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name: !

"#$% ''''()*
ConLenL Lxceeds 1/1 MeeLs 1/1 uoes noL MeeL 0/1
1he ls clever, orlglnal and caLchy,
uses one of Lhe four Lechnlques
(alllLeraLlon, pun, exclamaLlon,
ryhme), refelcLs Lhe message,
uses a sub headllne Lo clarlfy lf
necessary, and ls approprlaLe for
Lhe audlence.
1he headllne uses one of Lhe four
Lechnlques (alllLeraLlon, pun,
exclamaLlon, ryhme), refelcLs Lhe
message, uses a sub headllne Lo
clarlfy lf necessary, and ls
approprlaLe for Lhe audlence.
noL much LhoughL was puL lnLo
Lhe headllne, no Lechnlque was
used (alllLeraLlon, pun,
exclamaLlon, ryhme), lL ls noL
orlglnal, does noL clearly reflecL
Lhe message and/or does noL
have a clarlfylng sub-headllne.
1he lllusLraLlon ls compleLely
orlglnal, clever, clearly relaLed Lo
Lhe lnLended message, and
approprlaLe for Lhe lnLended
1he lllusLraLlon ls compleLely
orlglnal, relaLed Lo Lhe lnLended
message, and approprlaLe for Lhe
lnLended audlence.
1he lllusLraLlon uses found lmages
LhaL are noL manlpulaLed enough
Lo be orlglnal, does noL reflecL Lhe
lnLended message, and/or ls noL
approprlaLe for Lhe lnLended
8ody Copy
1he body copy ls well wrlLLen,
has no grammaLlcal or spelllng
errors, conLalns one clLed facL or
sLaLlsLlc, and reflecLs Lhe
lnLended message of Lhe SA.
1he body copy ls well wrlLLen,
has few grammaLlcal or spelllng
errors, conLalns one clLed facL or
sLaLlsLlc, and reflecLs Lhe
lnLended message of Lhe SA.
1he body copy ls unclear, ls Loo
shorL, has spelllng and
grammaLlcal errors, has no
sLaLlsLlc, and/or does noL reflecL
Lhe lnLended message.
Call Lo AcLlon/
1he call Lo acLlon uses a real
organlzaLlon, and conLalns Lhe
approprlaLe conLacL lnformaLlon
and logo.
1he call Lo acLlon uses a real
organlzaLlon, and conLalns Lhe
approprlaLe conLacL lnformaLlon
and logo.
1he call Lo acLlon ls noL lncluded,
or ls noL real, or does noL conLaln
Lhe approprlaLe conLacL lnfo.
ueslgn Lxceeds 1/1 MeeLs 1/1 uoes noL MeeL 0/1
1he headllne ls Lhe flrsL noLlcable
LexL, ls ledglble, ls vlsually
appeallng, and uses an
approprlaLe fonL, and ls overall
approprlaLe for Lhe deslgn.
1he headllne ls Lhe flrsL noLlcable
LexL, ls ledglble, ls somewhaL
vlsually appeallng, and uses an
approprlaLe fonL, and ls overall
approprlaLe for Lhe deslgn.
1he headllne may noL be
noLlcable, ls hard Lo read, has noL
been deslgned ln any manner, ls
noL vlsually approprlaLe for Lhe
overall deslgn.
1he lllusLraLlon ls vlsually
sLrlklng, makes good use of
space, and ls approprlaLe for Lhe
overall deslgn.
1he lllusLraLlon makes good use
of space, and ls approprlaLe for
Lhe overall deslgn.
1he lllusLraLlon ls unappeallng
(choppy cuLs, plxelaLed, blurry,
eLc), ls hard Lo declpher, and/or
may noL be approprlaLe for Lhe
overall deslgn.
8ody Copy
8ody copy ls leglble, ls an
approprlaLe fonL for Lhe overall
deslgn, ls an approprlaLe slze,
and ls approprlaLely placed.
8ody copy ls leglble, ls an
approprlaLe fonL for Lhe overall
deslgn, ls an approprlaLe slze,
and ls approprlaLely placed.
1he body copy ls hard Lo read, noL
an approprlaLe fonL for Lhe deslgn
andmessage, and ls noL well
Call Lo AcLlon/
Call Lo acLlon/slgnaLure ls
approprlaLely slzed and placed .
Call Lo acLlon/slgnaLure ls
approprlaLely slzed and placed .
Call Lo AcLlon/SlgnaLure noL
approprlaLely slzed/placed.
Cverall ueslgn
1he color paleLLe ls llmlLed,
marglns and allgnmenL are
conslsLenL LhroughouL, no more
Lhan 3 fonLs used. 2/2pLs
1he color paleLLe ls somewhaL
llmlLed, marglns and allgnmenL
are somewhaL conslsLenL , no
more Lhan 3 fonLs used. 1/2pLs
Color paleLLe ls noL llmlLed, Lhere
are no marglns or lnconslsLenL
allgnmenL, Loo many fonLs. 0/2 pL
+,- +".#/0 1/.234 567028

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