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Jamal Murchison

Ms. Linda Hofmann

Research Proposal

1. I am currently researching tailored education systems. For my inquiry question I have asked the
question, how is a tailored education system beneficial to American students? So how is this
researchable? I find it very interesting. The research done could also be helpful to the school

2. Questions

1. Is there a problem with the American education system?
2. Are there any schools in America with a tailored curriculum?
3. How successful is a tailored curriculum?
4. Is some aspect of traditional education similar to a tailored education?
5. Why exactly would tailored education become dominant in America?
6. Who does a curriculum change affect other than students?
7. Would implementation be a problem?
8. Where would funding come from?
9. How is a tailored curriculum structured?
10. With a change in the curriculum, how do teachers adjust and teach effectively?

3. Coming in, I already view the tailored curriculum in a positive way. I believe that it would be very
helpful if the curriculum was tailored to students. Why? In the past, I have had only positive
experiences with tailored education. In high school, my junior and senior years were tailored to
whatever interested me. As a result, I enjoyed going to school. My grades for those two years
were just as good as my grades for freshman and sophomore year. After I graduated, I always
wondered how things would be if everyone had the same experience as me.

4. So far Ive found extremely helpful information. In the beginning, my research was based on the
tailored schools in the United Kingdom. I thought that a comparison of traditional education and
tailored education would be interesting. After searching the internet, I found a school system in
the United States that offers a tailored curriculum. The new found information gave me a
chance to restructure my topic. The school system is called, Big Picture Learning. Since finding
this information, Ive only began to think of more questions. Instead of a comparison between
two countries and there education systems, I can now compare traditional education to any
other schools that I find in America. This will only help me to see the true benefits of a tailored
education system.

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