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8 Stages of Psychosocial
Ch. 8, 9 & 10
Stage 1- Infancy
A. Birth to 1 year
Trust vs. Mistrust
Major life event: Feeding

If needs are not met, infant
May become aggressive and
Uncooperative. May show a
Decreased interest in the environment
Stage 2: Toddler
A. Ages 1-3
B. Developmental tasks:
potty training
social independence
Sense of autonomy-
need to control
impulses, body,
C. Autonomy vs.

Stage 3: Preschool
A. 3-6 years
B. Developmental tasks
1. initiate play with other
2. make-believe
3. ask questions
4. Learn initiative and
independence- the
ability to start something
on their own.
C. Initiative vs. Guilt
Stage 4: Late Childhood
A. 6 to 12 years
B. Developmental Tasks
1. learn physical skills for
sports, games, etc.
2. intellectually- learn to read,
write, do math
3. learn right from wrong
4. develop attitudes towards
themselves and others.
5. develop sense of industry-
make things- cookies,
models, etc.
C. Industry vs. Inferiority

Stage 5: Adolescence
A. Ages 12-18
B. Life Event: Peer
C. Conflict: Identity vs. Role Confusion
D. Developmental tasks: trying out new roles,
making choices about an occupation, creating
a self image separate from parents

Stage 6: Young Adulthood
A. 19-40 years
B. Conflict: Intimacy vs. Isolation
C. Major Life Event: Love and Relationships
D. Developmental Tasks: make personal
commitment to others and share life events.
Stage 7- Middle Adulthood
A. 40-65 years
B. Generativity vs. Stagnation
C. Start thinking in terms of what to do with the rest of their lives.
D. Feeling that time is running out
E. Start to face death of parents
F. Mid-life crisis common- divorce, career change, remarriage
1. some have not accepted middle age- can lead to problems
2. Their children may be going through adolescence, during this
time which can add to conflict.
Stage 8- Late Adulthood
A. 65 and older
B. Ego Integrity vs. Despair
C. Retirement common
D. Measures of Age
1. Chronological- How old you
actually are
2. Biological- how well your
body is holding up-
influenced by diet, exercise,
lifestyle, heredity
3. Social- a persons lifestyle
G. Grandchildren become
H. Must face death

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