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The bar chart compares two educational types in terms of the number of

students in three school years by gender.

Overall, it is clear that full-time education was more popular than part-time
education. In addition, the number of students studied par-time saw an increase in
both genders, while only female full-time students increased.
In school year 1970-1971, female full-time students were around 1000 people and
this figure decreased by 200 in the next decade. And there was a slight rise of 500
female students in the next ten years 1990-1991. By contrast, after school year
1970-1971, male students followed full-time education totaled just around 700
people, the figures for female reached around 1100 in school year 1990-1991, a
rise of 400 students.
In part-time education area, the figures for male doubled the figures for female in
1970-1971, while after 10 years the number of females was higher than the number
of males (100 males and around 110 females). Still school year 1990-1991, the
number of students in both genders was equal.

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