sentence with the correct 4un!tuation.
Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tan"a ba!a yang betul.
24 A >h; &hat a beauti'ul dress.
>h6 what a beauti'ul dress;
C oh8 &hat a beauti'ul dress;
! >h8 &hat a beauti'ul dress.
25 ) 9other cooked 'ish curry< 'ried broccoli and buttered rice 'or lunch.
* 9other cooked 'ish curry6 'ried broccoli and buttered rice 'or lunch.
C 9other cooked 'ish curry6 'ried broccoli6 and6 buttered rice 'or lunch.
+ 9other cooked ?ish Curry6 ?ried roccoli and uttered (ice 'or lunch.
Questions 26-30
ased on the picture6 choose the best answer to 'ill in the blanks in the passage that 'ollows.
erdasarkan gambar6 pilih 0awapan yang terbaik untuk diisikan pada tempat kosong dalam teks
yang berikutnya.

=andra goes to gotong - royong with her 'ather at the community centre. *he residents
o' the nearby 0oin them. . men cleaning the clogged drain.
+ ". - + "/ -
>ne o' the man uses a . to clear the rubbish 'rom the drain. *he village
+ "1 -
headman . one o' the residents are discussing about the campaign.
+ "2 -
*hey very satis'ied with their work6
+ $3 -
".. A city
C open dumps
! housing estate
"/. A 9uch
A little
C =everal
"1. A rake
C cleaver
! wheelbarrow
"2. A because
C and
! so
$3. A is
C was
! were
Questions 31-35
(ead the newspaper report below care'ully and answer the @uestions that 'ollow.
aca laporan akbar di bawah dengan teliti dan 0awab soalan-soalan berikutnya.
ALOR STAR, Tues - Farmer Jailani Yahya and his family members have not been
feeling ell lately be!ause they have to drin" ater dran from a dirty ell# Jailani,
$%, said the ater in the ell had turned dar" after the floods# The ell outside his
house &am'ung To" (at is !ontaminated ith !o dung and fertilisers ashed
aay from a neighbouring estate#
) The ater is yello# (y family has no other !hoi!e but to drin" ater from
the ell as * !annot afford 'i'ed ater# (y ife and !hildren are suffering from
fever on and off,+ said the father of five !hildren aged beteen four and ,- years
Jailani and his family had been using the ater from the ell for the 'ast ,.
years for drin"ing, ashing and !oo"ing# The village headman &arim /asir said that
about nine households in the area ere affe!ted by flash floods after a ne
drainage system as introdu!ed at the rubber estate four months ago# &arim had
!om'lained to the estate oner and the authorities and ho'ed that they ould loo"
into the matter#
0illager Side" *brahim, %., said he lost .1 !hi!"ens and ,2 goats# 3e suffered
losses amounting to R( 2,%11# 3e also ho'e that the authorities ill do something
about it#
$1. &hat problem is the villagers o' #ampung *ok 9at 'acing 8
A 7eavy rain
Piped water shortage
C Contaminated well water
! Irresponsible village head
$". &hat is the cause o' the 'lood in #ampung *ok 9at 8
A (ain 'or the past 1" years
*he dark water 'rom the well
C A new drainage system at a neighbouring estate
! Cow dung and 'ertilisers 'rom a nearby rubber estate
$$. &ho is =idek Ibrahim 8
A *he village headman o' #ampung *ok 9at
A 'ather o' 'ive children aged between si) and "3 years old
C A 'armer who had su''ered losses amounting to (9 $6,33 in the 'lood
! A villager whose wi'e and children are su''ering 'rom 'ever
$%. &hat have the villagers done to solve the problem 8
A *hey have started using piped water
*hey have made complaints
C *hey have built a canal in the estate
! *hey have introduced new drainage system
$,. *he e)pression on and o'' means
A not at all
C all the times
! occasionally
Questions 36-40
(ead the te)t below and answer the @uestions that 'ollow.
aca teks di bawah dan 0awab soalan-soalan berikutnya.
*O3*)5)I 6I55 IN S)*)6
ombalai 7ill is located in *awau :ational Park. It is about "% km 'rom *awau. It is
'amous 'or its 'lora and 'auna. *he park is one o' the least 're@uented by travellers to =abah.
ombalai 7ill is a relatively young volcanic cone and the remains o' the central crater6
which can still be seen on the summit. Aegetation to see are the lowland !ipterocarp 'orest.
?lora and 'auna6 such as orchids are easily 'ound.
&ildli'e is common but luck and patience is needed6 as animals are shy and are not
eas' to see. >ccasional sightings o' (ed Bea' 9onkeys and long C tailed 9aca@ues6 and less
common but the beauti'ul Diant *ree =@uirrel6 and the ?orest *ortoise.
$.. &here is ombalai 7ill located8
A *awau
Centre o' =abah
C *awau :ational Park
$/. ombalai 7ill is 'amous 'or its ..
A marine li'e
orang utan
C open ba4aar
! 'lora and 'auna
$1. &hy are the animals di''icult to be seen 8 *hey are
A shy
C play'ul
$2. *hese are the animals that could be seen in ombalai 7ill e7!e4t
A >rang Etan
?orest *ortoise
C (ed Bea' 9onkeys
! Diant *ree =@uirrel
%3. *he phrase not eas' to see in the te)t can be replaced with
A easily ound
beauti'ully seen
C hardly 'ound

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